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View Full Version : does this firework have a rewrap with another company that is cheaper?

01-06-2020, 10:57 AM
this is pretty cool, but i am hoping it has a rewrap with a cheaper case cost, can anyone help me? thanks in advance


01-06-2020, 11:45 AM
I don't get the logic ? If it's 10 dollars cheaper in Indiana and you live in Ohio? What am I missing ?

01-06-2020, 01:02 PM
I don't get the logic ? If it's 10 dollars cheaper in Indiana and you live in Ohio? What am I missing ?

right now i am just trying to get things for as little as possible, even if it's only a few bucks. i'm getting as much info as i can about whatever comes up, so when i do get money, i won't make that many mistakes, and it won't take as long to make a list. there is also the the option to drive to locations (as long as they're not too far) which would be up to my driver. lol

but anyway, i do this stuff all the time with almost everything. want to get as much info as possible. to get it a few bucks cheaper overall. when i spent my money from 76 a decade or so ago, i messaged customer support almost every day with 6-12 questions on various subjects for what seemed like 6 months. so i just research what comes to mind. i have 6 or 7 excel spread sheets made from all the fireworks companies i have found and some more book marked. and then the process begins from my dream list, to cutting them down to what i can afford. the main purpose is to see the name and effect of the firework in the vid, and see if i can't find a rewrap that is cheaper. lf i can't then i'll just get the one on 76. it's price shopping i'm doing, only instead of trying to find the same exact product on the shelf (brand, shots, etc.) i am asking for the same thing (or close) to the one in the video. this is just like the one topic on that lists what fireworks are the same effects, just different brand and label. sorry for the confusion

01-06-2020, 04:10 PM
Appears to be similar to Energizer Battery by WiseGuy:


01-06-2020, 04:24 PM
Icooclast, Black Cat has the same thing, but the wholesaler I was looking at doesn't sell it for much more. Another wholesaler sells the same thing, but only a little cheaper. Honestly, I think you'd have to buy alot of fireworks to get a better price.

01-06-2020, 04:25 PM
In a way it's like buying generic meds over brand name. Why pay top dollar when you can get the same thing for less under a different label.

01-06-2020, 07:29 PM
right now i am just trying to get things for as little as possible, even if it's only a few bucks. i'm getting as much info as i can about whatever comes up, so when i do get money, i won't make that many mistakes, and it won't take as long to make a list. there is also the the option to drive to locations (as long as they're not too far) which would be up to my driver. lol

but anyway, i do this stuff all the time with almost everything. want to get as much info as possible. to get it a few bucks cheaper overall. when i spent my money from 76 a decade or so ago, i messaged customer support almost every day with 6-12 questions on various subjects for what seemed like 6 months. so i just research what comes to mind. i have 6 or 7 excel spread sheets made from all the fireworks companies i have found and some more book marked. and then the process begins from my dream list, to cutting them down to what i can afford. the main purpose is to see the name and effect of the firework in the vid, and see if i can't find a rewrap that is cheaper. lf i can't then i'll just get the one on 76. it's price shopping i'm doing, only instead of trying to find the same exact product on the shelf (brand, shots, etc.) i am asking for the same thing (or close) to the one in the video. this is just like the one topic on that lists what fireworks are the same effects, just different brand and label. sorry for the confusion

If I'm reading this correctly you messaged Spirit of 76 fireworks 6 to 12 times "Almost Every Day" to develop some sort of research at their time and expense. And now you want to undercut Spirit of 76 by trying to find their products elsewhere across of the country in an attempt to save a few dollars. And this plan is only going to work if all of this coincidentally ends up being product that is located within a reasonable driving distance for you? Its all sounds like the logic of a 13 year old. You certainly can play these games if you wish. You just can't play it all here on the pyrotalk forums. You mention something about "When I do get the money" Go out and earn some extra fireworks money and buy now during the winter months from most any distributor if you want some savings. You are also abusing Spirit of 76 customer service messaging them 6 to 12 questions daily.

01-07-2020, 09:20 AM
If I'm reading this correctly you messaged Spirit of 76 fireworks 6 to 12 times "Almost Every Day" to develop some sort of research at their time and expense. And now you want to undercut Spirit of 76 by trying to find their products elsewhere across of the country in an attempt to save a few dollars. And this plan is only going to work if all of this coincidentally ends up being product that is located within a reasonable driving distance for you? Its all sounds like the logic of a 13 year old. You certainly can play these games if you wish. You just can't play it all here on the pyrotalk forums. You mention something about "When I do get the money" Go out and earn some extra fireworks money and buy now during the winter months from most any distributor if you want some savings. You are also abusing Spirit of 76 customer service messaging them 6 to 12 questions daily.

no, the times i called 76 was 10 years ago, i'm just trying to explain that i like to get all the info i can. and i did order from them that year, almost $8k in fireworks. i was just trying to explain that i am one of those people who have to have as much info as possible

01-07-2020, 09:31 AM
no, the times i called 76 was 10 years ago, i'm just trying to explain that i like to get all the info i can. and i did order from them that year, almost $8k in fireworks. i was just trying to explain that i am one of those people who have to have as much info as possible

if you need me to explain it better, i'll try. sorry, i am not always able to articulate/explain my thought process. please except my apologies if i've frustrated or angered you.

01-07-2020, 09:40 AM
I've tried this before and it just isnt worth my or others time. I factor a lot of things, what my time is worth, what is the wholesalers time worth, I ask a lot of questions too. But I try to keep them to the point and do my legwork first so I'm not asking questions I can answer myself. Heck, I just reached out to my wholesaler to find out about price/product lists and their bulk discount. I know its early, but asking those questions early gives me ample time to figure everything out for myself, and hop on here if I'm stumped. Surely this forum is great for questions like yours, I just hope it wouldn't become a constant thing. In my experience, a lot of these companies are giving us great deals wholesale, often 70% or more off retail, and incentivize us to be loyal through additional discount tiers. I am more than happy to pay a little more to support the place I shop, even if somewhere nearby has it a little cheaper. Often we forget the love of pyro has a lot to do with the people we do it with and who we do it for. Putting a few extra dollars, even when it adds up, into the pockets of these companies seems only fair and right to me. Its whatever floats your boat. Especially here in Ohio, we are fairly lucky to have the companies that we do around here. I understand where you're coming from trying to save where you can. But if you're spending a lot, getting wholesale pricing and additional discounts, my only question is, when will you be satisfied with the prices you get?

01-07-2020, 10:10 AM
I've tried this before and it just isnt worth my or others time. I factor a lot of things, what my time is worth, what is the wholesalers time worth, I ask a lot of questions too. But I try to keep them to the point and do my legwork first so I'm not asking questions I can answer myself. Heck, I just reached out to my wholesaler to find out about price/product lists and their bulk discount. I know its early, but asking those questions early gives me ample time to figure everything out for myself, and hop on here if I'm stumped. Surely this forum is great for questions like yours, I just hope it wouldn't become a constant thing. In my experience, a lot of these companies are giving us great deals wholesale, often 70% or more off retail, and incentivize us to be loyal through additional discount tiers. I am more than happy to pay a little more to support the place I shop, even if somewhere nearby has it a little cheaper. Often we forget the love of pyro has a lot to do with the people we do it with and who we do it for. Putting a few extra dollars, even when it adds up, into the pockets of these companies seems only fair and right to me. Its whatever floats your boat. Especially here in Ohio, we are fairly lucky to have the companies that we do around here. I understand where you're coming from trying to save where you can. But if you're spending a lot, getting wholesale pricing and additional discounts, my only question is, when will you be satisfied with the prices you get?

you make a good point. and i ask you, have i asked too many questions on here? i don't think i've been asking too many questions on here. and i wouldn't think of asking that many questions. but that was my first purchase of fireworks online that was going to be delivered to my house, i wanted to make sure i understood everything about their shipping and lots of other things. i don't want to make a mistake on anything. and he didn't mind at all. he even contacted me 3 times up ito june to see how i was enjoying the fireworks. he was shocked when i told him i hadn't lit any yet and was saving them for the 4th. he thought i had the patience of a saint, because i placed my order some time in Feb. so, if he didn't seem to mind, why should anyone else? and don't worry, i had no intention of doing that here just a question every now and then, maybe not even that much.

01-07-2020, 11:26 AM
you also have to think that this was a little over 10 years ago (like 07 or something) so, not a lot of info was easily available to search, if you didn't quite know what to search for. which was my main problem. a couple of weeks after my order from 76 is when i found pyro universe (they're terrible) and i found myself getting flamed just because i didn't do everything exactly the way they would have or asked something they thought i should have known already. but back then (and still) i had never fused fireworks, had racks, etc. to do a show. it's always been pick up a few things, take them and light them. so, that is why i still rely on you guys, because i have no experience in doing an actual show, or using firing systems, talons, etc. and back then 76 had a few vids on line, but i didn't think of using you tube, so a lot of stuff i bought on a risk that i wouldn't like it. but we had so many people lighting fireworks individually at one time, that no cake really looked or sounded bad. that's why i asked him a crap ton of questions, i knew little-to nothing about purchasing that many fireworks. and now i appreciate all the advice i have been given and have read on the site.it is really better here than pyro universe.

01-07-2020, 12:08 PM
I understand wanting to save money and I shop around too but ultimately you're not going to save a lot of money by shopping at many different stores buying a few items here and there. If you want to save a lot of money, buy wholesale and in bulk from 1 seller, and you'll get much better pricing than if you buy a single item here and there from mutliple sellers. Not only that but you'll save a lot of time and money researching and driving to stores. I now do group buys, and the only time I buy product from multiple sellers, is when my main seller doesn't carry a particular item I need.

01-08-2020, 10:47 AM
You should definitely ask questions on here, I have a history of asking questions as many do. That's what is great about the forum. I didnt mean for anything to sound bad, nor did I mean to say dont ask questions, I was just kind of throwing out my perspective on the matter. Everyone has their own way of doing things. We all want the best bang for our buck. I cant guarantee that your preferred seller will have it cheaper in the future. But I can guarantee they have less of a chance to reduce a price if you dont support them. Just take it as devil's advocate and us considering variables that you may not be. And everything is done with the best interest of all parties. Not to hurt or put down anyone in any way. Hopefully this clears up my wording. The lack of human contact(internet) can take away the meaning behind what we say so just know that you have my respect as a fellow pyro, and whether we agree or not on methodology, explaining your side is valuable to me.

01-08-2020, 12:49 PM
You should definitely ask questions on here, I have a history of asking questions as many do. That's what is great about the forum. I didnt mean for anything to sound bad, nor did I mean to say dont ask questions, I was just kind of throwing out my perspective on the matter. Everyone has their own way of doing things. We all want the best bang for our buck. I cant guarantee that your preferred seller will have it cheaper in the future. But I can guarantee they have less of a chance to reduce a price if you dont support them. Just take it as devil's advocate and us considering variables that you may not be. And everything is done with the best interest of all parties. Not to hurt or put down anyone in any way. Hopefully this clears up my wording. The lack of human contact(internet) can take away the meaning behind what we say so just know that you have my respect as a fellow pyro, and whether we agree or not on methodology, explaining your side is valuable to me.

now worries, man. and yes, it is hard to tell a lot of things when talking over the internet. after all it's just words on a screen. there's no body-language, voice tones, etc. thanks to everyone. :)