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View Full Version : Animal friendly fireworks...

10-30-2019, 01:26 AM
Im no activist... its not that kind of post.

In my country theres a significant amount of intolerance with respect to fireworks. Its impossible to set them off in a lot of suburbs.

I remember a brand being sold in the late 90s. Probably 1998 and 1999. It was called "animal friendly fireworks". The packaging lable had a stick figure dog ( like something you would see on a traffic sign) with a green tick mark across it.

They came in an assortment box with prerry much only fountains... but REALLY REALLY good fountains. The best i remember.

Does anyone remember or know of this brand and if it still exists?

Back in 98 retailers didnt need licenses to sell fireworks. Amy shop could. So we would often see them being sold at local grocery shops... impossible for me to contact a specific retailer now.

Fox One
11-27-2019, 12:14 AM
I don't know about "animal friendly" fireworks. I do remember when I was a teenager having a buddy who's dog absolutely went berserk over firecrackers. The dog didn't seem to care about whether you were lighting them off or not, he just wanted to grab a pack of them out of your hand and start chewing on them. Evidently he loved something about the smell/taste of the powder. We'd have to put him up before we could continue our pyro festivities. Anyone else ever see or have a dog that behaved in this manner?

11-27-2019, 01:06 AM
Not a dog, but a couple of years ago a raccoon raided my shed and devoured a well-kept 40/16 brick of Made in Macau Zebras while totally ignoring a 80/16 brick of 1.4G UN 0336 right next to it. Go figure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,