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View Full Version : American Pyrotechnic Association Election

09-05-2019, 08:10 PM
With this post I want to get the word out to any fireworks or fireworks related business that is a voting member of the American Pyrotechnic Association. There is an election for Board of Directors this month. These are the choices as reported to me.
1. Mike Baker, Jakes Fireworks
2. Chester Davis, Ches-Lee Enterprises
3. Phil Grucci, Fireworks by Grucci
4. Michael Lutz, Rozzi Inc.
5. Tad Trout, American Promotional Events
6. Steven Vitale, Pyrotecnico

These are the 6 candidates seeking 4 seats.
If you are a APA voting member , please consider casting a vote for Mike Baker from Jakes Fireworks. It is time to add a fresh voice to the APA Board of Directors. You ballet must be returned by September 13 , 2019. With many proposed governmental regulations being proposed or currently in limbo , this may be a critical election for the future of Consumer Fireworks.

09-05-2019, 08:45 PM
Just Seems interesting to me that 3 out of the 6 are display only companies. But "this may be a critical elction for the future of CONSUMER fireworks.
BTW - I am not a member of APA.
not familiar with Chester Davis - so not sure if his interest is display or consumer or both.

09-11-2019, 07:05 AM
Just Seems interesting to me that 3 out of the 6 are display only companies. But "this may be a critical elction for the future of CONSUMER fireworks.
BTW - I am not a member of APA.
not familiar with Chester Davis - so not sure if his interest is display or consumer or both.

looks like he has a stake in both.. a quick search found that he is the owner of a chain of consumer firework stores in texas.. but they also put on display shows... and he was already president of the apa at one time.. hopefully we get some good people in there to stand up for the consumer market!!!