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View Full Version : a diffferent kind of Niagra

11-07-2011, 01:10 AM
Hi all,

This is a different NIAGRA manufactured by HAMEED fireworks of JAIPUR... Jaipur isalso a tourist attraction in India....

Let me know what is the difference in chemicals used that the ambers which fall run around like small pearls


copper acetoarsenite
09-29-2012, 11:40 AM
it appear almost like a fast burning senko hanabi effect but with aluminum flakes perhaps...it has 'metalic' sparks that are very drossy...but a 'senko hanabi burning characteristic suggesting coalesscence....My guess would be some ratio of KNO3, AL, S orSb2S3..and most likely charcoal...it's rythm reminds me of one of my favorite Gene Kupa solos...http://www.drummerworld.com/Videos/genekrupadrumsolo47.html
the eaxct ratio must be determined by microscale experimentation and using three component triangle diagrams or four component square diagrams...that's in general how all formulas can be reverse engineered...but you must have an in depth knowledge of the burning characteristics of the various fuels and oxidizers in combination as well as a knowledge of minimum solubility rule and the many pyrotechnic incompatabilities for safety sake...so you don't for example mix NHClO4 with something containing KClO3...or not treating your metals correctly...this is for safety sake...if you wish to experiment with your own formulas...i know from experience that sometimes substitutions must be made as well one must sometimes make their own formulation or adjust other's formulations in order to suit your specific needs...but doing so in an ignarant manner could mean you'll be in St. John's the Divine in no time!!! be very careful..and READ!!!!

copper acetoarsenite
09-30-2012, 10:58 PM
now that I think of it it could also be magnalium sparks, due to the branching...but I still feel it's aluminum...although I can't picture magnalium doing a bad job either...their seems to be more fuel than oxidizer in that formula, as the burn rate is quite slow...that's about all I can think of for now...charcoal may or maynot be present...it would increase the ignitabilty though, as would adding some S or antimony trisulphide...try starting KNO3 50 Charcoal 10 Sulfur or Sb2S3 10 Al flake 20 Al powder or atomized 10...just a intuitive guess though so don't sue me...lol