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View Full Version : Couple of questions about canister shell retail kits

07-18-2019, 09:49 AM
1. Is there a way to buy the canisters without the factory tubes?

2. Does anyone sell 12-24 packs of all the same effect?

3. Do all of the same packs from the same mfg contain the same effects?

Part of my goal is to be able to pick and choose particular effects to pair with each other or have multiples of the same effect fire simultaneously.

07-18-2019, 10:26 AM
I think 76 proline has single effect cans. As far as bulk shells with no tubes i heard that would classify them as 1.3 for some reason

07-18-2019, 10:44 AM
1. Yes, some wholesalers sell bulk shells (ie: canisters, no tubes) (I'm thinking of Brothers Smoke & Mirrors, Victory sells cases of 16/10, no tubes. Only down side is that the shells aren't labeled for effect)

2. Perhaps not packs of 12-24, but yes, single effect reloadable canister kits are available. Sometimes they'll include 1 tube with 8 canisters. (I'm thinking of SO76 Supernova kits)

3. My experience has been that kits from the same case have the same effects mixes. So if you purchase a case, you should be able to sort through and get 4-6 of each effect. (I'm thinking of World Class Excalibur kits)

07-18-2019, 05:23 PM
We asked the president of SO76 that very question and he told us they're not allowed to sell just the mortars without the tubes. For every 8 mortars they have to give you a tube. I can't swear to the exact reason why as this was a few years ago, but that's what we were told.

07-18-2019, 06:26 PM
Some importers were bringing canister shells in like this for a while and then assembling the kits here in United States. I believe this was an effort to get more product in the shipping container. I bought a few cases like this. To be honest it was not much cheaper. The regulators said they could continue to this as long as the product was imported as 1.3 and reclassified once it was in the states. Of course easier said than done. It appears the industry went back to importing with the mortars etc. You may still find a few cases of all shells out there still for sale. Back when they were assembling the kits, I never saw so many unhappy store employees. LOL All of their down time was spend putting cardboard kits together. I can still some of their frustration. LOL Last I heard the industry was trying to adjust the regulations to allow this sort of thing again and make it 1.4.