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View Full Version : Senator Tommy Tomlinson(R) to introduce restrictions on fireworks in PA.

07-14-2019, 04:09 PM
Link to his Facebook post about the new restrictions...


07-14-2019, 06:45 PM
I went to high school with a man that became a State of Pennsylvania Legislature. He told me this is usually the sort of thing you see a legislature do after an event of some sort. They "Introduce" a House Bill. Just because they "Introduced " it , it does not necessarily mean its going anywhere. It is political tactic to give the appearance that something is being done. Most people think because it was introduced , it means it will be law in 30 days. I soon as I read your post I was saying to myself I bet this is somewhere near Philadelphia. It looks like it is. I would not worry too much about it. Good job keeping an eye out.

07-14-2019, 06:48 PM
Thanks for the link Gene--here is a copy of my reply:

I am a senior citizen, a Viet Nam Vet, and I have been diagnosed with PTSD and I am also a BATF licensed Pyrotechnican. Fireworks are not the issue--tax hungry politicians, and people with "pampered pets" are the issue. Why can a dog serve in a war zone with no fear of the sound of IED's and artillery fire and the same breed of dog here cower in fear? Training and conditioning! This is America--we celebrate our independence with fireworks. Don't let the whining of a few destroy the will of the many like it has done in so many other areas of our society!!! The only prt of your talking points in this article that makes a smidgen of sense is "• Provide notice to consumers purchasing fireworks that there are state requirements for setbacks for use, permission to use property, timeframes for use, etc., and that there may be further municipal limitations.". People DO need to be aware of setback distances with regards to surrounding occupied structures. Don't coddle to the complainers!!!

I would encourage every other pyro on this Forum from PA to jump on this page and leave a comment!! Strength in numbers!

07-14-2019, 07:02 PM
Great reply, Joe!

07-15-2019, 04:45 PM
As Joe T has said - dogs can be conditioned. I have always had dogs. And they were all afraid of the fireworks. AND THUNDERSTORMS!!!! Deal with it pet owners! There are things on the market for pets nervousness.
As far as PTSD goes - i really don't know much about it. I wouldn't want to be in any soldiers shoes before, during, or after combat situations. Joe has handled his - actualy a therapy for him. I have a worker that helps from Time to time in shows....for him....just let him know about a show coming up - and he is FINE! And this same guy is also a EMT. So i am sure he has seen plenty!
Us senior citizens - me and hubby - this is bull crap. but then I am only 65 - not a 90 yr old either. I would hope Lord willing i live that long - i would take it all into stride. Now be warry of time restraints! Nothing in writing on fireworks laws - but all local municilatiles have some type of noise or nuisance ordinacnes - no worse than the neighbor loud stereo system. I even cringe when my neighbor is blasting off at 2 or 3 am!!!
And as far as being "introduced" - sometimes that is all the further it goes. They just simply respond to constiuents complaints.

07-15-2019, 05:36 PM
I read this and immediately the words of Mr. Spock came to mind. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

Having said that.... I don't go out of my way to be a PITA to anyone. I try to respect their needs and desires and I expect they will respond in kind. If you KNOW that there will be a fireworks show at 9pm on the 4th of July every year; and if that show/noise bothers you and/or your pet; you have an entire year to plan to be ANYWHERE ELSE on that 1 particular day of the year. But don't expect the entire pyro loving world to not enjoy themselves because YOU decide to stay put and be miserable. Not gonna happen.

07-17-2019, 03:15 PM
These politicians focus way to much on fireworks to the point where it becomes obsessive.
They need to focus on issues instead of opinions.

07-17-2019, 10:20 PM
I have dogs and PTSD and I can tell you one thing. Pampering pets is the real harm being done. They get used to it just like I did. I ran toward my fears not away from them! The problem is exactly this, people are conditioned to run and hide when they don't like something, this NEVER resolves their underlying misunderstanding or fear. People fear things they don't understand. As a pilot people tell me all the time your crazy for flying in those things but they can jump in the car and ride down the road 5 ft from death at all times and never think twice about it. At least when I'm in the air I'm in charge of my own destiny and have time to think if something goes wrong. People will always find ways to be confrontational and i seriously doubt they will do anything to limit fireworks in PA now that the tax revenue has begun flowing. One things for certain, politicians like their tax revenue!

Maybe someday these people with the terrified dogs will quite pampering them and help their dogs overcome their fears. Irrational ones at that.


07-18-2019, 07:15 AM
Thanks for the link Gene--here is a copy of my reply:

I am a senior citizen, a Viet Nam Vet, and I have been diagnosed with PTSD and I am also a BATF licensed Pyrotechnican. Fireworks are not the issue--tax hungry politicians, and people with "pampered pets" are the issue. Why can a dog serve in a war zone with no fear of the sound of IED's and artillery fire and the same breed of dog here cower in fear? Training and conditioning! This is America--we celebrate our independence with fireworks. Don't let the whining of a few destroy the will of the many like it has done in so many other areas of our society!!! The only prt of your talking points in this article that makes a smidgen of sense is "• Provide notice to consumers purchasing fireworks that there are state requirements for setbacks for use, permission to use property, timeframes for use, etc., and that there may be further municipal limitations.". People DO need to be aware of setback distances with regards to surrounding occupied structures. Don't coddle to the complainers!!!

I would encourage every other pyro on this Forum from PA to jump on this page and leave a comment!! Strength in numbers!

That's a great reply Joe.

08-07-2019, 02:39 PM
this guy is a douchebag

08-10-2019, 08:57 AM
Back a few years ago when the NH dealers were fighting a bill that would ban reloadables, we met with a group of Vietnam veterans at the state capital who supported the ban, claiming neighbors did not respect their conditions and never asked if they could shoot fireworks off in their neighborhood. We talked during lunch about their conditions and how the neighbors treated them...We only heard one side, but it was enough for our company to post this link on our websites, making consumers aware of the veterans conditions..


This was the least we could do for those men and women who put their lives on the line so we can have a Fourth of July...

08-10-2019, 04:15 PM
Back a few years ago when the NH dealers were fighting a bill that would ban reloadables, we met with a group of Vietnam veterans at the state capital who supported the ban, claiming neighbors did not respect their conditions and never asked if they could shoot fireworks off in their neighborhood. We talked during lunch about their conditions and how the neighbors treated them...We only heard one side, but it was enough for our company to post this link on our websites, making consumers aware of the veterans conditions..


This was the least we could do for those men and women who put their lives on the line so we can have a Fourth of July...

Thanks Mike! Do you mind if i send this to our state association members? Kellner - Phantom - TNT - Sky King etc.