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07-14-2019, 06:26 AM
Poured down rain all evening all my products were coverd quit about 9:45 pm i thought perfect soon as we uncovered everything it started again first 10 mins of show went perfect then it just stopped had to rip igniters of and try to hand light ruined about 40 cakes and 150 shells everyone loved the show but i was bummed

07-14-2019, 08:38 AM
You are not alone. Seems a lot of people dealt with rain this year. The more I hear the stories the more I fee your pain. I can't imagine putting all that time and money into a show and then have it ruined by rain. I have been so lucky it isn't funny. 5 years in a row, zero rain. I guess this means I need to do extra preparation for rain next year lol. Were you using Talons or Ematch? What was the cause of the no fires?

07-14-2019, 10:49 AM
I like to bag everything ahead of time and ahoot thru the bag i only wrapped my finale so just have to uncover that b4 shooting worked great poured on me bout all day setting up but out of 120 cakes only had 2 500g burn out half way (prob from water going down after bag popped and 5 or 6 200 gram cakes (out of bundles of 4 that fuse got wet befor lighting last cakes) sorry bout your 4th at least the crowd still had a good time rains wreaked alotta havoc this year

07-14-2019, 04:51 PM
Sorry to hear about your rain-out Gibby. Unfortunately, it's something we all can relate too. It will get better. Next year will be a comeback year for you. The good news is your guests liked it. So from that standpoint it was a success!!

07-17-2019, 09:11 AM
That sucks that you had that experience. Like Rob said above, definitely bag your cakes either individually of if you have a big bag you can do a cluster and then just shoot through the bag. My club foils the finale and then covers it during the day and right before the shoot, takes off the cover. This way it's still cover by foil. I hope your experience next year is better.

07-17-2019, 10:09 AM
Ive been plagued with rain every year up until this year, which was awesome. I too, like many others, feel your pain my friend. I would offer a suggestion that has always worked for me. Buy a roll of 6mil visqueen and cover each board with it. Its thick enough to stake down, weight down or whatever and durable enough to reuse for many years to come. I bought a box of 10ft wide by 100ft long and I think the price at Home Depot was $54. Even though it didnt rain and I didnt need it, I folded up the pieces of visqueen and put them in my garage to use for next year.

07-17-2019, 10:55 AM
I've seen recommendations (regarding poly film/visqueen) that you should stick with black/opaque film, otherwise you'll basically create a solar still and moisture will collect underneath the film potentially compromising fusing. (This is especially important when your setup is over grass/dirt, not as much as with concrete/pavement, though that latter can still have enough moisture to collect in the right conditions.