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View Full Version : Philadelphia Pyros, a new collective.

07-10-2019, 05:01 PM
I've decided to start a new collective of pyros from around the Philadelphia area since there is nothing really going on down this way for us. No membership really, its just to get together and partake in pyro things around the holidays and such if you dont feel like having to drive 3+ hours or more to the middle of the state or further for other group pyro things.

Check out the facebook page and give it a like. If you're from around the area and want to be a part of it just send a message to the pages inbox with what your pyro screen-name is here. We already have a good handful of people very excited about this. Thanks for looking!


https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/a128/KillaNinjaChuklz/0/125fa8f8-d8e6-46ff-9133-edb65418728f-original.png?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds (https://beta.photobucket.com/u/KillaNinjaChuklz/p/125fa8f8-d8e6-46ff-9133-edb65418728f)

01-25-2020, 12:19 AM
I am interested for the 4th, no facebook though. Do you guys coordinate what fireworks to buy, or is it more of an open mash up?