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View Full Version : Give your kids a hug.

10-20-2011, 10:57 PM
This post isn't about fireworks. I'm posting this because a good friend of mine has lost his 3 year old daughter this past weekend in a auto accident. You sometimes hear stories like this but when one hits close to home you have no idea the pain. Even thow it wasn't my child it still hurts beyond belief because you kids were friends of hers and your friends with the parents.
I've been to many of funerals over the years, but non like this one. The flowers are everywere and there is sounds of people crying through out the funeral home. Words can't describe what emotions were going through the parent of young Aubrey let along going through my family and I. Then when my family gets to the casket to pay your respect, our son asked ( load enough for most to hear) How long is Aubrey going to be sleeping because I want to go play with her? WHAT DO YOU DO THEN BESIDES TRY NOT TO COMPLETELY FALL APART?
It get even worse when you got to the church but I'm not going to go into that. To all that read this take 100 steps back and look at your loved ones and think of what I have posted about this tragedy. Don't say there is always tomorrow because one day there will not be one for someone.
In closing, give your kids or loved ones every spare minute you can. I'm the type of person that doesn't have a lot of spare time due to my job. Since this tragedy happened I'm trying to find more time and even thinking about getting a new job that isn't so demanding of my time.

10-20-2011, 11:04 PM
This is about as bad as it gets. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

10-20-2011, 11:10 PM
A parent should never out live there child. my daughter is 29 and i tell her everday i love you.god bless your friend and his family.

Pyro Nation
10-20-2011, 11:27 PM
There are no words you can say at the time... Prayers go out the the family on this

10-21-2011, 07:18 PM
Sorry Bro to your Friend and You and your family. This one Hit home I have young kids......

10-21-2011, 11:16 PM
Thanks everyone, the only reason why I started this thread is so that whom ever reads it can see how quick someones life can change. My friend stopped in today and we were talking about the accident and he said that she was in a car seat. The car seat kept her from being ejected from the car. I'm just thankful that she didn't feel a thing because all the trauma was internally. ( not a scratch on her) The other part that I didn't mention was that the parents were not driving the car. It was there neice who is 22 years old. For the neices sake I'm glad that it wasn't her fault in the accident.