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View Full Version : Finally One of the Cool Kids

05-17-2019, 04:41 AM
I've arrived!--and to prove it I'm here!

I first tried to enlist in this little company of the global pyro army about a month ago, but it kept telling me that registration was closed, so I gave up for a while. For some reason, I decided to try it again tonight, and I was admitted into the ranks!

So let me introduce myself--AxeElf, damn glad to meet ya!

I'm not a seasoned fireworks professional by any means, but I'm not a total novice, either. Hopefully I'll be able to learn at the feet of some of the more experienced pyros here, while still having a few relevant comments of my own to add.

See ya 'round...

05-17-2019, 05:07 AM
Welcome AxeElf - great place to learn. Where do you call home?

05-17-2019, 05:16 AM
Welcome AxeElf - great place to learn. Where do you call home?

Earth, for now...

05-17-2019, 07:12 AM
Welcome to the forum and great to meet you

Pyro Paul
05-17-2019, 08:34 AM
Welcome to Pyrotalk!

05-17-2019, 09:32 AM
Earth isn't a really good way to answer a legitimate question from a respected member of the forums.
Want to try again? If you want to be a part of the Forums you can't hide behind a tree.
Anyway, welcome to PyroTalk. What continent, country, and state is your geographical habitat located in???????

05-17-2019, 03:04 PM
Earth isn't a really good way to answer a legitimate question from a respected member of the forums.
Want to try again? If you want to be a part of the Forums you can't hide behind a tree.
Anyway, welcome to PyroTalk. What continent, country, and state is your geographical habitat located in???????

Wow. I thought "Earth" was a somewhat humorous way to deflect a question I'm not entirely comfortable answering upon my first visit to a new internet site, but if respecting a new member's privacy is going to offend you so greatly, then maybe this isn't the community for me after all.

Good day, sir.

05-17-2019, 06:33 PM
He is from Kansas, he will be back in 7 days.
You need to at least list what state you from to give you and this discussion forums some legitimacy. I do not want anonymous members destroying the credibility of the post and site. It in fact may not be the site for you. Usually when post start out weird like this it not good.

05-17-2019, 07:46 PM
I think he resides in Amsterdam now that Dave has given him a one way ticket Lol! I’m surprised your not getting a lot more of this since it looks like the “other”pyro site is out of business.

05-17-2019, 08:03 PM
I know when i 1st tried to sign up for pyrotalk registration was closed made me really appreciate it when i did get in

05-17-2019, 09:44 PM
Wow. I thought "Earth" was a somewhat humorous way to deflect a question I'm not entirely comfortable answering upon my first visit to a new internet site, but if respecting a new member's privacy is going to offend you so greatly, then maybe this isn't the community for me after all.

Good day, sir.

Axe - when you come back in 7 days - I did not mean any harm in asking. Just as you thought a humourous way to deflect ? - i asked as a way to get to know at least if nothing else the state or country. I meant no harm in ? Just ask anyone on here that actually knows me - I am a LADY pyro thru and thru!
BTW - was in Kansas last Sept for the NFA convention - very nice state - I have a niece and brother in law who lives there. :)

05-19-2019, 07:06 PM
Axe - when you come back in 7 days - I did not mean any harm in asking. Just as you thought a humourous way to deflect ? - i asked as a way to get to know at least if nothing else the state or country. I meant no harm in ? Just ask anyone on here that actually knows me - I am a LADY pyro thru and thru!
BTW - was in Kansas last Sept for the NFA convention - very nice state - I have a niece and brother in law who lives there. :)

Joyce--I don't think it was what you asked that got his panties in a twist as much as the way I called him out for it. I don't see anything wrong in asking where someone is from. Nobody asked for his city--or street address--or cell phone number. But when people--especially new people--ask questions about where-when-how--it helps to know where they are so their questions can be answered intelligently.
BTW--great to see you & George on Saturday. and thanks again for the very warm welcome for my "protege".

And directly to AxeElf---we are a diversified group of pyros with all levels of skill and experience from newbie to seasoned veteran. We are all here for each other. It helps to know the skill set of new members...So, if you choose to jump in the pond, we are all in here "chilling".

05-19-2019, 07:29 PM
I think some people have this fear that someone will be watching them and every single word they post when it comes to pyrotechnic forums.
Its really not that serious unless you're doing something wrong and blatantly showing it.

05-19-2019, 11:38 PM
Wooooooow. This thing went from 0 to stupid in record time! I agree with the rest of you. If you're offended by the question "where do you call home?" then this is probably the wrong place for you.

05-21-2019, 12:09 PM
Dilly Dilly!!!!