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05-15-2019, 07:07 PM
An article on a different way to spread the dearly departed's ashes....going out with a boom!


05-15-2019, 07:34 PM
I have mixed feeling about shooting the cremated remains of a person in a fireworks shell. This might sound weird, I was the PGI once when they shot a shell like this. It was close to the audience. I felt like this dead person was falling all over us as we sat in the bleachers. It should definitely be shot at a distance from the audience.

05-15-2019, 09:00 PM
You would think it would have given Dave a piece of MIND

05-15-2019, 09:01 PM
Honestly, I told my wife I wanted this done with my ashes. She told me I would be dead and she would do want she wanted one last time.

05-16-2019, 12:51 AM
The PGI has done this the past 2 years that I've attended the convention. It's a nice tribute to the person. As for their ashes falling on me.... Meh... What I don't know and can't prove won't hurt me.

05-16-2019, 12:54 AM
Honestly, I told my wife I wanted this done with my ashes. She told me I would be dead and she would do want she wanted one last time.

lol... I'm afraid to ask what that is! My wife told me I'd be lucky to make it to the shelf of dead pets we have in her daycare room. Somehow I've got the feeling I'll be circling the bowl at some point.

05-16-2019, 01:06 AM
I think it’s a great idea until you think of one of the funniest scenes in the movie “The Big Lebowski”Lol

Pyro Dave
05-16-2019, 07:10 AM
I asked my wife to have me put in a shell...... granted I dont want to be cremated.

05-16-2019, 06:37 PM
This topic brings a smile to my face. I considered this option several years ago, when I was actively involved with our local display company. I wanted my ashes packed into a large-caliber charcoal star crossette shell, and shot over Pt. Pleasant Beach New Jersey during one of their weekly shows. (My wife wasn't too keen about it, but the kids thought it was "Awesome Dad!) I discussed it with the plant's owner, thinking possibly a 9" single break, or better yet, a 5" multiple break shell, with, of course, with a massive bottom shot. He said he could build it, and since he knew the owners of the Jersey company, getting them to include it in one of their shows would be no problem. We found out along the way that New Jersey's DEP doesn't allow the scattering of cremated remains within 3 miles of the coast, so everything would have to be done on the QT. We've since settled for a more traditional disposition of our remains, but the topic comes up often and we still get a good laugh about it.