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View Full Version : Stolen Fireworks, Truck, and Trailer

04-15-2019, 10:56 AM
I went to a wholesaler demo in Seymour, Missouri Saturday night (just east of Springfield, MO). My sales guy (who is also a good friend) told me that two nights before, they had their entire demo lineup (about 100 items, mostly 500g cakes and several racks of artillery shells) staged in the back of a 16' covered trailer. Around 2:00 AM, a couple guys cut the lock off the parking lot gate, hot wired the truck, and stole the truck, with the trailer full of demo fireworks in tow. The theft wasn't discovered until 7:00 AM, so the thieves had a 5 hour head start. Security camera footage captured the theft, and the cops pulled footage from the gas station up the street (the truck didn't have much diesel in it), and they did see the bad guys refueling. 2 hours later, they used the truck in another theft at a farm implement dealer near Springfield. My sales guy had to put together a brand new demo lineup, and of course they have to get a new truck and trailer.

So if any of my pyro friends see someone trying to move a bunch of one-off 500g cakes on craigslist, facebook, through a friend of a friend, etc., please reach out to me or even consider contacting local authorities. The demo lineup consisted of one each of several items. The tops were cut off all the cakes to reduce paper debris during the demo, so someone selling cakes with no tops would be a dead giveaway. Mostly Brothers, Winda, Magnus, and Dynomite brands.
-42 500 gram cakes
-11 350 gram cakes
-2 200 gram cakes
-18 NOABs (a couple were 7-on-a-board or 5-on-a-board)
-Several brand new mortar racks loaded with ball shells and 60g canisters

Truck is a white flatbed Ford dually with single cab. Trailer is a white 16' with v-nose.

04-15-2019, 11:13 AM
you would think from the gas station footage and farm implemet footage - they would have id them. good grief - hope they catch the crooks!

04-15-2019, 12:03 PM
Unless they paid in cash, then shouldn't police looking into this be able to look at purchase records at the gas station from the time frame they were there based on the video's time stamps?

04-15-2019, 01:40 PM
What the hell is wrong with people today?? I sincerely hope they catch these crooks, but they should've been caught by now considering they had to make pit stops and were caught on camera with witnesses clearly seeing them.

I'm a big believer in Karma though, so those thieves will definitely slip up, one way or another, in the end.