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View Full Version : IL-BATFE, OSFM and DNR hosting fireworks seminar

03-19-2019, 02:46 PM
Received a letter yesterday from DoJ for a free fireworks seminar that will focus on educating industry members on Federal and State law/regulations relating to fireworks.

Presenters include: BATFE, IL DNR ,and Office of the IL State Fire Marshal.

Location: Naperville City Hall Tuesday, April 9th 0900-1200.

03-19-2019, 07:51 PM
I am advocating for an ATF license applicant right now in that area. They are all in cahoots in that area and I question some of their knowledge base. I would like to see that letter and with your permission I’ll scan and post it on the forums. Curious who all received that letter, how were you picked to receive it? The Illinois state fire marshal office is working with the ATF to attempt to stop privately held ATF license. I suspect that is going to be general theme of that meeting. The ATF in that Chicago area is attempting to bluff Type 54 applicants into believing they can not and never will be able to meet the state requirements as a prerequisite to receiving the ATF license. Problem is none of it is a prerequisite to the ATF User of Display Fireworks license. At this exact moment I am working with someone in that area who refuses to withdraw the application.
Another report given to me is the road leading from Chicago to just across the border in the State of Indiana has numerous fireworks billboards , I getting word there are so many it is a sight to behold near July 4th. There getting ready for war on pyrotechnics in Chicago mainly and other parts of Illinois.

03-20-2019, 06:47 AM
I received the same letter yesterday,I would assume all Illinois ATF permit holders received it.I got a call from the Illinois State Fire Marshals office before I received my permit in 2018.3776

03-20-2019, 07:48 AM
Sounds all nice and informative.. but if you already hold an ATF permit then more than likely you already know all the rules and regulations!! Also seems like they trying to make it so the atf requires a state permit and the state requires an atf permit.. thus confusing the shit out of people and deterring them from persuing it in the first place

03-20-2019, 09:51 AM
IL has very strict laws in regards to fireworks. Sparklers and smoke is all that is legal. There are ALOT of billboards lining Chicagoland area for fireworks in Indiana. MILLIONS of dollars in tax's are leaving the state (all states surrounding IL have legal class c) and going right next door. Indiana knows this has a special tax for fireworks. I don't blame them one bit. I am a private 54 holder, BUT I am getting the IL Pyrotechnics and IDNR explosives licenses. The agent that interviewed me when first receiving my 54 asked if this was for business or pleasure. I said this is my hobby, if it leads to a business I am not opposed to it.

Do I see a crack down? Absolutely yes, but now that I see bills being introduced for legalizing fireworks, but it's very easy to still get your hands on class b. It's Chicago, seats are golden and I know a guy who knows a guy kinda thing. (Yep, referencing Ex Gov Blago)

03-20-2019, 07:58 PM
Your pictures is sideways. I'll correct it here. You see that location is just outside of Chicago. They are targeting this area. This is all such a coincidence because I am working with an ATF applicant in this very area that is running into the usually bags of tricks designed to discourage an applicant from continuing the application process once he has started it. You see both State and Federal folks are going to be at that event or whatever it is called. I'm going to tell you right now what that meeting is about. They are going to tell whomever attends there is big problem with illegal fireworks sales and there are going to crack down on it. That meeting is not going to be "How to safely and legally enjoy fireworks in the Chicago area" LOL. Once I get my guy I'm working with through the process I'll talk more about it. One thing for sure in this regional section of Illinois is, the ATF is reporting all newly licensed users directly to that Office of the Fire Marshall. I should say all new applicants and then they both try to beat you down to withdraw the application. I better stop here.