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View Full Version : (New Pyro) Looking for a better way to design my shooter site vs my handwriting

01-17-2019, 09:51 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm doing my first electronic show this year, my first time purchasing fireworks was last year and it was $200 worth and awesome. I've been fascinated with fireworks since I was a kid so now I can make it a hobby of mine. My budget for this year is around $1,000-$1,300. I will attach my current order waiting on a quote.

I drew a crappy layout of what could possibly be my setup but I wasn't too happy with it and my hand writing is not "beautiful" I was wondering if anyone has a program they use to help them with their site setup so it's easier to read on arrival. Attaching that pic as well.

What will I have:
Fireworks: Attached the screenshots for them
Racks 1&2: 2 36 shot for finale slight 15 degree fanned.
Racks 3&4: 1 20 shot vertical for manual fire (and reloading left over shells) 1 20 shot for electronic fire but much slower (fillers)
Racks 5: Roman Candle rack, holding 24 roman candles
Firing System: I'll be starting out with a 24 cue system from Ebay, I'll link it here incase anyone has a better suggestion as I'm completely new I'm very open to taking any advice and safety tips I can. Firing system Here (https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bilusocn-300M-distance-24-Cues-Fireworks-Firing-System-remote-Control-Equipment/132891093085)
Other things: I'll be using the Talon Clips for igniting fuse, I have perfect fuse fast fuse and quick fuse 80 feet of each. I have the T junctions to split fuse in 2 directions if needed. I have currently 12 led testers for testing continuity. I got some nice quick fire torches for hand firing the shells.

If anyone sees any problems or has suggestions please let me know.
I watch a couple of pyros on youtube before ever thinking about ordering any of this stuff displayfireworks1, Cody B, Joel R. SkyHighPyrotechnics, Firecat8.


Pyro Dave
01-17-2019, 10:20 PM
I would suggest the fire wire ignitors over the talons. Much more reliable in my eyes.

01-17-2019, 10:45 PM
Thanks for the advice Dave, I took a closer look at the Firewire and it definitely looks better, I'm going to order some of these as well.

01-17-2019, 11:02 PM
I deff trust firewire over talon and get a 1/4 in pyro poke and stick right in2 the lift charge on cakes (there is nothing like pressing a button and having instant ignition youll b hooked for life) if u feel comfortable doing so. I know displayfireworks1 has video on youtube showing how to do thisor if u have ability to cut and grind 1/4 brass rod (i got from amazon) u can make your own pokes. If u do this rout tho run sum steel on your grinder afterwards because brass is non sparking it leaves residue/brass dust on your grinder that youll wanna knock off so u dont end up with it flying off in the future then get a lil wooden ball (i got from my local craft store) drill a whole drop a lil glue n tap it in works great. I have that same firing system and love it super easy to use but remember to have a light to shine on it cuz the buttons can b hard to see.

01-18-2019, 01:22 AM
Thanks for the info Rob, I'll check out one of the brass pokes, instant fire sounds awesome

01-18-2019, 08:15 AM
Welcome to the forum.. Looks like ypu have some nice product on order.. Personally i dont recommend the tee juntions... just some zip ties works great.. i hand draw a very similar layout for my site plan.. as long as you can understand it.. its fine.. some advice:: the prep work takes alot of time.. so doing alot of the wiring up beforehand helps out alot.. or have some people to help out the day of.. not sure how to scale your drawimg is.. but going to want to put some more distance between the audience and that first row.. lol.. also why are you hand firing anything if your using a firing system.. the whole idea is that you dont need to go anywhere near actively firing fireworks.. i didnt click on the link for your firing system.. but if its the one im picturing.. you can add a few more modules to it.. or for the price buy another 12 cue one..

01-18-2019, 12:19 PM
Hey Matt,

Thanks for the tips and I'm glad to be here! The site will be in a very large field so the audience should be around 300 feet away from the front row. I have a manual fire rack because I will have about 30 to 50 shells left over that I can reload, probably going to send off the extra shells at the very beginning so it gives my brother who wants to help something to do. But I'm not 100% determined too do that, I may just save the left over shells that I have no room for in the racks for next year. I'm waiting on my quote and how many come in a case from Jabs fireworks so I'm unsure the total quantity as of now. I'm also curious where everybody wholesale shops and that can be shipped, my main thing with shipping is at least $150 will be put to that so that's $150 off my fireworks budget vs driving to get them. I'm also planning to get there around noon to give myself time to setup it up and maybe even earlier since I'm new to it I don't want to feel rushed and feel comfortable with what I'm doing my brother and friend will be helping out with this one so that's going to make it a little easier. I'll add a picture of the firing system, I think it will be good for a 1st show.

Firing System

01-18-2019, 12:36 PM
if you don't mind me asking your location says east coast, but we would be able to help you out alot more on pointing you in the right direction for wholesale if we at least knew which state you lived in, i work with an amazing company in ohio, are you by chance in that area

01-18-2019, 01:31 PM
Hello Cheflife, I'm located in North Carolina. I normally drive to South Carolina to pick things up but wanted to explore ordering online.

01-18-2019, 02:16 PM
i sent you a pm

01-18-2019, 02:40 PM
300'.. ok cool, drawing just slightly out of scale..hahaha... yes,, thats the system i am still using too..great beginner setup.. you can cheaply purchase more cues and pair them to work with the remote.. to each their own... but personally i would not reload shells rapidly and in the dark near other live fireworks.. most of the companies who advertise on here can ship product to you (depending on state laws of course).. and yes the shipping can be costly.. but if you purchase wholesale cases the money you are saving will usually offset it.. but if you can wholesale shop, and can drive to pick it up then thats what i would do.. it also comes down to products. each place has a few different product than others

01-20-2019, 10:09 AM
FOD - I use MS Visio to do my site plans. I'll attach a copy of last years show plan. I would look for a freeware version of Visio.

From there I do "cut sheets" that I physically attach to my firing mods because A. It's more manageable, and B. If someone is helping me wiring the firing mod, it's easier for them to understand too.

01-20-2019, 10:28 AM
Something else I haven't seen mentioned yet... If you're shooting off fireworks in your neighborhood, chances are, someone else is too. I'd find those other pyros and get together with them and do a group buy. By combining your purchasing power you'll get better pricing so you can buy more stuff.

01-20-2019, 10:43 AM
Fate, I use a free online drawing program for my layout. https://www.draw.io/

It works pretty good in my opinion. I am sure there are better ones out there but the price is right on this one. This is what it looks like when done:


Also I am with MattP on the hand firing. If you really want to shoot those extra 30-50 shells, I would just make another rack and efire them. I really don't like the reloading idea much. You know it will be dark so making sure the tube is clear and does not have a shell that did not fire is not going to be easy or safe. I would not do it. I can assure you that every show I do, and I mean every show, there are a couple of shells that did not fire and are still in the tube. Plus there will be other things you need to deal with (cakes on fire etc....). Keep it simple, efire them or just save them for your next show.

01-20-2019, 04:12 PM
Rick, thank you for that info very very helpful and great layout and advice about getting with my neighborhood pyros I will talk with them and see what their plans are for this year.

Esgrillo, I also thank you for your info as well. So far everyone has said to not hand fire as just get another rack, I'm taking the advice and I'll order 1 or 2 more racks and efire them to be safe. (I'm not good with building things like that so ordering is easier) I was looking at Mortar Supply or Pyroboom for the racks. I was leaning more toward mortar supply because they are closer and it makes shipping less (I live in Raleigh, North Carolina). I was planning on 3 36 shot fanned racks for the finale and adding some other cakes and things to it, 2 20 shot racks and I'll be adding maybe 2 more 20 shot racks but need to see if I can transport that many at once.

I will be trying both programs as both look way better than what I was going to do.

Thanks to both of you and everyone who has replied so far!

01-22-2019, 10:20 PM
Ending jan 31st... pyroboom has free shipping on rack orders over 150$!!!! Only time of year they ever do that!! Great deal

01-23-2019, 07:08 PM
Holy crap.. just checked my emails.. SO76 has free shipping on orders over 1000$!!!! Thats really amazing ... that offer end feb 13th

01-24-2019, 12:14 PM
What the.... Please forward me that e-mail Matt. I didn't get anything like that from them. That would save a ton!

01-25-2019, 12:29 AM
What the.... Please forward me that e-mail Matt. I didn't get anything like that from them. That would save a ton!

Rick I am 99 44/100ths sure that will not apply to special pricing.

01-25-2019, 05:40 PM
Ed is correct.. it will apply to silver and gold pricing.. no other offers, discounts and special pricing can apply.. but for someone like me who is only at gold level its a home run.. ive been goimg crazy doing last minute substituting for all the stuff in my cart that is out of stock.. lol.. if anyone has any other questions about it.. you can PM me.. and ill forward you the email i got!!!.... also been using that draw.io.. once i got the hang of it.. that is great!! Awesome advice!!!

01-27-2019, 01:31 PM
Rick I am 99 44/100ths sure that will not apply to special pricing.

Crap..... That would have allowed me to pick up another 5-6 cases of fun! I knew it sounded too good to be true.