View Full Version : Cobra-Con 2019 Announcement (Early Ticket Buy)

12-16-2018, 09:28 PM
One of my advertisers Cobra requested I help promote the Cobra-Con event April 22, 23 and 24 2019. I will also be teaching and discussing the ATF User of Display Fireworks license. If you are going to this event, I suggest to purchase your tickets early for the discount. The ticket sales will stop at 300 total tickets is the word i am getting at this point.

Purchase your ticket here.
Please visit the website for full details. This event welcomes all levels of fireworks enthuesit.
Are you a backyard shooter looking to step up your game? COBRA-CON is perfect for making you the backyard hero you have always wanted to be. Here are just a few of the reasons to attend the convention!
Purchasing fireworks cheaper through wholesale and group buys
Rack design, fusing techniques and how to build the best finale possible
Show scripting design, from the basics to advanced pyromusicals!
Creating more artistic displays by scripting from multiple positions with a focus on ground effects
Joining local clubs and taking advantage of other's expertise in your area
Meeting YouTube personalities Joel Robinson, Dave DeSafey (displayfireworks1) and Robert Weller from PyroNation
Learning from professional display operators and display companies who shoot the big, professional shows
Interested in obtaining your ATF Type-54 license?
Upgrade from Talons to MJG Initiators for more tightly timed, professional displays
Get certified to purchase pro-line items from Spirit of '76 and Pyro Spectaculars
Meeting other enthusiasts, share shows and experiences - have a blast with fellow pyros
Location is Saratoga Springs New York State.


04-21-2019, 06:57 AM
I am headed out this AM to Cobra Con. I hope to see some of you there. I will shoot out a Facebook live from time to time. I'll be teaching three classes so I'll be busy. I will still find time to get some video for those that can not make it. I'll post something when I return