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View Full Version : Tannerite M-325 Multi Shot Article

Pyro Nation
09-26-2011, 09:59 PM
I noticed Tannerite has a new cake on their website... Called the M-325 Multi Effect Article. Has 25 shots to it same as the M 25... Effects are 5 shots of blue flying fish, then 5 shots of willow, 5 shots of crackling willow, 5 shots of heavy silver crackle, and finishes with 5 shots of heavy report...

Sounds like a pretty kickin' cake. Don't see a video yet on the website, thinking of getting a case to try them out..

09-28-2011, 01:13 AM
I just talked with Dan at Tannerite about those cakes. I may have to see if he can send me an M-325 to try out. They look and sound impressive. Because it is classified as an Article of Pyrotechnic it is not limited in composition. That is why you are hearing that nice crack out of those breaks. I have a feeling the M-325 is going to be more popular than the M-25. The M-325 has special effects and air burst (don’t call it salute). LOL. All that in a 1.4 package and shippable via Fedex to those qualified.
There are a few dealers outside of the Tannerite facility selling these and I expect we may soon see some other fireworks company coming out with a similar product.

Pyro Nation
09-28-2011, 03:37 AM
That be cool if he could do that... I really prefer to see one before buying, but after the last 2 cakes I tried from him one would only assume it would be AWESOME...

Pyro Nation
10-17-2011, 01:04 AM
Any luck Dave with getting a sample one to test out for us??

10-17-2011, 08:18 AM
M-325 Multi Effect Article.
Not the best video, but here you go:


10-17-2011, 12:22 PM
Not Bad at all....

10-17-2011, 12:27 PM
That was pretty cool. Multi-effect cakes like that arn't really my taste but a bunch of those together would look cool.

Pyro Nation
10-17-2011, 07:41 PM
Thanks for the video.. That wasnt to bad..... Not sure if I will be getting this one

10-17-2011, 09:38 PM
I'm just not sold on these yet.....granted I'm sure in person is better than video.....but there's 1.4 out there WAY cheaper and much better.

11-30-2011, 10:35 PM
Hi all. Just got logged into Pyro Talk. Have been overwhelmed with paperwork. Wanted to mention that the whole idea behind these types of pyrotechnics is to provide a legal, loud, quality, and 'Easy to use" special effect that can be used close-prox without the table of distance requirements that conventional Consumer items 1.4 or professional 1.3G items require with "Public Displays".
We're just providing a product that is regulated to professional use, but not bound by storage and record keeping requirements. Sure, I have a thousand cases of 1.3G TKs in my mags for 1/4th the cost, but anyone in the business knows the headaches associated with mag logs. Out here in the West, shipping is a big deal. A case of these items can be shipped to just about any state for $35.00 in actual shipping fees, plus $22.50 hazmat. With 1.3G Tks, it's not cost effective to buy less than several pallets and a guy has to have them stored in a type 2 mag.
We're not trying to compete with bootleg 1.4G miss-labeled Consumer fireworks. To the contrary. Our target customers are technicians, firemen, and other qualified folks who want something special for a wedding, ball game, etc without the added hassles of storage and transfer paperwork. I'm sure other companies have risked expensive third-party testing on 1.4G UN0431 bigger and better items, and more power to them. Every time a product is flunked, you have to modify it and lower the contents, thicken the tubes, pay more testing fees, etc. We've had other items flunk testing, and that's just part of the business. We just deal with each bridge as we cross it.
My passion for unique and cool pyrotechnics is so strong that I would rather live in a container full of pyro than live in a mansion with a boring job. We're working on some effects that have never been sold commercially before. Should be an interesting year. Whether it's a 12" shell or a new type of sparkler, I'm interested. God bless this art.