View Full Version : ct consumer fireworks bill #435

11-02-2018, 10:20 AM
were having a senator stopping by today at my work place today to say hello and pitch himself I guess.....I think im going to re-pitch the consumer fireworks bill at him and see his thoughts on it...hes definitely pro- fireworks and I think at it could do at the least is generate more attention to it
any thoughts fellow pyros??

11-02-2018, 11:27 AM
Yes, suggest the Shell limit be increased to 100g! Also the limit on cakes to 1000g. And maybe to cut taxes and regulations on transportation of 1.4? Won’t hurt to try lol

11-08-2018, 09:16 PM
Not sure if you got the chance to mention it to the state senator but its great bill 435 is still on peoples minds. Senator Kevin Witkos was the original bill sponsor and Sen. Berthal and Rep. Labriola co sponsored it. All 3 were re-elected this election. There is still alot of work that needs to be done with the politicians but I suspect it'll come up again this year. Feel free to send e-mails to them about bringing back the fireworks bill.

11-09-2018, 04:15 PM
hey thanks for the replays nice to see another ct pyro on here!
yeah man ive emailed all the senators about it and heard back from Witkos told me he intends to bring it up again this year. any other ideas I can do to help? or any other people can you think of that I can email?? theres also a a petition on change.org not sure if you have seen it....let me know and definitely keep in contact man for sure they said the firemarshalls were the ones who shot it down and that it didn't even make it to the voting point?
whats your email?

11-16-2018, 05:40 PM
In all seriousness, could they come up with a bill to add an additional grams of composition just for tails? You know so that, 55 she’ll, 5g of lift, and then some extra for tail (in case the shells got tails in them? Maybe that way more product can come with tails since we all love them and would appreciate having more tails in products without sacrificing too much on performance and effects. Does it sound reasonable? Maybe we could upgrade to 70g of composition and that can be added to 500g cakes. So could be 500g+ cakes that would go over 500g but just for tails.

11-16-2018, 05:41 PM
Maybe we could draft the bill ourselves and then introduce it to our reps.