View Full Version : Heard Pyro Dave on the radio!

11-02-2018, 01:16 AM
So I'm listening to the podcast of "Handel On the Law" on the KFI (Los Angeles) website, and I had just picked the 10/20 show out at random because the title sounded interesting, and a few minutes into the show I heard a very familiar voice talking about a little issue he's having with his neighbor. I KNEW I'd heard this voice before but I just couldn't place it....after a few minutes, it hit me: Pyro Dave, "Display Fireworks 1"!

So I backed up the show and sure enough, it was "Dave from Pennsylvania." So if you want to hear it, go to kfiam640.com, click on Podcasts, then Handel on the Law, and listen to the October 20 show at 17:00.

No mention of fireworks in the call, but it was good to hear him talking about a typical neighborhood-type problem.

11-02-2018, 02:55 AM
Now that's funny


11-02-2018, 05:00 AM
LOL I was wondering if anyone would recognize my voice when I called. LOL Where do you think I learn all my legal strategies. I really enjoy listening to him. Since he out of Los Angeles I download it to my phone and play it in my vehicle. When I called in , I knew if I said I was from Pennsylvania they would put me on since most of the callers are from the greater Los Angeles area. Thanks for listening.

11-02-2018, 11:09 AM
Lol come on let the poor guy mow his lawn! That’s probably all he cares about in this world, don’t try to take it from him! You don’t know if he does it to escape his wife and have some “quiet” and peace time! You don’t know if he always wanted to mow lawns since he was a little kid and could never afford a lawn mower so he had to wait until adulthood to get one. You don’t know if he’s doing it to remember his father because (maybe his father told him in his dying wish to please mow his lawn perfectly)!! Hahahahaha that’s just too funny.

11-02-2018, 01:05 PM
We documented 13 hours of cutting in one week. All of my daughters home movies have lawn mower noise in them. He is a never married retired school teacher. He does all sorts of weird stuff. A recluse. Kind of guy to keep the kids ball if it goes in his yard. He put up a fence and does not have a dog.

11-02-2018, 01:06 PM
I really like Handel, too. His take on the news is also pretty funny but informative at the same time, because he has virtually no respect for almost anyone.

My favorite part of the legal show is when he asks ladies how old they are. "How old are you, Alice? 79? Oh, you sound much older than that. Well, I wouldn't bother with taking the guy to court because you'll probably be dead before it ever comes to trial."

We documented 13 hours of cutting in one week. All of my daughters home movies have lawn mower noise in them.

The funniest part was, while you were talking, I could hear a lawn mower go by in the background. I'm surprised you didn't say, "He's doing it right now!"

11-02-2018, 08:53 PM
Oh I see. Sounds like a creeper. But it’s still too funny. Neighbors can be great and can also be very bad.

11-07-2018, 09:17 PM
dave, more reason to shoot noisy pyro , lol.

11-08-2018, 07:08 PM
Here my boy here. 3 hours and 45 minutes into it.


Pyro Dave
11-08-2018, 07:11 PM
I'd tell him how nice his yard looks and then convince him to mow mine as well.

11-08-2018, 08:45 PM
Push mower? Wow. Ocd

11-10-2018, 12:31 AM
GEEZ that is funny, not you dave (well some) you have a real legal problem, this guy suggests doing and ILLEGAL thing to solve it... Call that guy from caddyshack tell him there's a gopfer over there maybe he can get some results...

11-10-2018, 11:25 PM
He needs to get a Home Depot card and get a tractor! He’ll be done in 25 mins. Is that even an acre?

11-11-2018, 06:07 AM
He needs to get a Home Depot card and get a tractor! He’ll be done in 25 mins. Is that even an acre?

I think he just needs a hug!Lol Then check his basement “it puts on lotion”Lol

11-14-2018, 07:23 PM
Here is another 3 hour and 30 minute plus at 31 degrees. He would have went the whole 4 but its getting dark earlier.


11-19-2018, 06:10 PM
IMHO that idea about killing his grass is a good one. In lieu of that, maybe you can arrange for his lawnmower to go missing...

The only other idea I can think of is to bombard him with music while he's mowing. Get a pair of speakers (Pyro Joe can help spec out a nice set for you!) and have them blast J.P. Sousa marches or Led Zeppelin at him the entire time he's out there. You can even get some strobe lights to screw up his vision so he can't see what he's mowing! Lol...

11-20-2018, 03:12 PM
dementia perhaps ?

04-10-2019, 08:02 PM
I going to bump this one back for entertainment. This is for people that followed the thread last year. Here in Pennsylvania I did not cut my grass once yet. This is his second cut. 3 hours and 45 minutes he ran that mower. Why does it take so long????, check out his cut technique. It looks like he is Line Dancing.


04-10-2019, 09:04 PM
I going to bump this one back for entertainment. This is for people that followed the thread last year. Here in Pennsylvania I did not cut my grass once yet. This is his second cut. 3 hours and 45 minutes he ran that mower. Why does it take so long????, check out his cut technique. It looks like he is Line Dancing.


My crew still isn't out cutting in Ohio, and they're anxious to because of new equipment

04-10-2019, 10:33 PM
Definitely seems to be OCD with how the grass lays. I can't tell what he's doing from the video, but he might be getting rid of grass that's messing up his lines. That's a pain too because the heights are all different after two days. Definitely sucks that his compulsions are annoying to everyone tho. At least he's not an obsessive compulsive basketball dribbler all night...Sorry man

04-11-2019, 02:32 AM
Am I viewing this right? Is this man really mowing his lawn in a suit and dress shoes?? That leg thing is totally bizarre. I would definitely keep the kids away from his house on Halloween.

04-11-2019, 03:27 AM
I think he just needs a Hug! Lol

04-11-2019, 03:59 AM
I think he just needs a Hug! Lol

With some electro-shock therapy and a couple lithium pills.

04-11-2019, 06:42 AM
With some electro-shock therapy and a couple lithium pills.

Hahahahaha, you hit the nail on the head. I've got a neighbor that mows 2x a week, but he's always trying to get it done as fast as he can. I've always loved the exterior maintenance part of home ownership, but I dont think lithium and mowers mix too well. We shall use him as a Guinea pig!

04-11-2019, 08:00 AM
Funny, his grass does look nice though

05-07-2019, 06:43 PM
He cut grass yesterday for 6 hours. To continue the story so to speak, here is a short video from yesterday. I?ll tried talking to him at least twice this year and he actually did the cut prior to this one in a little over 3 hours, now yesterday he is up to 6 hours. What you see him do in this clip goes on throughout the entire lawn. After you watch this video, go back to the start of this thread and listen to me explain it to the radio attorney. This man next to me has never been married, retired school teacher; mama lived with him until she died about 10 years ago. When she died I actually thought he died, because the grass was starting to get high. The entire time mama lived there I only caught small glimpse of what she looked like. She was a recluse that stayed in the house. He had someone close that porch in years back so mama could sit hidden on the porch.
I hate to personal issues on the pyro forums , since someone posted they heard me on the radio show Handle on the Law, I will continue this thread.
unlisted video


05-08-2019, 12:15 AM
That's really rather bizarre and sad at the same time. Still trying to figure out what he's doing with the leg thing. Almost looks like he's trying to break down clumps of cut grass so it falls down into the lawn. Still, pretty sad. Not my idea of how to spend my golden years (assuming I make it to my golden years!). I'm thinking more like a lake house and a pontoon boat. But hey... To each his/her own.

05-08-2019, 10:04 AM
yeah, therapist would probably help him out a lot

05-08-2019, 12:31 PM
What else can you say......


05-08-2019, 07:35 PM
He skiped cutting one day and today 05/08/2019 he is cutting again.
Start 2:10 PM
Finish 7:23 PM
Today in the video you will hear me tell him to stop. Watch his reaction.
unlisted video


05-08-2019, 07:51 PM
Maybe order some dandelion seeds and fling em over his yard my sister's neighbor is the same way about his grass (smaller yard) and he goes nuts when dandelions grow all the mowing every other day doubt theyd have time to grow

05-11-2019, 04:03 PM
I think it?s contagious


05-12-2019, 12:15 AM
Lol.. Okay. Now you're just being mean. Lol...

05-12-2019, 12:29 AM
Looked like a little "Flying Lindy" action there with the armpit farts but you forgot to check wind direction.

05-12-2019, 07:31 PM
Looked like a little "Flying Lindy" action there with the armpit farts but you forgot to check wind direction.

"Triple Lindy"

05-12-2019, 08:38 PM
Its going to rain over the next few days here in Pennsylvania, he missed a cut yesterday. The next nice dry day looks like 4 days from now. Come Thursday he going to be working that mower and shoe kick. Over the years the duration and frequency is getting more and more. That last cut was 5 hours in what should be one hour. There are times I think I can hear that mower even when it is not running. Plus he must have the cheapest loudest mower ever. The guy has issues and many over the years. He has that fence and does not own a dog. He kept many of kids balls over the years that went over the fence. He always starts cutting at exactly the same time around 2:15 PM, I tried to reasonably talk to him many times. He is stubborn and obstinate. It is definitely has some sort of OCD behavior. I'm trying to find some humor in it , that why I made that video. Here is the funny part , in July when we are short on rain , he will be out there with a hose watering the grass and the very second it grows just a little, out comes the mower. LOL

05-12-2019, 09:13 PM
Too much. Love it

05-12-2019, 11:54 PM
So what do the cops have to say about this nuisance? I'm sure a few people have called the cops on this guy in the past.

04-11-2020, 08:20 PM
Here we go again, picking up the story from last year. I came home to find my wife wearing my shooting ear muffs. This is his 4th cut at 4 hours each time. I cut my grass once so far this year. It is probably the most annoying sounding mower I ever heard. I went over to talk to him and offered to pay someone to cut his grass. I also told him I have to call the police or magistrate. He refused everything.
Video from a few days ago, it poured rain the night before and you can see the grass is wet . This video looks like a repeat of last year, is from a couple of days ago. Imagine listening to this for 4 hours at a time every few days. He always starts at the exact same time every time he cuts and cuts for 4 hours plus each time.


04-12-2020, 12:10 AM
His ass needs to be civilly committed via mental health court and never released and if so to be placed on mental health probation. I don't know if pa has M.H probation but New Jersey and Wisconsin does. To me that is OCD activity. Not many people know but I had to go though mental health 2 times while hospitalized at my local full phsyictric hospital right after my heart attack i had thanksgiving day 2014. That why I waited for my type54 so the atf couldn't pull the committed against own will in past 3 years shit. Those 2 times I was put there I was fully voluntary but the court shot was freak'n hard. Not gonna lie. I am not around I had landed in a pyscicyric hospital 2 time and one being from a suside attempt but now looking back almost 6 years later im proud I did comply with my local hospital and police to get the care in a safe environment. Yea I still have my damn low of lows days but being in a healthy recovery.it just hurts me when people refuse to get help when its avaible to them. So for this rant crap but I have a soft spot in my heart for mental illness and disorders / disabilities as i am partly mentally disabled as one of 5 major mental dianoiess I have and the top 1 since my inpatient stay 5 years ago is borderline personality disorder aka BPD. For those who are like WTF is BPD ? Just Google " borderline personality disorder in females ". A short sum up of bpd is its a 24 / 7 365 struggle to manage 99 % of any emotions and there really not any meds that help, manage or cure bpd other then a shit ton of mental health talk thearpy with a theapist / LCSW that works alot with persons with bpd along with DBT Thearpy - ( DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOR THEARPY ) and sometimes with mix of emotional acemptance therapy.

04-12-2020, 12:14 AM
ahhh. Damn cellphone! Ill edit my reply in the morning as my damn phone has a shitty auto correct that I can't get to turn off.

04-12-2020, 12:42 AM
That is some good stuff. Needed the laugh. Why don't you sprinkle a few of those mandarin crackers in his lawn?

04-12-2020, 11:44 AM
Roundup and a prevailing wind in the correct direction just might be your best friend. Tell me about the rabbits.


04-12-2020, 12:03 PM
Dave, You might consider searching for a vintage "Auto Fooler" firework. Hook it up to his lawnmower. The older ones have a whistle, smoke, and bang. I'd like to see the expression on his face...

04-13-2020, 08:09 PM
Those Mandarin Crackers in his lawn would be funny. LOL It rained today and will most likely rain over the next few days so I'll get a break. I updated the post because Rick in Tampa once suggested I should incorporate him into a future fireworks artwork. LOL

04-14-2020, 04:35 AM
Those Mandarin Crackers in his lawn would be funny. LOL It rained today and will most likely rain over the next few days so I'll get a break. I updated the post because Rick in Tampa once suggested I should incorporate him into a future fireworks artwork. LOL

You absolutely should Dave! You could design a new effect called "Mowing Em Down!" Load it up with green effects. A slow burning zipper, like your neighbor. lol...

04-14-2020, 08:28 AM
I still the he just needs a Hug(Lol) or maybe he's paying you back for lighting fireworks off in your yard when he goes too bed at 7:00pm.We could take up a collection for a battery operated lawn mower or electric one and about 300 feet of extension cord he looks pretty app at kicking shit out of the way!

04-20-2020, 02:07 PM
I suggested last year to have them develop a solid green effects cake, not too many out there....

05-06-2021, 08:48 PM
Here we go again. May 6, 2021 . Over 5 plus hours of grass cutting. Started at 3pm and ended at 8:20 PM.


05-07-2021, 01:55 AM
That's dedication right there.

05-07-2021, 01:12 PM
Looks like its time for 5 hours of salutes!

05-07-2021, 07:07 PM
He refuses to start earlier in the day etc. He always starts at 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM. In prior years he said the grass is too wet earlier in the day. You can see in this video the grass is wet and clogging the mower when he is trying to mulch it. The police told me the noise ordinance allows for noise to maintain your home up until dark, They said if he cuts in the dark to call them. The official sunset time in the Pittsburgh Pa area was 8:22 PM. He stopped cutting grass at 8:20 PM. I bring up here on the forums because last year someone someone posted they heard me on the radio when I called into a radio attorney Bill Handle to ask what if anything can I do. He has been doing this for years. It got worse when his mother died. He is retired school teacher, never married, no children and no love interest that I ever saw. I think he stopped working when he was in his 50's Plus all the lots on the street were sold/built and there is no where to dump the grass if you bag it. Waste Management will take bagged grass if it is in those large paper bags. I told him all of this and ever offered to cut the grass for him. He is trouble also. He put up that fence because occasional a kid would kick a ball in his yard and he would keep it. One day a child around 10 years old was sitting in the street with friends and half of the kids butt was on the line between my property and his. He came out the house and made that poor kid move. Poor kid was almost in tears. He clearly has issues, obsessed with grass is one of many.

05-08-2021, 12:35 AM
Obviously he has some sort of mental disorder. My guess is he has OCD. My philosophy is the crazier my neighbors are the more normal my behavior is. I draw the line when they believe my annoyance is greater then theirs. Thankfully in my hood that's just how it is and we all seem to understand that. Get along to go along otherwise...game on.

05-08-2021, 03:27 PM
Things like this are why I live in the country

05-08-2021, 06:43 PM
I think you're good to shoot 1.3 for the duration of his mowing.

05-08-2021, 08:04 PM
I think you're good to shoot 1.3 for the duration of his mowing.

What is good and bad about where I live here in Pennsylvania , its a mix of rural and residential. Legally speaking , there is not a "Covenant and Restriction" on the lots in my housing plan , further there is not a "Home Owners Association". I am ready to talk with some of the local elected officials about creating and a mediation service to handle some of the local complaints. This is actually a California sort of thing with advisory arbitration panels that seems reasonable, depending on your housing arrangement.
As far as shooting fireworks. The legislators in Pennsylvania handled it oh so well. They quietly legalized Consumer Fireworks in late 2017 when no one was paying attention. It literally took the average citizen 2 year to figure out the bill passed. The State of Pennsylvania added a 12% tax in addition to the 6% or 8% state tax depending on which county you live in. The Pennsylvania fireworks legal sales bill adds some distance requirements with a nominal fine if you violate. The law as written is vary vague. I still work under the same theory as before 2017. That is, don't blast stuff all day and night, plan a display and shoot it in a short time . invite neighbors or tell them to plan their holiday events around the fireworks display etc.