View Full Version : Japan has done it again, they have blown my mind with the mushroom shells

10-05-2018, 02:15 AM
Yes Japan has now mastered the mushroom shell to the point where they have streamlined the art of navigating a shells direction and orientation so that with every burst its oriented correctly well, except one. Pattern shells (2D) are always fired in volleys simply because its nearly impossible to get your smiley face shell to be facing the right direction in the proper perspective. This is why typically when you see a smiley face shell shot there's a number of them all at once with hopes that at least 1 or 2 will be positioned correctly. Well Japan got smart and to eliminate the struggle they have just designed the shell in 3D so it will always be in the right orientation. But thats not what blew my mind, what blew my mind is how freaking life like and realistic their mushrooms are!!!! check it out


10-05-2018, 02:08 PM
those are some powerful 'shrooms !

10-07-2018, 08:34 PM
How do they do this? Ball shells spin, and canisters tumble. They can't be rockets, can they?

10-07-2018, 10:59 PM
We'll never know. Ancient Chinese secret

Kenny East
10-08-2018, 03:51 AM
To aid in orientation, they usually place a piece of string or thinner rope to create drag and control what direction it's facing when it breaks. Disney world San Diego shoots with compressed air. Each shell has a arduino style chip that controls when it breaks... Everything from height to orientation is programmed into the shell before it's loaded. That's how they do the Mickey mouse shells.

10-09-2018, 04:11 AM
To aid in orientation, they usually place a piece of string or thinner rope to create drag and control what direction it's facing when it breaks. Disney world San Diego shoots with compressed air. Each shell has a arduino style chip that controls when it breaks... Everything from height to orientation is programmed into the shell before it's loaded. That's how they do the Mickey mouse shells.

Yes they used to use string and rope to create drag hell ive even seen them attach little pieces of wood to the strings to REALLY give it drag. but these days i just notice volleys being fired everytime its a pattern shell, i think they have found that their odds are better that route or at least easier. heres some cool things to watch regarding patterns



Kenny East
10-09-2018, 05:04 AM
It says the stars are small plastic pellets..lol no! I've made a bunch of
Pattern shells, only time I used tissue around the stars was for a 3D cube.
I want to try a 3D smiley face...like this one


10-09-2018, 08:21 PM
watch the shell at :47 seconds THATS what i want to make next!!!!


10-09-2018, 08:29 PM

Kenny East
10-10-2018, 04:13 AM
I wish I had the patience and accuracy necessary to make ghost shells... The accuracy of the burn rate on my stars usually varies by color layer too much to make any decent pattern from it.