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View Full Version : Just finished these 6 and 8 inch shells last night

10-02-2018, 01:43 PM
The 8 inch is a crackling willow essentially with 6 2 1/2 shell of shells and one ti salute with rising tail. The 6 inch is a new effect ive been playing with, i call it silver glitter with raining salutes (20) there are 20 timed salutes that leave a comet trail all the way down to about 40 feet from ground timed to blow in a complete circle with tiso it leaves a nice cottonball circle at about 40 feet , hence the name raining salutes lol havent had one hit the ground thus far


10-02-2018, 01:54 PM
Make sure to get film when you launch those puppies!

Pyro Dave
10-02-2018, 01:55 PM
I'm slightly confused by your post/pictures.
Are you a manufacturing company?( You have a UN# as well as a 1.3g sticker attached to the one shell)
Do you live in China? (Made in China sticker)

10-02-2018, 03:43 PM
Ive seen the ho lee fuk brand before.. they make alot of nice products.. wink wink.. also hard to tell size from context of photo.. but they look more like a 4" & a 5"

10-02-2018, 04:16 PM
I guess i should have included an explanation in my original post about the labels. I have always put labels on my devices everything from my candles to mines and comets and even shells. I dont know it just sort of made me feel like they looked more authentic rather than homemade. We have all seen and fondled 1.3 devices or even 1.4 and they all have a very distinct pyro appearance created by the presence of labels and stickers that read Made in China etc. Typically however 1.3 usually just has plain white labels reading shell type manufacturer and warnings. I went a little further and added a bit of color. Ho Lee Fuk is indeed a brand a rat of that name Ho Lee Fuk so i went ahead and used it because i thought it was so funny only i spelled mine as Ho Lee Fook! The reason i still put "made in china" on my devices is because after 22 years of being a pyro I am still not licensed with the atf., nor will i ever be. This is because i have felony conviction for manufacturing without a permit, and its simply not possible to get licensed with a felony let alone for manufacturing fireworks without a license. So long story short if i get pulled over and have a shell that says "sams 8 inch shell, made in america" thats pretty much opening too many doors for my comfort. Living in california is a bad place for a pyro and my dream is still to live in a pyro friendly state but until then i got to watch myself lol. I can assure you these shells are mine and if you look closely you should be able to verify this by looking at the construction "makeshift quickmatch etc" anyways here is a photo showing size comparison


Pyro Dave
10-02-2018, 04:23 PM
That's pretty much what I thought. I will say throwing random UN#'s and deceptive labeling on something could get you in trouble as well.
Personally I wouldn't be showing pictures like that on the internet, especially after admitting that you are not licensed.

10-02-2018, 04:51 PM
smh... your in the wrong group!

#Sounds like this post is going to be evidence in a future legal case but ok


Kenny East
10-03-2018, 05:23 AM
I label effects, shell net and gross weight, and the generic 1.3 if found instructions.

All legal notions aside they look well made!

10-04-2018, 08:31 PM
Wow.. those couch cushons are huge.. lol.. cigarette pack def gives it some perspective.. great job.. definitely gotta get some video of those bad boys going off..!!! Sucks about all that other BS.. but yah be careful what you say and show on a public forum!! Big brothers always watching !!