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View Full Version : Racks vs. Firing System - Which to get first

09-26-2018, 10:51 AM
So, I'm starting to budget for 2019 and of course I want to spend most of that budget on product rather than equipment. Since I'm relatively new to 1.3 I have a lot of 1.75" consumer racks but nothing larger. So, what to do? I either want to acquire some racks this season OR invest in a firing system. Which does everyone recommend? I know there is no right answer but I'm kind of torn on this.

Another factor to keep in mind is that I'm most likely going to have to buy completed racks which drives up the cost dramatically. I have a severe sawdust allergy and simply can't saw wood! So, I'm looking at probably about $75/rack, minimum of 7 racks to cover a case of 72 shells. So at the end of the day the cost of racks vs. firing system is probably pretty comparable.

Any opinions?

09-26-2018, 11:48 AM
Any chance you could find a fellow Pyro or someone with a shop and work out something to get them to build your racks? If you lived by me, I would build you the racks if you supplied the wood and maybe a few 1.4 products thrown in for my time. I’m sure another pyro would do the same.

09-26-2018, 12:16 PM
Buy the system first, you can fire anything 1.3 and 1.4. Use 1.3 cakes this year, lots and lots of choices. That way you can shoot 1.3 and have your system! Next year work on your racks.

09-26-2018, 10:55 PM
I would have to agree with CMiller. A firing system will do a lot more than racks.

09-27-2018, 01:34 AM
Firing system for sure.

09-27-2018, 06:27 AM
Yes, while i love mountainviews generosity... id have to agree with getting a firing systrm.. plenty of 1.3 cakes out there.. maybe you could get a firing system and one 3" rack.. some places will sell shells by the piece .. but the whole experience will be much better.. and safer with a firing system

09-27-2018, 02:53 PM
Agree--get your firing system first.
Also, you may want to see if there are any display companies/pyro clubs that are upgrading/liquidating their racks? Some 1.3 dealers that I know sell off their racks every couple years to keep them in "top shape"...or might buy out smaller companies & liquidate the racks.
Any other pyros in your area? Like Mtn said--you might be able to find someone to help you out with the building end of things.
Personally, I would prefer shells over cakes any day--[get tired of cakes catching fire]--but that would be a good way for you to get started.

09-28-2018, 04:20 PM
Thanks for the feedback! Looks to be pretty unanimous. I think I'm leaning that direction myself but every time I'm about to go for it I second guess it. I'm just struggling with the cost considering that I only shoot about 3-4 times per year. At about $16/que for Cobra, that's a lot of money just to light something. Right now I typically hand light my shells and mix in some cakes that I fire with my cheap (under $30) "Chinese" firing system. What I don't want to happen is to invest the money and not get any more benefit out of it than I'm getting now. If that were the case, I'd obviously be better off spending my money more racks and/or more product. If I could afford enough ques to fire everyting then it would be a no brainer. But 2-3 modules just seems limiting without a lot of creative fusing.

09-28-2018, 04:40 PM
Ohhhhhhh... so you do at least have a small firing system.. now to me, thats a whole different ball game... i thought you had no firing system at all... personally.. i would upgrade to the nicer/expandable chinese system first.. before taking the leap to the pro systems.. you could probaly buy that and some racks this year.. and use your original under 30$ mods with the newer remote!!!

09-29-2018, 04:32 AM
Thanks for the feedback! Looks to be pretty unanimous. I think I'm leaning that direction myself but every time I'm about to go for it I second guess it. I'm just struggling with the cost considering that I only shoot about 3-4 times per year.

If it makes you feel any better, I shoot just one time a year. On the 4th of July. I have a ton of leftovers from my show this year, so I *might* shoot it on New Years Eve. Having said that... I made the leap a few years ago into the Cobra system, and I'm glad I did. I used a cheap Chinese system before that, and it's night and day. There's so much more you can do with a Cobra that you can't do with the Chinese system. The first year I bought 4 mods and an R2. Last year I picked up 8 more mods and an audio box during the Black Friday special. The money I saved on the 8 mods paid for the audio box. Yeah, it's a lot of money. But it's money I can now invest in pyro, because now I have all the mods I need (for now anyway). So make the leap. You won't regret it.

09-29-2018, 12:04 PM
I agree with a firing system first, I unfortunately did mine bass-ackwards but it eventually worked out. Keep in mind there's some 1.3 product that'll fit those old 1.75" guns.

Kenny East
09-30-2018, 02:59 AM
I bought racks before my system... Not saying it was the right order.. But hand lighting flights and chains made for a great show. Even adding a couple display racks gives you some extra ooohhh and ahhh for your show. Buying some used is a great way to save a bit on them, either way is fine and depends with your comfort and experience level.

shake the cove
10-03-2018, 08:57 PM
I would have to agree with CMiller. A firing system will do a lot more than racks.

you can shoot multiple items with a firing system,or alternate a left right or 4-5 strobes at once. even with a 1.4 show .See some you tube videos,cant duplicate with a hand fire light and run or you and a buddy trying to time 2 cakes to go off same time.plus with a firing system can enjoy more of the show.