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View Full Version : CPSC to Act on Fireworks Rule by end of September

09-08-2018, 07:20 AM
Received from the National Fireworks Association

Dear Friend of Fireworks ?

There is a saying in politics, "if you?re not at the table then you?re on the menu."

As you know, the NFA and it?s leaders have been working hard to defeat a mis-guided and ill-informed rule proposed by the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) that would dramatically change the landscape of the consumer fireworks industry.

The CPSC says it is concerned about safety and so are we! That?s why we support federal regulations that mandate on our packaging that consumers use fireworks as directed.

The statistics show that fireworks are much safer and less prone to cause injury than many of the other products the CPSC regulates. According to the National Center for Injury Control, there were over 106,000 injuries related to just baseball. There were 57,000 injuries associated with ranges and ovens that bake our apple pies. Grills injured nearly 24,000 people. The CPSC says that roughly 12,000 people are admitted to the emergency room annually with an injury related to fireworks.

Think about it. You?re twice as likely to be injured by a grill during a cookout than you are enjoying fireworks.

So come to the table to make sure we?re not on the menu.

We have been told by our representative in Washington, Mark Anderson, who will be at our convention in Wichita, that action will take place on the proposed rule in 21 days and it will be bad for the industry.

We need you to call CPSC Acting Chairwoman Ann Marie Buerkle at (301) 504-7978 and urge her to oppose the prosed rule as written. You can also email her at abuerkle@cpsc.gov.

To learn more about how to get involved in this effort, please email us at nfasafety@gmail.com and tell us how the CPSCs proposed rule would effect you. We need your stories, because they are real and bureaucrats need to know how this proposed rule will hurt you.

Thank you very much for your quick action. I look forward to seeing you at the convention.

Nancy Blogin
Executive Director

09-08-2018, 10:06 PM
Received from the National Fireworks Association

Dear Friend of Fireworks ?

There is a saying in politics, "if you?re not at the table then you?re on the menu."

As you know, the NFA and it?s leaders ..........

We have been told by our representative in Washington, Mark Anderson, who will be at our convention in Wichita, that action will take place on the proposed rule in 21 days and it will be bad for the industry.

That doesn't sound very good.

beaver nation
09-09-2018, 12:52 AM
That doesn't sound very good.

yep, this is no surprise but disappointing for sure. Hopefully litigation will work out to thwart the CPSC from trying to interfere with burst charges since there is no widespread injuries let alone injury data to support their watering down the performance of consumer shells.

09-10-2018, 10:22 AM
Hopefully this reaches the right persons eyes,, and i hope everyone on this forum sends in a similar letter. So we can at least say we tried.. and not we sat back and let it happen
To whom it may concern,
It has been brought to my attention that a decision is going to be made on the recent cpsc review of consumer artillery shell fireworks. I urge you to consider the people like me when finalizing this decision. I am one of many hobbyist users of consumer fireworks across the country and i have been doing so safely for 20+ years. While fireworks are a dangerous hobby it is something that many more people do without incident. Unfortunately when you do hear of these accidents it almost always involves the person improperly using them, not the product itself. Even if changed if someone holds a firework in their hand the end result will not be good, No matter what we do there will always be these people out there who misuse any product and give it a bad name for the responsible users. As an example: We dont water down alcohol because alot of people get hurt, hurt others, and die from it every day. We do try to make it harder to obtain through age restrictions though.. I feel a similar approach would greatly benefit this consumer artillery shell firework issue. Weather it be an age restriction or maybe a training certificate for use. I feel altering these products to the degree mentioned in the hearing will forever change this hobby i love so much, and i know there are many people like me across the country, unfortunately we do not have a huge voice to speak up for us. I also noticed in the hearing that the people who are the biggest advocates for this change are the very companies who thrive on the sale of "safe and sane" fireworks. And i cannot see a corporation who sells fireworks requesting this change if it wasn't going to greatly benefit them financially.

Thank you for your time,
Matthew palazzolo

I did not send this in yet,, so if anyone has some constructive criticism, i am open to hear it

Pyro Dave
09-10-2018, 11:44 AM

I dont think you should use the statement "fireworks are a dangerous hobby". Maybe replace it with "fireworks are a safe and rewarding hobby when used correctly with proper training."

Just dont want to seem like you are agreeing with the naysayers. Anything we do can be dangerous, proper training helps to reduce the risk.

09-10-2018, 03:42 PM

I dont think you should use the statement "fireworks are a dangerous hobby". Maybe replace it with "fireworks are a safe and rewarding hobby when used correctly with proper training."

Just dont want to seem like you are agreeing with the naysayers. Anything we do can be dangerous, proper training helps to reduce the risk.

Good point.. i like it.. will change

09-10-2018, 07:08 PM
Or even, "when used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions". People who are getting injured are 99% of the time doing something explicitly warned against. Holding the shells, holding the tube, standing over the tube, shooting the tube at others etc.
Stop taking personal responsibility out of the equation and stop blaming manufacturers for people being willingly ignorant or negligent.
<steps off the soap box>

09-10-2018, 09:25 PM
Or even, "when used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions". People who are getting injured are 99% of the time doing something explicitly warned against. Holding the shells, holding the tube, standing over the tube, shooting the tube at others etc.
Stop taking personal responsibility out of the equation and stop blaming manufacturers for people being willingly ignorant or negligent.
Pretty sure i covered that too.. but not in such specific words.. because honestly have you ever actually read manufacturer instructions.. they pretty much say do not hold in hand.. or shoots flaming balls.. and the artillery shells are usually really crappy pictures of what to do.. its like chinese english.. lol

09-11-2018, 12:20 AM
Pretty sure i covered that too.. but not in such specific words.. because honestly have you ever actually read manufacturer instructions.. they pretty much say do not hold in hand.. or shoots flaming balls.. and the artillery shells are usually really crappy pictures of what to do.. its like chinese english.. lol

It's called Chinglish. It's very common in lots of instruction sheets and directions for cheap electronics ect. And I agree that the instructions on fireworks are pretty much useless for the most part. An industry standard for safety instructions that made sense would go a long way. Maybe some clear directions on how much distance would be considered safe for the size of the item. Throw in a consumer education campaign leading up to the 4th to go with it.
The ignorant and intoxicated will continue to injure themselves and others no matter what is done. Be it with fireworks, cars, guns, or turkey fryers.
Anybody know where I can pick up a set of lawn darts?

09-11-2018, 09:13 AM
If any of you have Facebook - here is a link to ACT on this. All are highly encouraged to make the ph. calls and or emails

09-11-2018, 10:16 AM
The ignorant and intoxicated will continue to injure themselves and others no matter what is done. Be it with fireworks, cars, guns, or turkey fryers.
Anybody know where I can pick up a set of lawn darts?

Haha... yes!!! Exactly

09-11-2018, 10:18 AM
if any of you have facebook - here is a link to act on this. All are highly encouraged to make the ph. Calls and or emails

on it!!!!!!

09-11-2018, 12:24 PM
thanks knepp.... I made a version that everyone can send to people that enjoy their shows...

Dear Ann Marie Buerkle,

I understand a decision is going to be made on the recent CPSC review of metal content in consumer fireworks. I urge not to make changes to existing regulations on metal content as this will not make consumer fireworks safer and will reduce color and sound so much that it will ruin all consumer displays and economically destroy the industry in the US. I am one of the millions of citizens that enjoy consumer fireworks across the country. Fireworks are safe when used properly and provide a lot of enjoyment around holidays.

I understand the proposed changes in metal content of fireworks and how there is an attempt to link metal content with fireworks injuries. Metal content is not the problem. Almost all accidents involving fireworks are due to misuse and usually holding fireworks in your hand. That is clearly unsafe and irresponsible. That will continue to be unsafe no matter what the metal content is. Do not ruin consumer fireworks for the millions who enjoy them by enacting an arbitrary rule that is not related to fireworks injuries, will not even reduce injuries, and plans on using ineffective XRF technology to measure metal content.

The biggest advocates for this change are the very companies who thrive on the sale of "safe and sane" fireworks and clearly you can see why, the financial benefit of course. This legislation is a lose, lose, lose for viewers and users of consumer fireworks. Do not enact it!

Thank you for your time,

09-11-2018, 02:59 PM
Love it esgrillo! Thank you to you and to mattp for your efforts!

09-11-2018, 04:52 PM
I also called.... went to voicemail but left a message. Time to be annoying.

I also wrote The President using whitehouse.gov. I am pretty sure that is a distant longshot but it can't hurt. i would have to imagine that if Trump heard they wanted to safe and sane fireworks like they are in California, nationwide.... he would not like.

09-11-2018, 10:44 PM
Hopefully this reaches the right persons eyes,, and i hope everyone on this forum sends in a similar letter. So we can at least say we tried.. and not we sat back and let it happen
To whom it may concern,
It has been brought to my attention that a decision is going to be made on the recent cpsc review of consumer artillery shell fireworks. I urge you to consider the people like me when finalizing this decision. I am one of many hobbyist users of consumer fireworks across the country and i have been doing so safely for 20+ years. While fireworks are a dangerous hobby it is something that many more people do without incident. Unfortunately when you do hear of these accidents it almost always involves the person improperly using them, not the product itself. Even if changed if someone holds a firework in their hand the end result will not be good, No matter what we do there will always be these people out there who misuse any product and give it a bad name for the responsible users. As an example: We dont water down alcohol because alot of people get hurt, hurt others, and die from it every day. We do try to make it harder to obtain through age restrictions though.. I feel a similar approach would greatly benefit this consumer artillery shell firework issue. Weather it be an age restriction or maybe a training certificate for use. I feel altering these products to the degree mentioned in the hearing will forever change this hobby i love so much, and i know there are many people like me across the country, unfortunately we do not have a huge voice to speak up for us. I also noticed in the hearing that the people who are the biggest advocates for this change are the very companies who thrive on the sale of "safe and sane" fireworks. And i cannot see a corporation who sells fireworks requesting this change if it wasn't going to greatly benefit them financially.

Thank you for your time,
Matthew palazzolo

I did not send this in yet,, so if anyone has some constructive criticism, i am open to hear it

Just one more reason to get the type 54 license or permit. While a lot of fun can be had with 1.4, I am convinced the CPSC will eventually have it to the point that things hardly go boom at all, much like they?ve done with firecrackers.

09-12-2018, 06:54 AM
I also called.... went to voicemail but left a message. Time to be annoying.

I also wrote The President using whitehouse.gov. I am pretty sure that is a distant longshot but it can't hurt. i would have to imagine that if Trump heard they wanted to safe and sane fireworks like they are in California, nationwide.... he would not like.

Awesome!!! Great statement too!!

09-12-2018, 06:58 AM
Just one more reason to get the type 54 license or permit. While a lot of fun can be had with 1.4, I am convinced the CPSC will eventually have it to the point that things hardly go boom at all, much like they?ve done with firecrackers.

Oh yeah.. i agree.. i already got mine.. and the fear of this was one of the reasons... i also feel one day they will change that process too, making it harder to obtain.. and when that day comes im hoping i will be "grandfathered" in.. lol
Also it really sucks, but the internet is littered with videos of morons doing very stupid stuff with fireworks

09-12-2018, 09:55 AM
Oh yeah.. i agree.. i already got mine.. and the fear of this was one of the reasons... i also feel one day they will change that process too, making it harder to obtain.. and when that day comes im hoping i will be "grandfathered" in.. lol
Also it really sucks, but the internet is littered with videos of morons doing very stupid stuff with fireworks
Yep, agreed. Unfortunately, we can send all the letters we want (as we should),but all the CPSC has to do is a quick YouTube search and they?ll find hundreds of video compilations of people misusing 1.4. ?Fireworks fails?....There?s plenty out there of people misusing 1.3 as well (4 inch salute in log).

09-12-2018, 10:25 AM
And yet they'll fail to grasp that good sense can't be legislated, but push on because "we have to do something!"

09-12-2018, 09:42 PM
And yet they'll fail to grasp that good sense can't be legislated, but push on because "we have to do something!"

Bureaucrats trying to justify their existence.

09-13-2018, 10:56 PM
Bureaucrats trying to justify their existence.

Absolutely, and they always like to choose the " low hanging fruit" ie...the easiest items with least resistance instead of taking on the real problems of the country.