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View Full Version : Another short backyard show this past Labor Day weekend

09-06-2018, 01:29 PM
This past weekend a friend of mine asked me to put on a show at his place out in the country. Weather was great, no rain, no humidity even though it was still mighty schweaty out there the afternoon of the setup. Sky was perfectly clear when the show went off.

Pre-show, the little trailer loaded up to take my racks out to the launch site.

Post-Setup, pre-launch...


The show...

1. 0:00 Swarming Skeeters (Phantom) & (Cremora pots)
2. 0:28 Platinum Pyro Fusion (Phantom)
3. 0:58 Raptor (Phantom)
4. 1:30 (2) Rebellion (Planet X Fireworks)
5. 2:00 Extreme Machine (World Class)
6. 2:29 Detonator (Dominator)
7. 2:59 High Falutin (Brothers)
8. 3:48 Sexy Rider (World Class)
9. 4:22 Motormouth (World Class) & Wild Bear (Brothers)
10. 4:57 45 shot artillery/canister rack, slow singles "Smoke & Mirrors"
11. 7:14 45 shot artillery/canister rack, fast singles mix "Excalibur","Continuum" & "Lock & Load"
12. 8:06 45 shot artillery/canister rack, fast doubles, "Realtree Wildcat", "Excalibur
13. 9:32 Hella Sweet (Brothers)
14. 10:07 Silky Sweet (Dominator)
15. 10:41 X-9 Panoramic Finale (Phantom)

A one fuse show, no stoppages, and only 3 shells didn't launch. (during the show ;) ) Worst injury was a blister on my hand from raking up the debris the next morning. :eek:

The aftermath...

09-06-2018, 02:09 PM
Pretty cool!! Nice job.. i like the breaks on that sexy rider.. great use of the excal tubes too!!

09-06-2018, 03:45 PM
Yeah, I had a bunch of cakes that I'd never used before. I didn't expect so much out of the little Rebellion cakes, and Extreme Machine was GREAT! If I had the same set of cakes to do again I'd probably rearrange a few to keep the magnitude of effects a little more linear.