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Funky pyro
05-16-2018, 03:53 PM
New to this site. I'm currently in California, trying to get my display license if possible . But I just love fireworks of all kinds from fountains to salutes !

05-16-2018, 04:29 PM
What's going on funky pyro?! Welcome to the boards. What do you normally shoot?

Funky pyro
05-16-2018, 04:33 PM
Whatever I can get my hands on! I love thunderkings for sure but I usually get a lot of 500 and 200 gram cakes different variety of whatever I can get. Also like to shoot reloadable shells. Last year I was able to get some display 3 inch and it was awesome but expensive for me. But it was a great item to add to my little show I put on for the neighbors! How about you what do you shoot

05-16-2018, 05:13 PM
I'm just a backyard shooter. Strictly 1.4G products. There's a link at the bottom to my show last year if you're interested.

Funky pyro
05-16-2018, 05:51 PM
That's pretty awesome great show! Do you make cake boards and use a firing system? Last year my wire didn't show up in time so we hand lit everything but It was fun too us all night to light everything one by one

05-16-2018, 09:11 PM
I used to glue everything down to boards and chain the cakes with visco. Last year was my first year using a Cobra firing system, and I decided to stake the cakes down instead of using boards. Much much nicer setup. This year I'm doing a pyro-musical. One step at a time! Keep moving up.

I take it you have your 54, yes?

Funky pyro
05-16-2018, 10:28 PM
No I don't I'm going to look into getting it soon though . I've been lighting fireworks with my family since I can remember and have always been fascinated by the effects the colors and of course the BOOOMS. I'm not sure the process I read here in California they want you to have 5 shows under your belt with a professional in a two year period to pass with the fire marshal. My problem is I don't know anyone and everytime I look up if anyone needs help I only see San Diego and rarely LA and I'm in SF

Kenny East
05-17-2018, 04:32 AM
Welcome, California is a bad state to be a pyro. I'm not sure about shooter requirements for California, but you could get an ART 54 easy enough. Doesn't mean you could shoot there, but might aid in getting any shooter requirements you may need.

Funky pyro
05-17-2018, 04:52 AM
Yeah I'm going to get Dave's DVDs and apply worst they can say is no I'll be in the same boat I am now. It would be awesome to be able to throw some nice big mortars and have a show that won't get me a fine !

05-17-2018, 05:03 AM
The ATF fireworks license does not give you permission to shoot 1.3 fireworks. It allows you to purchase, possess and transport . From the sounds of your post and the email you sent me. I do not think it is going to help in your California situation.

Funky pyro
05-17-2018, 05:25 AM
Yeah that's what I was afraid of . I guess I'll just have to try and find other pyros in my area that actually do shows and try to hit 5 within the 2 years . How long is the ATF liscense good for before renewal? Do you think if I got one it would help with getting involved with shows ?

05-17-2018, 03:58 PM
I know one thing that would immediately make your pyro life a LOT more fun. Move the hell out of California!!! They couldn't pay me enough to live in that state.

Funky pyro
05-18-2018, 01:52 AM
I would love to trust me!! But the wife doesn't want to leave the area because of her family. I wanted to go to Nevada or even further out towards the east but it takes two when you have kids!