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View Full Version : My First Cremora Fireball

03-31-2018, 02:18 PM
Having some fun yesterday and decided to try this out. Apologies for the sinister laugh, told my father I was testing out some firecrackers in a bucket. His face was priceless lol.



03-31-2018, 03:24 PM
Pretty cool.

04-01-2018, 01:04 AM
Hahaha.. that was awesome!!! What did you use?? mortar size/ ?? And which propellant/ratio?? Gasoline?

04-01-2018, 02:33 AM
Hahaha.. that was awesome!!! What did you use?? mortar size/ ?? And which propellant/ratio?? Gasoline?

The fuel for creamoras is coffee creamer or milk replacer powders with black powder lift, usually in a 5 gallon bucket. Gas mines or fuel mines are using gasoline and totally done differently then creamoras.

This is a gasoline/fuel mine I tested last year spring

04-01-2018, 02:39 AM
This is a creamora at night time I did years ago. On my old YouTube channel. This creamora, I added firework stars on top of the milk replacer. Notice I called it faulty cake lol.


Kenny East
04-01-2018, 05:05 AM
Do love the smell of burnt coffee creamer in the morning

04-01-2018, 02:18 PM
Pretty cool.

It was fun. Next one will be at night.

04-01-2018, 02:30 PM
Hahaha.. that was awesome!!! What did you use?? mortar size/ ?? And which propellant/ratio?? Gasoline?

Lol I really enjoyed it. I used a bucket with a 9” diameter (so under 5 gallon). I used 2FA black powder and used right at 6oz. That’s a little less than recommend, the recommended powder was 6.4oz. I used the cheap Best Choice creamer from wal-mart in the 35.3oz container. This was actually not enough but I don’t drink coffee lol so didn’t have anymore. The recommendation for creamer is to fill the bucket half to 2/3 full and mine was probably a little less than half. I also drilled a small hole towards the bottom on one side of the bucket that was about the size of the white fast fuse. It was actually super easy. Next one will be at night but I don’t think I will add much more creamer.

04-01-2018, 02:31 PM
The fuel for creamoras is coffee creamer or milk replacer powders with black powder lift, usually in a 5 gallon bucket. Gas mines or fuel mines are using gasoline and totally done differently then creamoras.

This is a gasoline/fuel mine I tested last year spring

That was really nice. I’m a wimp and will stay away from gasoline for awhile lol.

04-01-2018, 02:32 PM
This is a creamora at night time I did years ago. On my old YouTube channel. This creamora, I added firework stars on top of the milk replacer. Notice I called it faulty cake lol.


Haha that was intense, was that a 5 gallon?

04-01-2018, 02:33 PM
Do love the smell of burnt coffee creamer in the morning

Lol same here. Don’t drink coffee but appreciate creamer these days haha.

04-01-2018, 02:55 PM
Oh wow.. thats cool.. guess that why theyre called cremora(creamer) .. and not gasonlina.. that totally is less crazy than filling a bucket with gasoline.. lol..and is so simple and cool

04-01-2018, 03:04 PM
Oh wow.. thats cool.. guess that why theyre called cremora(creamer) .. and not gasonlina.. that totally is less crazy than filling a bucket with gasoline.. lol..and is so simple and cool

Yeah I’m not brave enough to venture into gas just yet lol. However, gas actually seems like it clears the ground much more than the creamer. That possibly is due to having too much creamer though. One thing that shocked me was the blast from the bp. Actually knocked off a picture in the house in the video. I’m still blaming the cat but my wife was actually inside and seen it happen.

04-01-2018, 07:52 PM
yes 5 gallon bucket

04-01-2018, 08:01 PM
Yeah I’m not brave enough to venture into gas just yet lol. However, gas actually seems like it clears the ground much more than the creamer. That possibly is due to having too much creamer though. One thing that shocked me was the blast from the bp. Actually knocked off a picture in the house in the video. I’m still blaming the cat but my wife was actually inside and seen it happen.

Gasoline is far more dangerous, if lift is to weak you can have fallout on the ground, and that keeps on burning on the ground. For daytime add a cup of diesel into gasoline to create an awesome black cloud.

Northern Sky
04-01-2018, 08:41 PM
Gasoline is far more dangerous, if lift is to weak you can have fallout on the ground, and that keeps on burning on the ground. For daytime add a cup of diesel into gasoline to create an awesome black cloud.

I'd actually say the Gasoline Fireballs are safer. There are less variables. If the creamer clumps due to moisture it lifts differently. In my opinion this effect was WAY over driven by the BP. With Gasoline Fireballs there actually isn't much sound. A lot of people shoot some kind of Salute to make it more dramatic. As far as fallout, Creamoras always leave a slimy residue on the ground. I've shot hundreds of Gasoline Fireballs and have not had fallout to date, KNOCK WOOD. The key is to make sure the charge is on the bottom of the mortar.

04-01-2018, 11:06 PM
Yeah I’m sure it was some beginners luck and I didn’t have much at all come to the ground. I’ve seen tons of videos with creamer all over the ground afterwards. Like you said gasoline has less variables, but for me the bp and creamer is the easiest with prep.

04-01-2018, 11:18 PM
Ghost mines are interesting, I've never done one. problem is getting methanol and finding it reasonably priced and then the correct chemicals to create the color. There done sorta like gas mines.

Kenny East
04-02-2018, 12:27 AM
Or for a nice gas fireball without the liquid components... 50/50 naphthalene and airfloat charcoal... I've never had an issue with fallout from a dry mix or creamora... My first gas mine, burned some grass... Didn't use enough bp, so it went up then back down... Fun but I don't usually use them in my shows, need a bigger shoot site to place them away from my racks and cakes