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View Full Version : Tigre E4

03-31-2018, 01:26 PM
Circa 2002, when Michigan was still Safe and Sane, I bought some fireworks from a guy selling them out of this van. I came across these crackers. 2 inch, 10 packs. Crimped. The ones I shot years ago were all green wraps with white stars, but the particular pack on the right has half of the crackers wrapped white with (i assume) green daisy's mixed in. Good crackers if I remember correctly, nothing amazing. These are French I believe. I see similar or newer versions with simple online research, but not these exact ones.

Just curious if anyone is familiar with them and could provide any other info? Thanks.


Kenny East
04-06-2018, 02:50 PM
That's pretty sweet but I've never seen them... Seen a few European labels but not that one. Kinda looks like a pack I had from Germany. Had to put fire to the fuse, wasn't impressed by them. Only slightly better than a compliant firecracker.

04-12-2018, 02:30 AM
Yep. I remember they were basically a little better than the standard firecrackers we had at the time. On a side note, the guy I bought them from ran into some trouble a year or two later for selling illegal fireworks. Some decent finds in that van of his though. He was out of m-80's, but I did buy some m-250's (as he called them), among other things. He kept those salutes under the hood, near the engine. Yes, really.

Kenny East
04-12-2018, 03:03 AM
That's a bad place for them,lol. Just put them in a saltine cracker box like everyone else..lol