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02-27-2018, 07:55 PM
Here are two great videos showing an indoor fireworks magazine and the approval process.. Note on the second video he stood his ground when the ATF Inspector questioned the distance requirement at 150 feet and found that was not true. I keep telling you, you can not believe everything an ATF Inspector tells you in the some of the states that very few ATF Fireworks license holders. Stand your ground if you feel you are meeting the regulations.



02-27-2018, 09:05 PM
HEY I have that TOO: BUT my video better....
NOTES: Things I have learned, don't do that lining, just a fight every year with every different inspector that comes out, yea it works but until they put that in writing, questions and delays, Wood is RIGHT in the print of the orange book (and NOT on the lid), they can't argue with that if you point it out, glue the wood in, just easier, Just has to be there doesn't do anything but buffer the product (again as the orange book reads) and less hassle. Second, before your inspection READ THE ORANGE BOOK. This job box is in that book, although buried in another section with the lock mechanism, it is already in writing and approved with no distance requirements noted... A little homework and I had mine done in 10 min, and Bs'ed with the guy for another 20, because no questions no problems... Do what they want and what is wrote and I don't care where you live, they have to follow it, don't get fancy and say, well this is the same, because it may take them a few weeks to say, yes that is ok EVERYTIME they come out.. As my granddad always said KEEP is simple stupid, do what the man wants..

DAVE DID YOU GET YOURS YET?? Legal firework now I thought you would have one in your garage by now, just reupped my $50 to the state for mine last month..

02-27-2018, 09:34 PM
I don't always reveal what I do and do not have because I always got some Mofo's trying to report me for something. Their objective is to stop me at all cost and put the people following my videos back into the pyro dark ages.. Been going on for years. Here is your video , it is great also. I just posted this one above because he held his ground on that distance the ATF wanted him to change. It just gives everyone a new perspective and increases everyone's level of confidence when you have an interaction with the ATF. I heard from multiple enthusiast that now have magazines because you were willing to share what you accomplished. You see this guys video came after your did.


02-27-2018, 10:56 PM
Still didn't answer the question? Got yours yet DAVE??

But is all seriousness, Best $20 spent, I knew a lot before I got your video, but it made it that much smoother. as you have progressed, it makes the info you provide much easier to go beyond what I thought I could do before that, screw those nayslayers, I have seen a lot of these videos since we did this and am proud, because I think that's where the info came from....And I like to see that.

AND no edit 1 take on that video!! lol

03-06-2018, 08:25 AM
Here are two great videos showing an indoor fireworks magazine and the approval process.. Note on the second video he stood his ground when the ATF Inspector questioned the distance requirement at 150 feet and found that was not true. I keep telling you, you can not believe everything an ATF Inspector tells you in the some of the states that very few ATF Fireworks license holders. Stand your ground if you feel you are meeting the regulations.


Dave,I took the Illinois Department of Natural Resources explosives class 2 weeks ago and i can tell you what there requirements are.You can use a job box...it must be wood lined or have a epoxy coat of paint.50lb max of explosives...no distance requirements...it has to be in a shed or unattached garage.if you have 3 sheds you can have 3 job boxes etc...they will inspect these job boxes once a year...there looking for records of what went in and out... shoot permits and insurance coverage.you have to renew your license every year.