View Full Version : Show set up - COBRA parallel wiring

01-23-2018, 06:24 PM
So this year will be my first with the COBRA, and I only have 1 module (next year, 2 and so on). I would like to set up with left, center, right shooting platforms and have the left and right mirror each other for the majority of the show. Problem is, 1 module = 18 ques. I know I can wire in parallel, but I worry because continuity tests don't account (accurately) for parallel connections... am assuming correct?

So... is it reliable to parallel wire (left and right platforms) the majority of my show and not worry about a side not lighting, or should I just have one (giant) center show and not worry so much about left and right sides just yet?

Obviously, in future shows I will be able to do it, but given my hardware limitations this year... should I just dial it back a notch?

Thank you.

01-23-2018, 06:44 PM
Newbie - I think you're asking a lot of 1 firing module. Of course I have no idea how much stuff you have to shoot, or even what it is, but a 3 platform show off one mod is pretty ambitious.

Having said that... If you're using firewire initiators you *can* get creative with the wiring and run a left and right platform, or a left, center, right, platform by wiring in series right at the firing mod, or use scab wire to extend the distance. Last year that's what I did and it worked great. If you're using talons then you're limited to parallel only.

So it depends on what you're shooting, how much you're shooting, and how creative (read -time consuming) you want to get with the wiring. Nothing's impossible. The impossible just takes a little longer.

01-23-2018, 09:27 PM
Newbie, it will work fine and yes continuity checks on the Cobra can be misleading when there is more than one talon in parallel. That being said, I did this all the time. I had so much scab wire running all over the place for my 3 platform set up when I did not have a lot of modules it was nuts. I would check continuity of all your talons as you as you fuse everything with a multi-meter on all your individual cakes you can at least eliminate the the problem of breaking the wire as you clip it at least thats what I did. If you are using firewire its basically the same but testing continuity is not as critical because I have never found one with bad continuity.

Running scab adds time and cost to your show but you can stretch what you can do with limited mods that way. Getting rid of scab wire has been one of the reasons I keep adding modules each year.

You can see a LOT of scab wire in my 2015 video here:

It worked pretty good.

Kenny East
01-24-2018, 04:11 AM
Depending on how far your shooting positions are apart that's going to be a lot of shooting wire... I would keep it centered, until you have more modules... But it's possible to pull it off with only 18 cues. My first efired show used a basic 12 cue import system. Ran lots of scab wire to racks spaced around the shoot site... Kept all the wire when it was done, makes great blue green flames in the camp fire.

01-24-2018, 06:40 AM
Think I'm leaning towards just a center this year. Next year I'll have my second module and it won't be as stressful as pushing the limitations of having only one. I do want to enjoy the setup as well, thats

01-24-2018, 06:42 AM
... half the fun right? Thank you for all the input and advice! Now I need to buy more z cakes and make some more angled racks to fill the sky...

01-24-2018, 10:21 AM
A little more work, but you can also get creative with calculating cake times with different fuse speeds/ lengths and times.. so each cue can light off multiple things 30sec to a min apart.. not as accurate timing wise.. but can definitly make each cue do alot more

01-24-2018, 04:53 PM
Here is a setup of mine that I did with one mod back in 2015. I now have 2 18m's and 1 36m. I'm slowly building the number of mods I have.
You can definitely have a great show and a lot of fun with just one mod.


03-01-2018, 03:04 PM
Newbie, it will work fine and yes continuity checks on the Cobra can be misleading when there is more than one talon in parallel. That being said, I did this all the time. I had so much scab wire running all over the place for my 3 platform set up when I did not have a lot of modules it was nuts. I would check continuity of all your talons as you as you fuse everything with a multi-meter on all your individual cakes you can at least eliminate the the problem of breaking the wire as you clip it at least thats what I did. If you are using firewire its basically the same but testing continuity is not as critical because I have never found one with bad continuity.

Running scab adds time and cost to your show but you can stretch what you can do with limited mods that way. Getting rid of scab wire has been one of the reasons I keep adding modules each year.

You can see a LOT of scab wire in my 2015 video here:

It worked pretty good.

How many mods, and what was the budget of this show?

03-01-2018, 03:49 PM
How many mods, and what was the budget of this show?

This one was about $3000 and used 4 18M mods