View Full Version : Designing a Show

01-17-2018, 05:52 PM
After some searching and following a few links on here, I have seen quite a few firework displays that you guys have done. I am totally blown away by these displays I've seen by you guys. I would love to be on that level some day.

I know that careful planning is a huge part of a fireworks display; and as I start to "design" my show it's proving more daunting than I imagined it would. I keep rewriting or charting it differently because it starts to become unmanageable... if that makes any sense.

I'm not sure if you guys have moved into software to help design your shows, I don't have any. But could you give any pointers to a type of template or chart of a show or something that you use or used to use? Or explain how you "see" it all and how you transpose that onto paper...

01-17-2018, 08:41 PM
This year i am using finale fireworks to plan the show and visualize. Prior year was watching individual videos on each effect and writing down the show. Visualization was all in my crazy pyro head. Every year I learn more and last year was my first year with cobra so I'm sure the more experienced pyros can provide better input. Rewrites are normal as is taking it beyond manageability that is in our pyro nature. I usually plan a reasonable show. Then add and rewrite a dozen times until my wife says I'm crazy. Then I know my show is ready.

01-17-2018, 08:53 PM
That is funny, guess I'm not alone then. I'm starting to see from personal experiance that every year is a step above the last and a learning experience all in one. I guess I'm in a weird zone in between doing small fused "segments" and doing a 15-20 min continuous show. It's hard to envision the entire thing... I have my opening and finale, but then I'm left asking, "what do I put in the middle?" Feels like I'm writing a research paper again...

01-17-2018, 09:56 PM
I was there last year. I did a ten minute show with two modules. This year up to ten. The best pyro site for help is here IMO. For products I love SO76, pyroboom, and cobra. Good luck. Keep posting how it goes. Make sure to take a lot of set up pictures. The pros here can really help.

01-18-2018, 12:55 AM
I’m in the same boat fireworknewbie. Last year was my first e-fired show. I used the cheap Chinese Firing System with 12-channels. I shot from several boards close together and then fused everything after first ignition point on each board. The show was a big hit for the neighborhood and family. However, it wasn’t as satisfactory for myself. I want the cakes spread out to fill the sky and have more effects. In addition, I want much more control of timing.

This year I have upgraded to a larger Firing System. Still not at the cobra level but will be able to do a lot more than the cheap 12-channel. I will also be firing from 3 main positions for 500gram cakes and will have multiple positions for effects. There are a lot of programs out there and it all comes down to how much your willing to pay. For diagram software, Rick_in_Tampa recommended and has shown me his file created with MS Visio. I’m checking with my school and employer for a discount before taking the plunge. You will learn a lot from these guys on here and don’t be afraid in asking questions often. I know I have and continue to ask.

01-18-2018, 11:31 AM
This year i am using finale fireworks to plan the show and visualize. Prior year was watching individual videos on each effect and writing down the show. Visualization was all in my crazy pyro head. Every year I learn more and last year was my first year with cobra so I'm sure the more experienced pyros can provide better input. Rewrites are normal as is taking it beyond manageability that is in our pyro nature. I usually plan a reasonable show. Then add and rewrite a dozen times until my wife says I'm crazy. Then I know my show is ready.

i heard finale was expensive... wish i could get it

01-18-2018, 12:46 PM
newbie, I think everyone has similar issues during the planning. I always have sections that I know what I am going to do and some other that I need some filler. After a while you will get a fireworks list that you know work well and you like. I use some cakes every year because they look good and are good value.

When looking for new items, I spend a lot of time looking at the videos to find cakes/effects that I like. When I do, I'll add to the show.

For layout I make a plot plan on where things will be (helps with set up day too). I also have used a spreadsheet to graphically show the order of cakes going off but dont use that anymore since I started using Cobra Show Creator for scripting.

In general depending on how many shooting locations you have I go for vestrymen left and right and balance with high low effects. I run 3 platforms so I almost always have the same thing going off left and right. If I have a real high effect going off in the middle I have something low on the ends and vice versa.

I dont have finale and use CSC so no visual aid for me that way (yet) but the videos help out a lot. Save your shows scripts each year and if you find a good effect in someones show, ask them what it is. I do it all the time.

01-18-2018, 09:54 PM
Im in the same boat.. Yes, it is very easy for it to get unmanageable, ive already rewritten and changed my list for this year 3 times.. especially after wathing grillos videos.. haha.. i have 3 small kids and work 2 jobs.. so my prep and setup time is very limited.. mostly done the day of to a few days before.. after watching some other peoples videos and also wanting to outdo myself from previous years .. i planned out this crazy elaborate show.. then realized how the hell am i going to do this and pay for it too.. haha.. ill save it for one day.. but back to the drawing board again for this year... lol.. also need to build up a tube and rack collection.. so i add a handful more of those each year.. little by little.. ask and learn.. well be there one day.. and i highly recommend invest in a firing system.. even a cheap starter one to get your beak wet.. you wont regret it

01-18-2018, 10:04 PM
Ok.. just read another post of yours.. you do have a firing system.. AWESOME!!!

01-18-2018, 10:04 PM
lol thanks Matt. Also I meant symmetry, not vestrymen what ever the heck that auto-correct word is. Plus I would add the obvious here, if you are doing a pyromusical, get your music 100% finalized before you script one cue.

01-18-2018, 10:28 PM
Totally agree music first and esgrillo has the best consumer firework show IMO. I steal from him as often as I can. For instance someone is going to video my show with a drone this year.

01-19-2018, 01:19 PM
Newbie - The template has to come from whatever is in your head based on your vision for your show. The only thing we can offer you are pointers how to arrange/select your effects.

To that end I would piggyback on what esgrillo and others have already said. WATCH VIDEOS!! You can't make smart decisions on what cakes and effects to buy if you don't know what they do. I started watching videos last October. I keep a list of everything I like in MS Excel. (I can send you a copy of the spreadsheet if you'd like. Shoot me your e-mail in a PM) From there you can whittle it down based on your budget and the type of show you want to see on the 4th. Once you have the list of effects figured out, you can lay them out any number of ways. I use MS Visio. I'll attach a screen shot of my drawing for my show this year so you can see what I'm talking about. By laying it out on "paper" you can determine distances from your firing modules, or determine lengths of visco or scab wiring, etc. I use the Cobra firing system, so I also annotate each cake and effect with the firing module and cue information. So on the morning of the 4th I print off my drawing and I have a blueprint to use in the field for where everything is supposed to be. I also save it to a folder on Dropbox and I can share it out to anyone who is helping me set up the show.

Beyond that, your design is only limited by your imagination and budget! I make it a point to always have at least two 500G cakes going at all times. This year there will be more. The more separation you have between them, the more of the sky you will fill. I'm also adding ground effects that will be going off while other effects are going up. Watch videos!! Google the PGI show demos on you Tube. You will get tons of ideas on how to put various effects together to form a great show. Check out esgrillo's shows! He does fantastic things with 200G cakes that fill the sky and really stretch the pyro budget. If you don't have MS Office or MS Visio, download "Open Office" for free, and then a freeware version of MS Visio like Gliffy, LucidChart, yEd Graph Editor, etc.

I hope this helps. If you need/want any additional info; or if you just want to bounce ideas around; don't hesitate to contact me. Always happy to help!


01-19-2018, 05:24 PM
So much great advice! Keeping a list of effects as a item/effect/duration archive is awesome, definitely going to start on that rather than pushing my memory to the limits, lol.

Got a lot of videos to watch...