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View Full Version : Contingency storage in Colorado

01-11-2018, 04:00 AM
Soooo.... I have had my ATF paperwork for about 2 years now and I am finally in a place that I am finally filing out the paper work and will be submitting here shortly. I wanted to ask if anybody knew of anywhere in Colorado that offered any contingency storage.

I also read on a thread somewhere that storage is not 100% needed at the time of applying and the interview for the type 54. Is this correct?

Also, does anybody have any advice as how I go about applying for the Type 54? The reason why I ask is because Colorado is very firework unfriendly. Is the process in obtaining or applying different in Colorado due to the strict laws or since this is a federal license, state requirements are not necessary.

Thanks alot everyone!

01-11-2018, 08:38 AM
Colorado is no different than any other state for the purpose of the ATF license. The procedure is a Federal procedure. Problem sometimes is, even some ATF Inspectors do not want to believe it, particularly in states with low numbers of total ATF fireworks license holders. I receive your message, I can’t answer email on New Year’s Eve about getting an ATF license. You said you purchased my video 2 years ago, I suggest to go back and watch it again. Sometimes the traditional fireworks holidays like New Year’s Eve stimulate people that have procrastinated applying.
For people that purchased my ATF/DVD package I prefer to answer questions about the procedure using my email at pyrotalk@gmail.com. I spend a great deal of time clearing up misconceptions about the license , the state etc. I’m going to need your Google Earth address to see what options you have.