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12-19-2017, 09:03 PM
Just the other day I sent in my PGI membership renewal. Today I received my new card for 2018. I just want to comment this is the faster membership renewal turnaround I think I ever experienced. The new Membership Services Manager appears to be staying on top of things. As I said in a prior post, don't give up on the Pyrotechnic Guild International, consider renewing your membership another year. From what I read they are bringing back all the fireworks vendors and outlined some new rules.

12-19-2017, 10:31 PM
I hope to return if the PGI makes it back to Indiana. While I still would enjoy the convention, I would be pretty upset if I drove to Mason City to find out 96 shot pearls only.

12-19-2017, 11:38 PM
You're in luck. The 2018 convention will be in Mason City! I already have hotel reservations.

Dave is correct. They invited all of the vendors back this year. They're also working to amend the by-laws so if one vendor screws up, they can toss THAT vendor out without having to toss everyone. Sitting in on the meeting this past Aug, they realize changes need to be made and they're making them. So... For what it's worth, I'll continue to support them.

Oh... Julie is a sharp cookie. Runs an advertising biz in real life. So she understands how things look. She's going to do a great job as the membership gal.

12-20-2017, 06:51 AM
I might do my membership this year.
Ok 0 this year in Mason City, but do they have place for 2019?

12-20-2017, 06:41 PM
They're working on Gillette, Wyoming for 2019 last I heard. Nothing firm yet.

12-20-2017, 11:39 PM
Hopefully not WY. No offense but I want Indiana back. WY is way too far for most of the members.

12-21-2017, 04:57 AM
Hopefully not WY. No offense but I want Indiana back. WY is way too far for most of the members.

I heard just shortly after the LaPort PGI in 2016 2 things....
1. Way too many complaints from the locals...
2. Was in the process of developing the same area of Fairgrounds - so no longer in the lineup of venues.
Is either or both of these true?

12-21-2017, 08:20 AM
When the convention was in Indiana I was in a local grocery store and heard the locals complaining about the noise. It seemed like the topic of the day everywhere I went. Some of it was a little exaggerated. One that comes to mind was a man in the checkout telling the clerk he found fragments of fireworks in his yard. The clerk even questioned it, as she put it “All the way out where you live”. However, the site is close to a residential/retail business area.

12-21-2017, 12:23 PM
Hopefully not WY. No offense but I want Indiana back. WY is way too far for most of the members.

That was my first thought as well. Especially coming from Florida. But according to the PGI powers that be, Wyoming is actually the midway point for the majority of the members.

12-21-2017, 12:55 PM
I have heard that it will be in Wyoming in 2019 and 2020 it will be a toss up between Fargo or possibly a new site in Wisconsin they are working on.

Northern Sky
12-21-2017, 02:52 PM
I was a PG I member for 6 years. I traveled where ever it was for that time from Erie PA. With the mess they created in 2016 I tabeled my membership. Since I needed a Pyro fix, I attended the shoot in St Louis instead and was more active in my local clubs. In my opinion PGI is focused on long-time manufacturing member and Old Manufacturing / Clubs.

I will probably not be attenting PGI again. That left a bad taste in my mouth that will be difficult to undo. With the money saved other club functions will be the benificiary.

12-21-2017, 03:47 PM
I agree with Dane [Northern Sky]. One of the percs [NO pun intended--I'm not talking about KClO4] is to be able to purchase & bring home product. Unless you are driving across the country I don't see myself taking a 120 pound barrel of Cremora on a plane with me or a couple 50 pound bales of rice hulls!
Having been directly involved in shooting two shows at PGI [2013 at Butler & 2016 at LaPorte]with Bixler Pyro I am happy to be able to say "been there, done that"....and had an unforgettable time doing it===so it is one thing off of my bucket list. Now for Malta & Italy!!!!

I found it to my benefit to focus on attending more of the local club and vendor functions and channel my funds towards them. As you get older and the aches and pains set in you have to set a game plan of where & when you are going to abuse your body for your "pyro fix". The "younger guys" on here can think about events 5 or 10 years from now. At 68 I am glad to be able to do & go where I can.
I'm not discouraging people from joining PGI----but until I see some major changes made from the 2016 fiasco I will not encourage anyone to join either. It does sound like they are making progress.
I do whole heartedly advise people to seek out their local clubs and get involved with them. I look forward to hearing about peoples experiences at PGI 2018 and do wish them success.......Just my two cents!

12-26-2017, 09:12 PM
I heard just shortly after the LaPort PGI in 2016 2 things....
1. Way too many complaints from the locals...
2. Was in the process of developing the same area of Fairgrounds - so no longer in the lineup of venues.
Is either or both of these true?

If someone’s offended by either of the two responses...sorry not sorry.

1. Too many complaints from the sushi eating, yoga attending, gluten-free/vegan eating yuppies.
2. Probably to build more half million dollar homes and starbucks restaurants for the above demographic.

12-27-2017, 02:51 AM
If someone’s offended by either of the two responses...sorry not sorry.

1. Too many complaints from the sushi eating, yoga attending, gluten-free/vegan eating yuppies.
2. Probably to build more half million dollar homes and starbucks restaurants for the above demographic.

I'm with ya countryboy.
About a year ago I ran across this video while searching for the shows at PGI 2016. Skip to about 12:30 and you will hear the complaints in a county commission meeting. It's special. Insanely boring for the most part. One commissioner is obviously against it or just talking shit about every issue to get votes. The others get irritated about having their time wasted.


12-27-2017, 03:30 AM
I'm with ya countryboy.
About a year ago I ran across this video while searching for the shows at PGI 2016. Skip to about 12:30 and you will hear the complaints in a county commission meeting. It's special. Insanely boring for the most part. One commissioner is obviously against it or just talking shit about every issue to get votes. The others get irritated about having their time wasted.

Thanks for sharing that cptnding...classic example of the PUSSIFICATION OF AMERICA!.I only watched the first 3 people...i couldn't take anymore.The goofball who said his eardrums and his dads colon were effected was funny as shit!.I hope everyone else takes a look at this.Happy New Year!

12-27-2017, 05:59 AM
That is a great find on the Laporte video thanks for posting.

12-27-2017, 09:53 PM
Here are some Google Earth pictures of LaPorte Indiana Fairgrounds. You can see what looks like residential on one side.

12-28-2017, 12:10 AM
I live near a single-A short-season minor league baseball stadium where they have fireworks every home game on the weekends, and the 4th (and 3rd and 5th if there's a game). I attend Town Council meetings and once it was brought up by a council member that there were "numerous" complaints about the noise (disturbing the kids, the dogs, the elderly, shaking their windows, blah blah blah). It was obvious that this council member was not a fan of the pyrotechnic art. The discussion continued for 20 minutes or so when another councilperson asked "Exactly how many complaints have we received?" "Five." "From how many people?" "One." "Next topic.........."

12-28-2017, 01:53 PM
I especially loved the part where the one board member said the PGI should pay the expenses for everyone that needs or wants to move out of the area for the week. What a moronic statement. Only exceeded by the moron who spoke after him who can't seem to find any hummingbirds now. OMG.... Where do these people come from???

02-24-2018, 09:18 PM
Better get your renewals in before March 3 to save $. We re-upped our memberships and got our new cards. I must say there’s a new air about the PGI, I think last year was a wake up call, and Aaron Enzer almost won the election, losing by only a few votes, which shows the members dissatisfaction. As for Fargo, last year was probably the last year of having the convention there, there are development plans the city has for that location. I thoroughly enjoyed it last year, and this year we are attending as a wpag members.

02-25-2018, 07:53 PM
I see the PGI convention is in Mason City Iowa this year. I recently found some pictures from 2007 when I was at the Mason City Iowa convention, I may post them on the forums. That is actually a great piece of property.