View Full Version : Reccomendations on a good video camera for taping fireworks shows

08-23-2011, 08:17 PM
I've been video taping my shows for the past 5 years. Some have been decent and others not so good. A lot of "blurring out". I've kept the cameras on manual setting & there is not a fireworks setting on it. I plan on purchasing a new video camera in the very near future. Any advise on a good camera or technics that you've found useful would be appreciated.

11-22-2011, 11:07 PM
Black friday is coming any suggestions.

11-23-2011, 12:56 AM
From what I've seen, many camera models from the major brands (Canon, Sony) have a Fireworks mode. Very useful, because it takes care of focus and white balance, two of the most commonly screwed-up variables in filming fireworks. The only drawback I've seen is that it locks focus to infinity -- which is great if you're zoomed out all the way -- but if you zoom in on something 20ft or even 50ft away, the focus isn't sharp. I'm using a Canon HF S21, which is last year's model, and it's great for pyro. Very portable, yet large enough that it doesn't feel like a toy. My only complaint is that the lens isn't as wide as I'd like. Could get a wide-angle adapter, though...

11-23-2011, 01:31 AM
I've heard the Go Pro hd cameras are excellent