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View Full Version : Just had my interview Friday

09-09-2017, 04:43 PM
This is my first post but I wanted to give people a heads up on a problem I ran across when applying for my type 54. I bought Dave's DVD package about a month and a half ago and that made this process go a lot smoother than it would have if I wouldn't have bought it. The problem I ran across is that the ATF inspector called the local zoning board of the city I live in and asked them what their policy was regarding a "home business" since it is viewed as a business in the eyes of the ATF. I didn't realize that I needed to file a couple papers with the city and pay a permit application fee of $75 plus have 3 people (zoning, city clerk and fire marshall) sign off on the permit before the ATF inspector would process my application and go any farther. She told me some of the ATF inspectors don't call the area you live in but some of them do so it is something to be aware of. It delayed my interview by about a week but she came out Friday and everything went nice and smooth. I was a little nervous about the whole process but after a few minutes, I realized she wasn't there to tear me down but just to educate me on the laws. She said I should have my permit by October 1st.

09-09-2017, 04:58 PM
That is interesting. While obviously the language of the laws and regulations clearly say and lean toward license and permit holders as members of a business entity, my investigator clearly recognized that I was a fireworks hobbyist...at least for the time being. He tailored our discussion accordingly. This was highlighted when he covered the display of my Type 54 permit in my place of business. He said something to the effect of since I was not a business, he knew I will have the permit and if he needed to see it in the future he would ask for it. Sorry you had to deal with a little extra bureaucracy.

09-09-2017, 05:31 PM
I did also have an indoor magazine approved but it was in a totally different county. When I called the fire marshal in my city, he said he would have to come and look at it but I told him that the reason I needed his signature was to approve my "home business" since that was where I was going to keep all records for the ATF. He was kind of puzzled also at why he had to sign off on the "home business" when it was going to only be where I stored my paperwork. So now I have a home business certificate issued by the city but have no business name besides my own name. The whole process was kind of messed up but I got through it and just wanted people to know that this can happen just depends on who the ATF person is.

Kenny East
09-12-2017, 04:00 AM
Had a similar discussion with my inspector, didn't hinder my application. They did say that i would have to file a LLC or a DBA if I intended to do any shows for compensation. I said nope just for my own amusement, as well as further growing in my hobby. She had no problem with that.

09-12-2017, 05:01 AM
If any ATF license is denied for not having that home business certificate I will intervene. But if it is an easy thing to do and no one seems to mind just do it. To me it sounds like the local city/state is trying to find hidden tax revenue. I met with the ATF at the recent NFA and they argued "You have to be in compliance with state law". In turn , I ask them to cite a case over the last year where they denied a new license for non-compliance with state law during the application process. They had none. It all a bluff that carries minimal weight during the application process. It may come into play once you are licensed and behave in a manner inconsistent with state laws. But even then I am not sure because since 2003 it is a Federal procedure.

09-19-2017, 06:20 PM
Just curious honda350xatc. What county are you located in? I went through the process last year in southeast Michigan and did not have any issues. And by the way, I live in a money pit fee for everything county.

09-20-2017, 07:06 AM
I live in Manistee county but my magazine that I had inspected is in mason county. The lady that did the interview came out of Portland Michigan.

09-20-2017, 07:11 AM
At Honda350xtc. What is the status of your license. Are you just in a waiting period after meeting the requirements? Update us when you actually receive the license in the mail.

09-20-2017, 09:12 PM
She told me a day after my interview that she was finishing up my paperwork and that everything went good so I should have my license by October 1st. October 1st is the beginning of the ATF's calendar year so she told me that they want to wrap up anything they have going before the new calendar year. I will let you know once I receive it in the mail.

09-28-2017, 07:41 PM
Just received my license in the mail today. Can't wait to place that first order.

09-28-2017, 09:00 PM
Congratulations adding another ATF licensed fireworks enthusiast to the state of Michigan. Fax or scan and email to the distributor
the beat goes on
Da da dumb da dumb da da… ........Eminem

09-29-2017, 12:26 AM
the beat goes on
Da da dumb da dumb da da… ........Eminem

Eminem?? Lol... I had you pegged as more of a Lawrence Welk guy Dave. :cool:

09-29-2017, 10:29 AM

@ Rick In Tampa: What's wrong with Lawrence Welk? lol

09-30-2017, 05:34 AM
@ Rick In Tampa: What's wrong with Lawrence Welk? lol

Woooooooooooooooooooooow....... :p

09-30-2017, 07:51 AM
I'm currently working in one of the Southern Sates where the ATF told him to withdraw the application. I swear they must teach that in ATF Inspector class I see it used so much. LOL Although my favorite one was in Texas, they said you sign to withdraw or we will forfeit the application. They also said it to a applicant in Chicago and he told me he was ready for it because he remembered me emphasizing it in my DVD video and he refused. We are moving into a Plan B in this southern state because I do not believe he articulated his intentions correctly during his interview. Without going into the details, I am doing that with the help of one my advertisers. Some people in this 1.3 business understand all of this and I am glad they are part of pyrotalk. Then there are other 1.3 distributors that are indirectly benefiting from all of this because they are getting new customers from my DVD package, however they are not part of pyrotalk. They are silent participators in the process. While I can't help all the people that buy my ATF DVD package, they are select cases that stand out I feel are important because of the applicants intentions, location and/or work they already did prior to contacting me.
How big is the magnitude of all of this for the 1.3 distributors? I'm sure most of us are in the $1000 to $5000 category, surprisingly there are newly ATF licensed big ticket buyers out there. At the recent NFA convention demo I sat with someone that my DVD package helped licensed a few years back, without revealing his personal details , he told me he purchased $20,000 worth of fireworks for his own personal use last season. I was pleased to hear it was at least one of my advertisers. He was admiring whatever firing system Dominator used as we watched the colored lights flicker in the field on the modules prior to the start of the display. He ask me my advise on systems, he is currently using Cobra and wanted another higher end system. He is adding magazines on his family property to further enjoy the hobby. In his case and most others it happens the opposite of what was taught over the years , I teach, the hobby starts with the ATF licensed and everything else follows. Its always nice for me to hear from people I helped get licensed.

10-03-2017, 12:47 PM
I think the biggest problem with the southern states, strangely enough, that there are hardly if any 1.3 wholesalers around. If there are, I wish I could find them. If anyone has a list or any info it would be nice to have. That poses an immediate consistency distance problem.

hell that seem like that would be an business opportunity for somebody in the business.

10-03-2017, 06:33 PM
Just received my license in the mail today. Can't wait to place that first order.

Congratulations! Go forth and fill the sky!