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08-05-2017, 04:05 PM
Hey gang. So for those of you I haven't had the opportunity to meet over the years, my name is Peter. Over the course of the past 7 years I think I bought Dave's package on three different occasions. Right when I was ready to pull the trigger, a job-related move came to pass...hence my having the username "Vegassalute" and I live in Vermont.

Anyway, I got my fingerprints done on Friday and am wrapping up my package to send to the BATF along with my paperwork. I have a letter of contingency storage from my club. Simultaneously I bought a shipping container and am having it delivered & placed upon its pad early next week. So basically I have the contingency storage letter approving my use of the club magazine and I'm also hoping to get my type 4 approval simultaneously so that I can have at least one container on my property.

My question is, do you have any insights you'd care to share pertaining to magazine inspections & approvals? I've downloaded and printed about 10 pounds of ATF docs around magazines. I have a handle on my max composition guideline relative to the size container. It is brand new and now has welded enclosures around each puck & padlock point. Further, I had additional clearance around the pad and have ensured the perimeter has zero growth against it. It is more than 400' from my home and even further from any public roadways or dwellings. Access to it is secure and I've also installed motion-activated cameras and lights in case someone were to stumble upon it and attempt get cute. Inside, I plan on installing 3/4" plywood strapping around the walls and countersink & seal all nail heads to minimize sparking risks. The floor is all wood.

Have I missed anything? Have you been tripped up on your magazine inspection for something you never gave a second thought to? I'm all ears if you'd like to share experiences or insights. I'm mailing my docs, fingerprints and photos out to the BATF next week so I have some time before the interview & inspection for tweaks if you think of any. Thanks gang.

08-05-2017, 06:52 PM
I was hoping to sell you the ATF package at least one more time, darn. LOL I had no idea that occurred. It sounds like you are really going for it this time. I'm trying to recall if you are more into Vermont or New York State. My ATF listing from 2012 has 18 ATF fireworks license in the state of Vermont. As I recall in one of those New England states I had to help an ATF license applicant that had an indoor magazine. The ATF in that area, which encompasses multiple states is not use to seeing an advanced fireworks enthusiast apply for an ATF Display Fireworks license. They delayed a decision on his application, I called on his behalf and they finally issued the license.
Without knowing all of your circumstances and that magazine , I am thinking you should go for the initial license with the club contingency storage. There will be time to get that magazine approved once you are licensed. Then you can just update the storage from contingency to the magazine. Use the interview as an opportunity to get an opinion from the Inspectors on how best to proceed with the magazine. Remember you may be in an area of United States where this may all be new to the ATF. So do not be surprised if they do not have immediate answers for you.
Always keep in mind my standard advice, do not voluntarily withdraw the application and check back with us on the forums if there is an issue. Some of the other guys that currently have a magazine or are licensed in that area may offer some other helpful pieces of information. Glad to see you are now finding the right time to proceed with this and thanks for sharing the information. Would also be great to get some pictures if you find time and are comfortable doing so.

08-06-2017, 07:07 AM
Ha, and I probably would have purchased it again Dave lol. I'll say this to all the detectors out there that insist this info is free and you're an added layer in the process: yes, it is free but what you're paying for when you buy the Dave package is the service and prior expertise. You've done the legwork, compiled the docs, and most importantly, you've kept the package fresh & relevant through the various legislative or regulatory changes (example - the most recent package I purchased is slightly different from the first one several years ago b/c you modernized it relative to the evolution of regulatory change and added steps), etc. In my estimation the combination of your package along with watching your video library properly prepares the hobbyist for the application and interview process.

I'll definitely send pictures once the container is dropped off this week. I think you're probably right, I should keep the initial application & interview process simple by using the letter of contingency. I can then go back to get my container approved. Until that time I have more than enough 1.4 product stored in various places that needs a consolidated home - and I'll use the container for that.

And yes, I have no intention of withdrawing. I'm prepared to see it through until successful completion. I've been a responsible hobbyist for many years, have served different roles on many 1.3 shoots, and have studied the industry thoroughly. I'm very excited about this next step!

08-07-2017, 08:46 AM
It sounds to me the ATF would be very happy with that setup. The fact that you've got a security system is a real plus. Good luck and make sure all interior metal is covered with epoxy, silicone, or something like that.