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View Full Version : Used cobra prices

07-09-2017, 01:01 AM
Why is it every time I see anything used it's almost same price as new i don't get it if your only gonna save a couple bucks just get new...just my 2cents

07-09-2017, 11:56 AM
I recently deleted a few used firing system post. Unapproved selling is not permitted on the pyrotalk forums. The post was exactly as you described. Something similar occurs on Craigslist with used computers. They purchase a new computer and want you to purchase they old one for $700.00. I guess its all relative but I feel the cost of a new end high firing system is reasonable. Some of my advertisers run one or two sales a year. A used high end firing system is worth around 50 to 60 % percent of the purchase price considering condition in my opinion now that July 4th has past. A used import system is 30 to 40% at best.That is if it still works.
Problem is people selling used system that paid $1500.00 want to sell it to you for $1300.00. Buy the way they probably have a used computer to sell also.