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View Full Version : when loading a rack with shells...

06-08-2017, 11:09 AM
when loading a rack with shells, how do you guys do it? do you use all the same effect in 1 row and a different effect in another, etc. or is it just a lot of different effects in a whole rack? or does it depend on what you're going for? give me some ideas please.

06-08-2017, 11:12 AM
put salutes in one rack(s) and everything else , elsewhere.
if hand-firing, randomly do a salute here and there.
don't think over-think it .
just my 2 cents.

06-08-2017, 11:20 AM
put salutes in one rack(s) and everything else , elsewhere.
if hand-firing, randomly do a salute here and there.
don't think over-think it .
just my 2 cents.

thanks for that, but i don't think i'll get salutes. i'm just a 1.4g guy

06-08-2017, 11:48 AM
Boy, whenever I see a question like this, it reminds me of how much I miss shows with multiple-break shells.

06-08-2017, 12:54 PM
Boy, whenever I see a question like this, it reminds me of how much I miss shows with multiple-break shells.

why? did i say something wrong?

06-08-2017, 12:56 PM
IMHO it depends on what you're going for. Last year I bought "Spirit of Liberty" mortar set. It came with single, double, triple and quad break shells. I used them in my finale so I alternated single, double, triple, quad, single, double, etc. and so on.

Alternatively, if you wanted to build up slowly to a sky-puke finale, you could shoot nothing but singles, then use a quicker fuse for doubles, then faster for triples, and insanely fast for quads.

This year I bought all canister shells and I'm going to alternate them in the tubes.

06-08-2017, 04:08 PM
I'm going to do all the above this year. I'm going to fast fuse a row of 6 all the same effect. Then use perfect fuse on a row same effect. When it comes to finale all sky puke. How ever I'm saving all the crackling shells to go all at once fast fuse. That's if they are all labeled correctly. Lol

06-08-2017, 04:34 PM
I plan on sending volleys from 3 stations this year. Each volley will be QM or quick fused shells with the same exact effect. Should look pretty neat especial all one the color Shells and chrysanthemums. The mix color I'll just puke the sky at the end. This is for my shell finale, btw

06-09-2017, 12:06 AM
Fan your racks if you can or fire from two or three positions. Space helps. If you're going to sky puke then it does not matter at all.

Kenny East
06-09-2017, 03:32 AM
I've got chains of mixed effects... And i have some sorted by color... Some by shell types... It's all about preference and planning... If you don't have a plan or preference then load them how ever... Another thing to think about is effects stepping on each other... Like a Willow shell followed by crackle... If there isn't time between shots you willow will be washed out by the next effect... My 2 pennies