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View Full Version : Best cakes for under $10?

05-22-2017, 02:06 PM
I'm thinking I'll do a lot of fusing cheaper cakes together on boards this year, just to get good bang for the buck value. So I'm curious about what cakes are worth aiming for. Focusing on cakes that go higher, louder, more effects, rather than cakes with lots of shots. Stuff like Great Expectations and cheaper. I feel like I had some $3 and $4 cakes last year that were really good, but I can't remember what they were.

Thanks for your thoughts!

05-22-2017, 02:37 PM
I think what is good or bad for the money is relative to where you go to purchase fireworks. If we tell you a good one that is not within a reasonable driving distance , what good is that? The list can be endless. At that price range you are looking at 200 gram cakes. Not sure what your budget is , you should consider 500 gram cakes or firing at least 2 of dam near any 200 gram cakes at the same time. If you are looking for cheap fireworks I suggest just asking the store personal to help you select. Tell them your budget and ask them to give some of the better performing cakes.
If your budget is larger consider having fireworks shipped to you. I have a list of advertisers looking to place shipment orders. Some as low as $500.00 and free shipping. You can even ask then to put together a $500.00 0rder for you.

Kenny East
05-22-2017, 02:51 PM
Crazy exciting, strong man, bump bear, winter ballistic, star shooter... The list goes on and on... Winter ballistic has a bunch of different effects. Including horse tails.... But short of knowing what yoh have around where you live.. Can only make some suggestions... Bought a lot of brown lable 200 gram cakes from wolverine... 41 shot sniper, 13 shot spring, 50 shot usa, 12 shot celebration... Always ask your local store, especially if it's a mom/pop fireworks store... They can help you to find some that may be labeled very generic... Even if you get some weak ones, just shoot them in pairs... Or mix a lower cake with one that goes higher

05-22-2017, 03:07 PM
Im with Kenny on the winda cakes. Anything winda really blows my dress up, really good stuff. Strong man especially is a big hard breaking 200g

shake the cove
05-22-2017, 04:59 PM
Dominator 200gm cakes case of 24..The Creeper, Beastly and Frag. All less then $60 a case. shot in doubles or triples they are great.

05-22-2017, 06:39 PM
This was one of my first cakes, really liked it. See for yourself.

05-22-2017, 07:44 PM
MS286 Medal of Honor 12 per case Firehawk $3.85ea
MS419 Shockers (Assorted) (8x5) 40 per case Sky Bacon $0.98ea
MS468 Seal Team 6 (4x6) 24 per case Brothers $2.90ea
MS494 Fan-Blastic - 16 shots 18 per case Cannon $3.01ea

Here are the 200G cakes I ordered this year from SO76. Fan-blastic didn't arrive yet, so I had to double up on the MOH. Maybe you can get them.

05-22-2017, 07:47 PM
Okay, more details. I'll probably be buying everything at atomic fireworks in NH. They seem to have the best assortment and best prices around. I'd be interested in wholesale deals, I just didn't think that my budget would get us on those bandwagons.
Me and my buddy did this for the first time last year, together. We spent $400-$500 on a mix of all size cakes and 60 gram shells. We did fuse some of the smaller cakes (200 gram and smaller) together and felt like that was the best part of the show.
I also felt like the more you spend on cakes, the less you"re getting for your money GENERALLY. For example, two 200 gram cakes might cost half of what a single 500 gram cake costs, and the 2 smaller cakes, combined, might be more impressive. This definitly goes for the 9 shot on a board 500 gram cakes - I can't imagine ever paying for those, when I can fuse 8 Excalibur shells together and get the same bang for a fraction of the buck.
So, we'll probably spend about $600, there will be a bunch of 60 gram shells, and probably a couple of 500 gram cakes that have cool effects, and a lot of 200 gram cakes, and I'm asking about people's favorite 200 gram and smaller cakes that I can fuse together, to create a bunch of boards that cost maybe $50 each.

05-22-2017, 07:59 PM
Part of the fun (for me anyway) is watching hours and hours of videos searching for cakes that really jump out at me. If you know the vendor you're buying from, I'd hop on their site and start watching videos. If they don't have any, then you're pretty much shooing in the dark. Might as well go for the most number of cakes for the pyro dollars. Just my $0.02.

05-22-2017, 08:13 PM
It is a broad question and hard to answer with specifics. In terms of 200g cakes I would say anything by Winda or Brothers. They make a lot of great cakes in your price range and are available at almost any fireworks store. Read the performance descriptions on the cakes when you shop-that way you can pair different cakes together that will compliment each other. For instance a multi color peony breaking over a mine cake will look great. The key is going to be talking to the folks at your fireworks store. They will know the best product for the best price. Also consider that Dominator and Big's have a nice selection of budget friendly 500g cakes-the retailers I shop at have many in the $15-$20 range. Also, as others have said, you should really consider wholesale. If possible get other people into a group buy and be able to mix it up. Or, go to a source like WFboom. They have assorted 200g cases where you can get a nice variety of 200g cakes at a wholesale price. There are a lot of options out there for you.

05-22-2017, 10:36 PM
Bump Bear. I use these every year in mass! I fuse about 60 - 90 of them together as part of my finale. I get them for about $2.70 each from '76. You can see them going off in my video from last year. Sets of 10 are fast fused with about a 10 sec delay each set of 10 so it ends up being continuous carnage for about 25 secs on each of 3 platforms. They start going off at the 23:50 mark in this video: https://youtu.be/ULOS-ZfDCN4?t=1429


05-23-2017, 01:15 AM
Those crackling comet cakes are usually fairly cheap (like Mighty Cobra). I know World Class makes a few 7 shot cakes that are cheap and pretty decent--- Global Warning and Giggles are two of them with nice spread and height, imo.

05-24-2017, 03:45 PM
I'm going to understand from your post that you are buying retail from Atomic. Based on their web site and what they have in stock, here are my recommendations for under $10 cakes that i like.

Neon Dragon by Big
Martin Bombers Brothers/Megabanger
Brothers Super Stallion
Winda Bump Bear/Cadmium Horse
Air Defense 100s
Megabanger Cobra Strike
Brothers Daffodil
Cutting Edge Evil Clown

05-24-2017, 03:46 PM
Those crackling comet cakes are usually fairly cheap (like Mighty Cobra). I know World Class makes a few 7 shot cakes that are cheap and pretty decent--- Global Warning and Giggles are two of them with nice spread and height, imo.

At it Again
Dark Ghost

Those are great but I don't see them on the site. Stores near me sell them for $2.75-3.50 each

05-25-2017, 06:02 PM
Yes, I'll be buying at Atomic. Thanks for the suggestions. I had overlooked Martin Bombers before but I just gave it another look, and it's a real pretty one.
I'm definitely sold on Bump Bear too, as well as some of the other suggestions.
And maybe wholesale next year.