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View Full Version : 70 shot home made cake

Kenny East
05-19-2017, 02:57 PM
15 shot double break, blue peony/salute...
10 shot blue peony to crackle..
37 shot silver brocade comet 1/4"...
8 shot crackle mine...
Comets fire pretty quick with single break shells... Speeds up into the double breaks... Last five doubles almost all fire at once with mines.... Had to do something with all these cardboard tubes from last year


05-19-2017, 04:39 PM
Some people will do anything to save $34.95 plus applicable sales tax. LOL
Kenny you are pretty crafty guy with making stuff, I like it.

05-19-2017, 05:40 PM
We need video.

Kenny East
05-19-2017, 07:47 PM
Worth more than $34.95 if it were retail....lol i will try to get a video when it goes up

Kenny East
05-20-2017, 04:01 AM
Always had a passion for art,now i paint the sky every year.... Just as every artist should be able to frame canvas or cut blocks of clay, i try to grow my skills to improve my techniques... Building and figuring out how it all works and reproducing the masters helps.... That said, give me an item or design and i will figure out how to build it... May take me a while but i can do it

05-20-2017, 07:53 AM
Looks great. Looking forward to video. How did you fuse it? Pink perfect fuse, grey paper, ??? so many questions, so little time!

Kenny East
05-20-2017, 03:09 PM
Pink, .5 sec/foot.... For each row of tubes.... 2" piece of visco between the rows for a small delay, last row pink fuse is wrapped with Dave's tape...to speed it up a little

05-20-2017, 03:41 PM
Nice work Kenny, I'll keep an eye out for the video.

Kenny East
06-30-2017, 04:08 AM
Nice work Kenny, I'll keep an eye out for the video.

Haven't shot it yet, hoping to get some one to record it.... My new camera won't import files to my tablet in a format that it can use... So i may have to dig out my old camera

06-30-2017, 08:36 AM
When will we see this available for purchase? haha nice work man! that must have taken a long time to make, I used to make my own 3/4" crackle mines out of home rolled tubes and a perfect in diameter "crackling buster" novelty I used to but at the firework stand down the street from me. They were basically a single pumped crackle star with visco fuse going into it that was then wrapped in decorative paper. I used flash powder from the inside of firecrackers at the time to lift these which worked fine but now that I think of it that was a very bad idea, at the time though I didn't know black powder was the most commonly used means of lifting.

06-30-2017, 09:15 AM
Looks awesome. Did you personally make each of the tubes and loads or borrow from other torn up cakes? Can't wait to see vid.

Kenny East
07-01-2017, 06:19 AM
The tubes are recycled cardboard mortar tubes... I use racks, and always end up with a big box of them each year... Tore off the bases, and plugged them all with saw dust mixed with wood glue.. Did buy a ton of 2" id tubes this year, made only one roman candle. It was just a proof of concept... May try to build a full 6-8 shot one later... May look into rolling tubes after i build a tube rolling machine

Kenny East
07-01-2017, 06:24 AM
When will we see this available for purchase? haha nice work man! that must have taken a long time to make, I used to make my own 3/4" crackle mines out of home rolled tubes and a perfect in diameter "crackling buster" novelty I used to but at the firework stand down the street from me. They were basically a single pumped crackle star with visco fuse going into it that was then wrapped in decorative paper. I used flash powder from the inside of firecrackers at the time to lift these which worked fine but now that I think of it that was a very bad idea, at the time though I didn't know black powder was the most commonly used means of lifting.

My first attempt at a shell consisted of a 3" canister shell full of firecrackers and pyrodex, fired from a shrink wrap tube... I knew the pyrodex wouldn't work as lift so i spiced it up a bit with some whistle mix from a few screaming fountains.... Blew the bottom of the tube out... And sent a bunch of firecrackers upwards.... Sorta a firecracker mime

07-01-2017, 10:17 PM
Yeah, I'd like to see the video too, heh

07-03-2017, 09:45 AM
Pretty cool stuff Kenny. Looking forward to the video.

Kenny East
07-06-2017, 03:19 AM
Video isn't going to happen... The person in charge of recording my show started like half way through my show, missed my wheel, cake and few timed report canister shells... Still trying to see if any of the other spectators recorded it... Should have tried to get it with a camera on my hard hat