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View Full Version : Question on chaining shells

05-16-2017, 10:21 AM
Ok guys, I have a question and I am hoping one of you can show me or explain to me the correct way of doing this. I have been building my rack collection since I got my 54 because as we all know shells are cheaper than cakes. In saying that, I also for electronically and don’t want to put a match on every shell. This year I am using 220 3in shells. I need to learn how to chain them with a 1 second time delay between them. I have the time fuse, but Im not sure the best way to go about the rest of the process. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also, don’t judge me, LOL.

Kenny East
05-16-2017, 06:57 PM
Could always just use quick match, just put some folds in between each shell... Then tie off the folds... The folds create a pinch point that adds a small delay in burn time...or buy bucket chains... Usually a couple dollars a piece...cheaper by the case...

05-16-2017, 07:09 PM
That is a good question---and no one is going to judge you.
Making a 1 sec time delay will be an issue since the typical burn time of 1/4" time fuse is between 2.6 & 3 seconds PER INCH.
So you see, you would have to have a piece of time fuse about 1/3" tagged into two pieces of quick match. Not an easy thing to do.
There is/was a device out there called a pyroclock that was a plastic collar with the time fuse in it & the quick match slid over each end--similar to an ematch port. I believe they were made over seas & don't know if they are still around or not. Also, cost prohibitive.
Let me offer a different approach to your situation: Look at some of the vendors that sell different speed visco fuse. [if you need some sources PM me]. If you have a rack of 10 shells you can run a length of 6 sec/ft visco down the rack--simply cut back the quick match & fold the black match over the visco & tape. [Personally, for insurance I would use double visco. Fuse is cheap!!!] You can then hit the chain with an ematch and save a bunch of ques on your firing system.
Another thing---we had some delay chains two years ago that had a small slug of black powder [like a pencil eraser] in an inline bucket crimped shut with aluminum clamps. They worked ok. Not sure what brand they were---I will see if there are any around in the mag next time we pull product. I think they were Flower King but not sure--I do remember the QM was red on them. Interesting way to make a time delay.
Also--look at the other thread that is up now about the 3second chains that Al at FireArt has.
I hope this helps.

05-16-2017, 07:59 PM
Could always just use quick match, just put some folds in between each shell... Then tie off the folds... The folds create a pinch point that adds a small delay in burn time...or buy bucket chains... Usually a couple dollars a piece...cheaper by the case...

We did some extensive testing of this at a club shoot a while back. I know there is a video of Albert at Little Big Shots where he shows the technique of looping & tying quick match to get a time delay.
What we found is that it works ok with uncoated paper quick match. The plastic coated waterproof stuff won't work for some reason. Also, the loops need to be folded back on each other and tied extremely tight for it to work. Seems like too much trouble---and I don't like the uncoated paper QM for use in a show. Eats moisture too easily.

05-16-2017, 08:45 PM
I did this last year and worked pretty good, I may try it again.
Most shells and chains come with visco on the end, and long at that.
So what I did it cut a small slit in the quick match of the FIRST shell, then put a SMALL portion of the visco from the second shell in and tape it, so when that shell light it lights the second with the delay (5 secs or so), but don't put all the visco in just enough for it to light it. If you want a 1 second delay just stuff a few more inches of the visco in, it burns it instantly if covered.

05-16-2017, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll test the Cisco idea as I have a lot of it laying around.

05-16-2017, 10:43 PM
The 3 second time chains Fire Art had were prefect for what I wanted them for last year. Also used on 3" shells.

Kenny East
05-16-2017, 10:46 PM
The plastic stuff usually has too many layers to make a decent choke point in the quick match... Paper stuff is flexible enough to close down onto the match inside to choke it off just enough to add some delay...

05-17-2017, 08:16 AM
The 3 second time chains Fire Art had were prefect for what I wanted them for last year. Also used on 3" shells.

They cant ship it though right?

Kenny East
05-17-2017, 02:37 PM
They cant ship it though right?

They can ship it but you have to pay for shipping, could call a see if they can get you a quote for shipping...

05-17-2017, 04:13 PM
use time fuse...

you know how fast the fuse burns just cut it to length. cut a 20 second length piece and tape a shell every few inches..

05-17-2017, 06:03 PM
use time fuse...

you know how fast the fuse burns just cut it to length. cut a 20 second length piece and tape a shell every few inches..

If you are talking about !/4" time fuse---and not visco--it won't work--1/4" time fuse does not pass fire on the outside--it burns down through the core...

05-17-2017, 06:19 PM
I want to be sure of something. When you say you have timed fuse, do you have what looks like the fuse in my pictures?

05-17-2017, 06:25 PM
Yes Dave, that is the time fuse.

05-17-2017, 06:29 PM
I believe I remember this correctly so here goes. I have two timed fused pictured above. One is from China and the other is from Japan. Anyone care to identify A and B?
When people are commenting you can place a knot in the quick match to cause a delay, its true. Problem is that is is not 100% reliable, however it is simple and close enough. Here you can see some of it in my video from 2011. The first row shot is what you want to watch. The second row is more for fun with multiple knots.


05-17-2017, 10:23 PM
If you are talking about !/4" time fuse---and not visco--it won't work--1/4" time fuse does not pass fire on the outside--it burns down through the core...

yeah using term "timer fuse" loosely here. Not the kind that burns down the core. I've used several different kinds.. but not visco for racks

visco jumps around to much to be reliable

05-17-2017, 10:31 PM
I believe I remember this correctly so here goes. I have two timed fused pictured above. One is from China and the other is from Japan. Anyone care to identify A and B?
When people are commenting you can place a knot in the quick match to cause a delay, its true. Problem is that is is not 100% reliable, however it is simple and close enough. Here you can see some of it in my video from 2011. The first row shot is what you want to watch. The second row is more for fun with multiple knots.


This is actually perfect! I only need to slow it down by a second between shells. Thanks man!

05-18-2017, 07:12 AM
If you watch some of my Rocket Man videos, he uses this time fuse between quick match when he sets up a slow flight of rockets. To be honest, it is a lot of work and you risk it pulling out unless you secure the entire fuse down. The knot technique in the quick match will not be 100% timed the way you want but it should work. Remember to have some Plan B fuse point in the event you have to relight the chains. I am also giving some thought to how long of a string of these would be reasonable with a single ignition and how should the rack be positioned.

05-18-2017, 08:49 AM
If you watch some of my Rocket Man videos, he uses this time fuse between quick match when he sets up a slow flight of rockets. To be honest, it is a lot of work and you risk it pulling out unless you secure the entire fuse down. The knot technique in the quick match will not be 100% timed the way you want but it should work. Remember to have some Plan B fuse point in the event you have to relight the chains. I am also giving some thought to how long of a string of these would be reasonable with a single ignition and how should the rack be positioned.

I would be using this method on flights of 10 or less. This is an easy technique and I don't need it to be timed perfectly. Just need a little delay between each.

Kenny East
05-18-2017, 02:44 PM
The rocket guy's setup is sweet but seems really time consuming to set up... He has a lot more patience than me. "Ain't nobody got time for that"... I wonder if he sliced the time fuse and put black match into the middle of the fuse...

05-18-2017, 02:53 PM
igniter cord

05-18-2017, 07:58 PM


05-19-2017, 09:38 AM
Do you think this could be achieved using zip ties Dave? Seems like it would be easier and faster.

05-19-2017, 07:50 PM
[QUOTE=Bazerk;44963]Do you think this could be achieved using zip ties Dave? Seems like it would be easier and faster.[/ i would say yes it seems like the same thing or the same thing would happen to me in my opion anyway.

Kenny East
05-20-2017, 04:14 AM
Never thought of that... And i zip tie most of my consumer shells and cakes....maybe i will test it out this Sunday.... Got waterproof and plain paper quick match...

05-20-2017, 05:29 AM
I am sure Zip ties will also work

Kenny East
05-21-2017, 05:57 PM
The zip ties worked for the paper quick match but didn't slow down the waterproof stuff very much, if at all... The zip ties were a lot quicker than tying a clove hitch on each kink...