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View Full Version : Wait times?

05-14-2017, 09:51 PM
Hey guys I had my interview over a month ago and still haven't received anything in the mail, any ideas on what is going on? When I got interview she was very kind and basically said without saying it that I was going to get it. She just noted in her notes I was still pending a background check, I have gotten into some trouble in the past, but the trouble I got into would not put me in jail for a year or more, all misedemeanor stuff. So according to the application, my troubles would not prohibit me from being able to receive my license. I'm just getting antsy because the fourth is right around the corner.Anybody have to wait this long?

Kenny East
05-15-2017, 12:38 AM
Had my interview... Got my permit like 2 months later... I was kinda in the same boat... Didn't get my permit until the 17th of June... My first year

05-15-2017, 08:45 AM
It took until about the 85th day for me to get mine. My interviewer didn't have my background check done and the time of the interview either. A federal background check takes a long time. This is what I'm assuming the wait was. Remember they have to notify you withing 90days of accepting your payment

05-15-2017, 09:57 PM
I would not be to worried about it, if I remember right mine took a bit. Like Big said federal background check takes a long time. You have my number let me know if you have questions.

shake the cove
05-15-2017, 10:02 PM
got the approval on june 7th had permit in hand july 1st. this was in 2016. Almost 4 weeks