View Full Version : Hello Everyone!

04-04-2017, 09:47 PM
I am new to the site. I have been fascinated by fireworks and special affects since I was a child. I have become the friend that always brings the fireworks for an outing or summertime party. I have been advancing over the years with building my own racks and even buying a cheap small wireless igniter system. I even got to put on a show for my sister wedding which was a lot of fun. I am getting to the point that I want to further my knowledge and get into the 1.3 display fireworks. I also want to do this legally since NY is pretty strict on consumer fireworks, even though they are becoming more open to consumer fireworks. I'm looking into applying for my federal license soon, once I figure out what I can use or build for a magazine. I am also looking at maybe taking the PGI DOC class soon if there are still openings for the classes in PA. I am also interested in finding a local company that might want to take me under there wing and teach me a thing or two in return for working and helping them out at shows. My 4th of July weekend is opened so if anyone on here is interested and would like an extra hand let me know. I am from Richmondville NY which is pretty much in the middle of the state. I work near Boston during the week, but I am back in NY most weekends. I would like to eventually get licensed in NY, but based of what I am reading I will need some hands on experience. Also, If anyone knows of a local club in upstate NY Please let me know. I have found a few in the North East, but these clubs appear to be 2-3 hours away for me.


04-04-2017, 10:23 PM
Hey Gordon, Welcome to PyroTalk.

If you are looking for hands on, you can look into Pyrotecnico.

They are a few other members who are currently in process of applying for their type 54 as well. Im sure they will chime in.

Have you looked into Western New York Pyrotechnic Association?

04-04-2017, 11:28 PM
hey gordon welcome to the forums. Give fireworks extravaganza a ring i know they were looking for people when i asked for contingency. i believe they are based out of New Jersey but they have some storage in NY

04-05-2017, 06:41 AM
Ditto on pyromaniac suggestion of western NY club. Most members are located between Buffalo and Rochester to Erie areas. Pm me for more info. Upcoming shoot in may. Plus the WNYPA helps us...Kneppys Fireworks....in Pyro musical on our demo night. May 6.
Details following very soon.

04-05-2017, 09:15 PM
Thanks! I just Inquired with them. Hopefully I'll hear something back from them.

04-06-2017, 12:02 AM
Welcome Gordon,

Don't let 2-3 hours discourage you. I'm almost 2 hours from most of my clubs events and would not change that for the world, great bunch of pyros!

Plenty of members here to help you advance. Good Luck!

04-06-2017, 09:49 AM
Welcome Gordon. And "DITTO" on WNYPA club. Great bunch of guys & gals!

04-06-2017, 12:41 PM
Gordon , sounds like you want to advance further into pyrotechnics. Be sure to subscribe to my displayfireworks1 YouTube videos. I just made announcements about fireworks training. I believe there are three PGI certification classes in Pennsylvania and of course my announcement about Pyrotecnico professional training for those that want to work on professional displays. Be sure to look over my videos and announcements. It just takes a little effort and sometimes a small fee.

Fire Art
04-07-2017, 10:40 AM
Welcome Gordon, We are holding the PGI DOC course on May 20th prior to our demo. Cost is $60 which also includes training materials and lunch. On May 19th we are having an open shoot if you want to scratch that pyro itch. If pursuing your 54 I can make some suggestions to make it happen faster and get you going without needing the magazine setup or the New York license up front. You will eventually need the NY license to shoot in your state though. Feel free to give me a call anytime. -Al

Info on demo, open shoot and PGI DOC course:


04-11-2017, 11:05 AM
Welcome to the forum and great to meet you.

04-11-2017, 11:27 AM
Getting your type 54 isn't that hard here in upstate NY, you just have to have contingency storage. Now as far as state certification that is a different ordeal. The state of course requires you to work for someone for three years and at least 5 shows before the state license but I have heard that after completing the process for the 54 others have applied for the NY own and possess license and received it without working for someone. Things have eased up here a little bit and I am continuing the process now myself. If you have land for a magazine that's great but you don't need it for the 54. Try Youngs for contingency storage, they may be close enough to you or I fireworks extravaganza, that is where I have it from.

04-12-2017, 04:03 PM
For NY you need 3 things completed

Type 54 to cover federal
NYS Explosive Own & Posess https://labor.ny.gov/formsdocs/wp/SH851.pdf
NYS Pyro Certificate of Competence (Need to prove experience working with someone licensed and take a NFPA test) https://www.labor.ny.gov/formsdocs/wp/SH870.pdf

For the explosive own & posses you will have to meet with the DOL at there office, get fingerprinted, its not an easy process but basically the same as type 54.
I was in your shoes before and have come a long way feel free to PM me I am happy to help someone who is going through what I went through.

Also want to mention you can apply for the type 54 and nys explosive own and posses at the same time. You don't need one before the other to get it. Also if you want to pick up 1.3g in NY now you MUST have your explosive own and posses. This was not the case previously.

Oh and buy Daves DVD for the type 54 or go to the training he is having now best way to get on your way to the 54

04-12-2017, 07:18 PM
I have heard some different things lately. An atf 54 and own and possess are required for sure plus fireworks extravaganza told me that in order to pickup they want a hazmat endorsement as well. Now I have asked some questions about permit and insurance and that is also something a township will probably require for a show. As far as the nys shooters competence certificate, I have heard if you have the atf 54 , nys own and possess, permit and insurance,and you are only shooting a private show ( not in commerce) then you may not need the nys shooters certificate. Some towns apparently say you do and others don't especially if you are not in commerce.
Anyone else heard anything different. I think we need to shed some light on this.

04-12-2017, 08:53 PM
I have heard some different things lately. An atf 54 and own and possess are required for sure plus fireworks extravaganza told me that in order to pickup they want a hazmat endorsement as well. Now I have asked some questions about permit and insurance and that is also something a township will probably require for a show. As far as the nys shooters competence certificate, I have heard if you have the atf 54 , nys own and possess, permit and insurance,and you are only shooting a private show ( not in commerce) then you may not need the nys shooters certificate. Some towns apparently say you do and others don't especially if you are not in commerce.
Anyone else heard anything different. I think we need to shed some light on this.
Theres so much misinformation out there most people dont know what the answers are I got a bunch of conflicting answers when I went through the process. I can only speak from my experiences.

I can tell you that purchasing from fireworks extravaganza did not require a hazmat when I purchased from them in October I will verify with them that this is still not required but I had heard its something you only need if its for commerce. Department of Labor states that you need to be insured for your show for up to 1,000,000 and get the permit.As far as some towns not requiring the competence I have no idea its the first time I have heard that.

04-24-2017, 03:50 PM
Thank you all for the advice and knowledge. I'll be messaging some of you when I have more time and have gone through all the information provided. It is nice to see such a positive response from all of you.

04-29-2017, 05:15 PM
I have heard some different things lately. An atf 54 and own and possess are required for sure plus fireworks extravaganza told me that in order to pickup they want a hazmat endorsement as well. Now I have asked some questions about permit and insurance and that is also something a township will probably require for a show. As far as the nys shooters competence certificate, I have heard if you have the atf 54 , nys own and possess, permit and insurance,and you are only shooting a private show ( not in commerce) then you may not need the nys shooters certificate. Some towns apparently say you do and others don't especially if you are not in commerce.
Anyone else heard anything different. I think we need to shed some light on this.

Wanted to tell you that you dont need a hazmat license to pickup its only required for the companys drivers.

04-30-2017, 07:14 AM
Wanted to tell you that you dont need a hazmat license to pickup its only required for the companys drivers.

Thanks for the info. Now we are getting some clarity.

05-08-2017, 05:15 PM
hey gordon welcome to the forums. Give fireworks extravaganza a ring i know they were looking for people when i asked for contingency. i believe they are based out of New Jersey but they have some storage in NY


I gave them a call and it sounds like I might be working this them this season.