View Full Version : YouTube Feedback this week

03-14-2017, 09:09 PM
Sounds like he took the Pyrotecnico free training mentioned in my youtube video.
Thank you for your videos. I stumbled upon them in researching entry-level remote firing systems, and continued to watch a LOT of your videos from consumer reviews, purchasing, and firing, up on through 1.3g purchases (and loved the video with Albert at Little Big Shots, I even re-watched that Dirty Jobs episode). I have put on large Class C / 1.4g shows for about 20 years now, priding myself on shooter and audience safety, now signing up for professional training in Philly per one of your videos. So, in short, sir, thank you for your time and contributions to the pyrotechnic community, I look forward to more and more videos, and I'm sure our paths will cross at some point. My best, and here's to happy and healthy shooting! -(name withheld)

03-15-2017, 08:11 PM
^^^*Toots own horn*

03-15-2017, 09:12 PM
Its to show the effectiveness of my videos, not to fireworks and equipment companies that advertise with me, because over 90% renew every year. Its the ones that do not advertise with me that need to see the feedback. I'm open for business and I work hard to promote pyrotechnics. This fireworks enthusiast is actually one of many that recently attended the free professional training mentioned in my recent video. By the way Mr. 4 post write in your profile what state you from. I'll give you a clue its one big long word with many letters or it may have the word New in it.
Here look at this page, send Scott an email and tell him that. I dare you, shouldn't you be in Amsterdam? Where is your passport?

03-16-2017, 08:29 PM
More feedback today Captaindlapnuts , isn't that nice. Plus it looks like another new attendee for the Fire Art PGI certification class. That's great. I'm feeling productive, it's a good feeling.
dave thanks again for all your help. i just finished up my interview with the ATF. it went well and soon enough i will receive my license in the mail. I couldnt have done this without the help of your video. i will be attending the open shoot and pgi certification course held at fireart in may. I hope to meet you out in the field 1 day, thanks again
(Name withheld)

03-18-2017, 03:22 PM
Random feedback today.
Hello Dave,

Well let me start by saying thank you... Your videos have really made my "backyard July 4th's" so much better! I have also recently purchased the Cobra system and I AM SO READY TO USE IT!

But my main reason for contacting you is, I just ordered your DVD set of getting my ATF license from your website. I'm sure everything will go smooth, but wanted to introduce myself. My name is XXXXXXX and I live in XXXXXXXXX. I'm prior XXXXXXX, and a hunter. For the past 5 years I've been really getting into the backyard stuff, and it's been going really well. My subdivision counts on me making my yard a "free show" for the whole subdivision! LOL

So I want to move to the next level, not making money but just getting a bigger bang for my buck. So wish me luck, and I hope to succeed in this next step with your DVD set. On YouTube I am subscribed to you as "XXXXXXXXXX".

Thanks Dave for many great educational videos!


03-19-2017, 06:30 PM
You know, you're kind of rude. I've often heard it said that you should toot your own horn, 'cause no one else will. Would you like to buy a thousand, (1000) fountain tubes?

03-19-2017, 08:44 PM
You can't talk like that without a state location. We will see you in 7 days. Please write in your state location at the end of that period. I'll give you a clue to its food
From sweets, to beverages (alcoholic and non) to main courses, here is the food fare that you have to try in (insert your state name here).
Lobster Roll. Yosoynuts/flickr. ...
Apples. James Walsh/flickr. ...
Pancakes with Maple Syrup. Totoro_friend/flickr. ...
Fried Lake Bass. ...
Steamers. ...
A Maple Sundae. ...
Apple Cider. ...
Omelette, Made with Local Eggs.

03-20-2017, 12:44 AM
Lol, New Hampshire

04-20-2017, 06:44 PM
Recent feedback.
I keep saying the road to advancement into pyrotechnics starts with the ATF license. Here is another example from my recent email. These emails always seem to come when I need a little something to get me to keep driving forward.
Dave, Just wanted to say thank you for all the great videos you post. They have helped me more than you will ever know. I got my ATF license last November, did my 12 hr training class in march and just took my shooters license test this past
Saturday and passed with flying colors. I will be going to work for a Pyrotechnics company shortly. I've been waiting to do this for a long time and you helped me get there. Keep up the great work for this hobby. Ill be watching for new videos.


Wholesale Fireworks
04-21-2017, 12:57 PM
^^^*Toots own horn*

DAVE Thank you for the "HORN TOOTING" As an advertiser we like to see this type of feedback so we know that what we are spending our money on is actually working. Granted none of these comments say that they will be buying from us as a result of what you are doing, BUT what it does tell us is that they like what you are doing and because of this they will explore your YOUTUBE channel and possibly move to the forum. They will also tell their friends about it. They will eventually find us and that is what matters. We have had great success working with you....THANK YOU
Keep up the great work and we look forward to more great feedback.

04-21-2017, 10:17 PM
Thanks Ray. I met someone today at Kellners Pyroday from Chicago. He was at the first class.. He now has his ATF license. He told me the ATF Inceptors tried to get him to withdraw the application. Then he remembered what I taught. He responded the ATF license is not contingent on a state certification or permission. They processed his license. There more to the story I'll have to cover later. I think everyone should know the ATF class idea at wfboom is a creation of Ray. While I teach it. He created it. It benefits the entire industry.

Big Mark
04-24-2017, 03:22 PM
Dave I am goanna leave you some feed back on here. Keep putting out those Kick ass video's you. been spinning.Thanks and keep up the good work.

04-30-2017, 07:37 PM
Wyoming ATF license feedback.

I am sure that the list of people that you have helped via your DVD package get their 54 is pretty short for Wyoming but however long it is you can add 1 more.

This has been a dream of mine for several years and it was not until I found pyrotalk and ordered your DVD package last September that the wheels finally got put into motion. It took me some time to locate a suitable container for storage (could of just bought a shipping container but I didn't want to shell out that much money just starting out) but my persistence paid off. One of my customers had a 5' x 7' storage locker sitting on the front of a generator trailer that they were not using. I bought it for $200 and I had a magazine. Started work on it in January and after several weekends got it lined and my locks installed. Finally dropped the application in the mail the 15th of March and here we are six weeks later have have my license. My agent was super nice and the whole interview and mag inspection took about 90 min.

I am fortunate enough to have XXXXX XXXXXX Fireworks five miles from my house. XXXX has a huge selection of product available and has been very easy to work with.

Thanks for all your videos as I can't seem to get enough of them. The Fourth is going to be awesome this year, can't wait for that first shell to explode and paint the sky.


Type 54 license holder

p.s. my envelope was white

06-07-2017, 05:15 PM
Feedback. Inspiring someone thousands of miles away. Thank You.
Hi Dave hope your well, I just wanted to drop a line and say Hello and introduce myself to you, my name is XXXXX from South XXXXXX (XXXXX) United Kingdom.

I have worked with numerous firework companies in the UK, got my BPA licence and explosive storage licence and started my own Professional firework business, catering for weddings, parties, local authority displays, corporate events etc.

I've followed your videos for 7 years now, it's what's got me into Pyro and i look forward to seeing more soon. 4th July is approaching so i'm guessing you'll be busy ��

I will have to send you a video of my next display including set up and rigging which is an outdoor music festival in August. ��

All the best

XXXXX Fireworks

06-07-2017, 06:21 PM
Good stuff!

08-14-2017, 03:52 PM
Here is a recent feedback from Norway. Note of all the videos and information out there about this system, he is requesting I post a video. I take that as a compliment. I am not sure if any of my current advertisers are selling this system. If they send me one I'll be happy to review it.
Hi Dave

Just a quick hello from overseas.
I'm a pyro technician from Norway – well, partly pyro technician – my main line of work is XXXXX XXXXX

I just want to express my gratitude for all the informative videos you post on your YouTube channel. Even though I've been working with fireworks / pyrotechnics for many years I still find new tips & tricks in your videoes. The other day I came across the clove hitch – a hitch I haven't been using for a long time – nearly forgot all about it :) In Norway we tend to use tape more often than we use hitches.

From time to time I do a lots of pyro and sfx in different theatrical plays. Normally I use Cobra for concert gigs and fireworks, but often I find it quite difficult, sometimes even impossible to hide any Cobra modules in between props and scenery. Then I resort to the RFRemotech AlphaFire 12Q Pro. A cheap(?) Chinese system, ok, but it seem safer and more reliable than the non-pro series due to the difference in radio modulation. I've been using this system for a long time and haven't had any mishaps or misfires yet :)

Do you have any thoughts about the AlphaFire 12Q Pro system?

If you should make a video concerning the AlphaFire 12Q Pro system in relation to this email, A link to the video would be appreciated though :)

Best regards


08-14-2017, 04:37 PM
I love seeing these feedbacks. I know I'm going to be called a kiss-ass by some but what you do for pyro is totally inspirational. I've been in LOVE with all things pyro since I was a young boy. I have the same level of passion for it all these years later and I still get even more pumped and motivated by your productions. Whether it's a pyro narrative in February about products, legislation, etc or an insane show with over 1000 cues, I love tuning in and seeing all the other pyros you come across. My $.02


08-16-2017, 06:13 AM
DAVE Thank you for the "HORN TOOTING" As an advertiser we like to see this type of feedback so we know that what we are spending our money on is actually working. Granted none of these comments say that they will be buying from us as a result of what you are doing, BUT what it does tell us is that they like what you are doing and because of this they will explore your YOUTUBE channel and possibly move to the forum. They will also tell their friends about it. They will eventually find us and that is what matters. We have had great success working with you....THANK YOU
Keep up the great work and we look forward to more great feedback.

"Keep Tooting Dave".I know i spent a lot of money with WfBoom and Cobra this year because of your Website.

08-17-2017, 10:09 PM
Do you have any thoughts about the AlphaFire 12Q Pro system?

If you should make a video concerning the AlphaFire 12Q Pro system in relation to this email, A link to the video would be appreciated though :)


To our Friend in Norway,

It looked like a "re-branded" AlfaFire Unit that Dave used in the Sesquicentennial fireworks to ignite the 468 salute cake from Kellner's. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/4B5B3dKPnhg. I don't know if it was the Pro FSK unit or not.

08-20-2017, 05:09 PM
Hello Dave

I will start off with the fact that I love your videos. Love all the info.
My name is XXXXX XXXXX. I am X5 years old live in XXXXXXXXXX Pennsylvania born and bread. Been shooting off and enjoying fireworks with my family my entire life. Have started to make my own BP and Black match and stars and a bunch of small things just to practice my procedures and such. I was just watching one of your videos and you said if you live in PA and don't have your ATF license I o email you so here I am.
I want to be able to legally enjoy the hobby I love so much and come to shows and shoot my own creations with my kids. They love it as much as I do.
I would appreciate any help and will give you any info you need about me. I own my own XXXXXX XXXXX company and have a clean criminal record lol. I am an avid gun builder and shooter and love loading my own ammo.
Not only do I love it but having my license and doing it legal would allow me to purchase better fireworks cheaper and be able to order chems from better places as well. I will be ordering your DVD set tonight.

Thank you
Phone XXXXx
I received your order I am mailing out your material. Once you watch the DVD you will understand the process. There is a 1.3 distributor near you in XXXXXX. You are going to need XXXX XXXXXX . They will give it to you. Tell them I sent you when you call. If there is an issue ask for XXXXX XXXXX and tell them you want to be a future customer. Then do the other things I mention in the DVD and mail it in . You need to watch the DVD and you will understand it. Thank for your order, you will receive it soon.
Here is the place XXXXX XXXXXX
Internet link here

Thank you so much I cannot wait to receive the DVD and get started I am definitely going to fill out for myself and my girlfriend to go to their PGI class and demo day next year for sure I am very excited to get the procedure to getting my license underway thank you again looking forward to meeting you someday

10-05-2017, 06:56 PM
Random YouTube feedback from the United Kingdom
Always amazing Dave, I have learned how to shoot small electric shows hear in the UK through watching these vids and learning from your fast experience. We can't get a licence to shoot 1.3 ( known as cat 4 in the UK) you have to be a part of a professional fireworks company. We have cat 3 fireworks which have more powder & performance than back yard fireworks (cat 2) I like to use quick match go Visco & electric match to small fireing systems & I have learned everything from you. God bless you.

09-22-2018, 01:13 PM
From the United Kingdom. Can't figure what is looking for, maybe a T-Shirt or a firing system?
Hi dave love your videos funny i wached your youtube channel for a long time before i became a pyrotech hear in the uk was a great inspiration and helped me pass my bpa cause although things are done slightly different in the U.S. compaird to hear.keep up the great videos.
P.s i do have one question/favour
I noticed in one of your videos you had a Zambelli Fireworks

Top on and i whould realy like one but cant finde them anywhere on the net in the uk do you know how i could get one . Many thanks XXXXX

09-22-2018, 01:20 PM
Do you still sell marine rockets?
I have a video on YouTube and it list the guy that sells them (Link to Video given)
Ok thank you, I buy bulk and saw your video. It's hard to find a dealer who can supply enough so I'm always looking
Yeah got the contact, I know XXXX and bought everything he had. Lol
That is great, I'm sure he will be pleased

09-22-2018, 01:21 PM
Hey Dave where can I get 60 gram salute shells
I did not respond.

09-22-2018, 02:38 PM
From the United Kingdom. Can't figure what is looking for, maybe a T-Shirt or a firing system?
Hi dave love your videos funny i wached your youtube channel for a long time before i became a pyrotech hear in the uk was a great inspiration and helped me pass my bpa cause although things are done slightly different in the U.S. compaird to hear.keep up the great videos.
P.s i do have one question/favour
I noticed in one of your videos you had a Zambelli Fireworks

Top on and i whould realy like one but cant finde them anywhere on the net in the uk do you know how i could get one . Many thanks XXXXX

The viewer is wondering where he can get a Zambelli T-shirt

09-22-2018, 10:34 PM
He message me on Facebook , apparently they call a T-Shirt a Top in the UK. I'm surprised I missed that. I think the break in the sentence threw me off Funny he told me the UK display company he works for and still wants a Zambelli shirt.

10-03-2018, 07:21 PM
Email feedback
i have been watching your channel since i was 5
and i absoulutely love your youtube channel. I have shot my own displays for family gaherings and have used technics from your channel and they are very helpful. my favorite of them is sticking the fuse of one shell into the next one's mortar pipe. I show the upside down fireworks video all the time to my friends. and we all giggle.

10-18-2018, 07:12 PM
Email Feedback
Could you please tell me where I can buy some or how to make it I'm wanting to make a few cherry bombs thank you for your time.

10-19-2018, 01:08 AM
Email Feedback
Could you please tell me where I can buy some or how to make it I'm wanting to make a few cherry bombs thank you for your time.

Lol... Now that's funny!! I hope you told them to call the ATF and ask them.

10-19-2018, 07:14 AM
Wow now thats a response you should share with us Dave. Maybe a good atf response will neccessary on this one.

10-19-2018, 11:11 AM
All pyro people start wanting to make big firecrackers. I just ignore these types of emails. I think it's normal. It's either teenagers, the ATF or PyroU
My money is on the former and/or the latter. LOL