View Full Version : New to PyroTalk...hope we can be of service

Magazine Chick
10-25-2016, 09:49 AM
Hi all.

Tread is a new sponsor of PyroTalk. We believe this is a great opportunity for us to learn more about the pyrotechnic industry and for enthusiasts and professionals to learn about storage needed to become ATF compliant.

Please let me know if I can be of any service, can answer any questions, or quote any products. We have been in the explosives handling business since 1957. Our products are fabricated right here in the US, base in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. I look forward to hearing from you.


10-25-2016, 01:10 PM
Let me officially introduce Jessica a sales representative from the Tread company one of my new advertisers. she is knowledgeable about explosive storage. The company is interested in supplying explosive storage to distributor's and advanced fireworks hobbyist holding an ATF license.
At the last fireworks demo I attended I met a private ATF license holder that had his own commercially made magazine. If can afford to purchase one they are out there. Tread wants to supply them.

10-25-2016, 01:25 PM
Welcome to the forum.

10-25-2016, 04:22 PM
Welcome Jess!

Wholesale Fireworks
10-28-2016, 10:50 AM
Welcome to PyroTalk Tread Corp.

10-28-2016, 01:09 PM
Welcome to PyroTalk. You are providing a much needed service to our industry!

07-25-2017, 10:02 PM
That link is dead. Can we have a new link if this company is still selling magazines?

07-25-2017, 11:46 PM
Welcome to PyroTalk Tread Corp and Jessica!

New link that is working.

07-26-2017, 04:54 AM
They are one of my advertisers , i wish we would have heard more from them over the months. Apparently that link changed. As far as I can tell they are still in the magazine business. It is a pretty big outfit. Last I talked with them they wanted more involved in the pyrotechnic business. I guess I'll find out how effective it all was in a few months when their contract is up for renewal . If you do not hear from them , I have other magazine distributors listed on the Sponsor Page.

07-26-2017, 08:29 AM
welcome hello from wv

07-26-2017, 11:43 AM
Welcome to the group. What all do you offer?