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View Full Version : Skype Debate Invite with displayfireworks1

10-22-2016, 07:07 PM
Recent email displayfireworks1
Dave, just wanted to drop a note of thanks. By following the instructions in your instructional CD I was able to successfully obtain an ATF fireworks user license, and with the help of our local BATF agents I was able to get my indoor storage magazine approved. I put on two small family shows each year one on the 4th of July and one on Halloween, As the license came today I will have time to go to Riverton Wyoming and buy a few 3 inch salute shells from Flying Phoenix Fireworks.
I have enough consumer stuff from Phantom for my show next week but will be super nice to add the salutes to the finale
Again thanks for you help
Skype Debate Invite with displayfireworks1


10-22-2016, 11:25 PM
Yes!!!! I love it! Let the naysayers eat crow... big black nasty crow. I COULD NOT have made it this far if it wasn't for dave.... I used to space out and handlight 500 bucks worth of 2 and 5 hundred gram cakes.. now...... now I shot huge 5 thousand dollar fast paced 4th shows with a cobra that leave people speechless. I learned it all from Dave and pyrotalk

10-23-2016, 08:33 AM
Thanks ras1986, as soon as we come out of the other side in your current situation , that is going to be the subject of my next video rant. Lets wait a little longer before we tell it. We are almost there.

10-24-2016, 04:33 PM
Now that is a video discussion I can't wait to see. I just want to also say that I am working on my 54 as well and it's through dave's process. It's slow going for me only do to the fact that I have a few other things going on as well but with watching your videos Dave I have done things differently with Consumer Fireworks from watching your videos that have upped those shows. When I do finish the process and elevate to the next level it will be from you, your videos and others on this forum who post their success and even failures to learn from. Hopefully someone takes the debate with you.

10-24-2016, 04:57 PM
Definitely a good idea. Too bad I don't think anyone would bother debating you. They're too afraid.
They'll just post on whatever forums they are on saying "Did you see what DF1 posted about debating?" Then they'll all talk shit for a few days to each other about it. Its childish. Basically why I only come here.

10-24-2016, 05:55 PM
Definitely a good idea. Too bad I don't think anyone would bother debating you. They're too afraid.
They'll just post on whatever forums they are on saying "Did you see what DF1 posted about debating?" Then they'll all talk shit for a few days to each other about it. Its childish. Basically why I only come here.

You hit the nail on the head with that observation/statement!!!!!

10-27-2016, 08:04 PM
This is my final debate offer. I will soon close the Skype offer as we approach the presidential voting day. If you are one of the people that have been criticizing and trying to stop me this is your chance to have your opinion heard. We will talk on Skype and record the event for everyone to watch. Let the record show you had an opportunity.

If any pyrotalk member is a member of another forum please feel free to post this video on another site so this offer is known

10-27-2016, 10:20 PM
First I would like to say talking smack online about other people talking smack online is kinda funny ironic. But that's the Internet.

I have to say I don't speak English real clear and I don't always think fast on my feet, and the American presidential debates are downright scary, if that's the style of thing people here want. So no live debate for me.

Also I believe some of the dislike for the owner here is just people not liking someone doing something better than them, or not liking a handshake at some meet, or some misunderstandings.

However if we can go back to an old thread on here to discuss an issue
don't have a link the general idea was this...
Member shots out of PVC
Other members tell member PVC is bad
Owner says PVC is ok for the guy and bans other members

Is that what happened or have I been mislead?

10-27-2016, 11:34 PM
the last thread i know if containing pvc pipe personally i would never use it for explosives (great for plumbing)

10-28-2016, 12:34 AM
First I would like to say talking smack online about other people talking smack online is kinda funny ironic. But that's the Internet.

I have to say I don't speak English real clear and I don't always think fast on my feet, and the American presidential debates are downright scary, if that's the style of thing people here want. So no live debate for me.

Also I believe some of the dislike for the owner here is just people not liking someone doing something better than them, or not liking a handshake at some meet, or some misunderstandings.

However if we can go back to an old thread on here to discuss an issue
don't have a link the general idea was this...
Member shots out of PVC
Other members tell member PVC is bad
Owner says PVC is ok for the guy and bans other members

Is that what happened or have I been mislead?
Unless you show me otherwise I would have to defend Dave. I see the old thread and I see where the other members tell him not to use pvc, but I don't see (unless it was edited out) where Dave says go a head and use pvc?
I'm a proof kind of guy, show me the proof or move on.
Can we finally get past this history lesson of a fight!
Dave I'm sure you have done some things you would take back but I'm happy you have this website. I have met some wonderful pyro's though out my years on here. Some have become great friends and isn't that what it's all about. :D

Link- http://www.pyrotalk.com/bulletin/showthread.php?803-Homemade-fireworks-display&highlight=Pipe

10-28-2016, 06:57 AM
Unless you show me otherwise I would have to defend Dave. I see the old thread and I see where the other members tell him not to use pvc, but I don't see (unless it was edited out) where Dave says go a head and use pvc?
I'm a proof kind of guy, show me the proof or move on.
Can we finally get past this history lesson of a fight!
Dave I'm sure you have done some things you would take back but I'm happy you have this website. I have met some wonderful pyro's though out my years on here. Some have become great friends and isn't that what it's all about. :D

Link- http://www.pyrotalk.com/bulletin/showthread.php?803-Homemade-fireworks-display&highlight=Pipe

I see that there is no explicit post by the owner saying shoot out of PVC, but defending the guy, and banning a member because he posted safety nonsense about the dangers seems to say it's ok or at least leave room for doubt.

my understanding is PVC is a bad idea and should always be clearly stated to anyone that is using it.

10-28-2016, 07:02 AM
This has nothing to do with PVC pipe , the ATF license , me looking into a mortar, people shooting fireworks without permits etc. They want you to believe that is what the reasons are. Those are all distractions. The real reasons are control and direction of the fireworks enthusiast market, loss of control of the fireworks the enthusiast purchases. They are looking for another Colin and pyro-universe, they need someone to pay the bills, they make the money and dictate the pyro direction to the rest of us. They have something similar to that now but it does not carry any influence. They still have influence in the fireworks clubs and parts of the PGI. I can keep talking and will as soon as one of them steps forward on Skype. Once the presidential voting occurs the Skype offer is over.

10-28-2016, 07:16 AM
Forgive my ignorance but who is they?
I have almost zero knowledge of purpose clubs in the US outside of what's online.

As a side note, perhaps the safety issues you raised are not what these they people care about, but pyro being a dangerous thing some people are quick to raise such issues.
It would seem everything is viewed with such distrust from both sides that it creates bigger issues than is necessary.

10-28-2016, 09:53 AM
Forgive my ignorance but who is they?
I have almost zero knowledge of purpose clubs in the US outside of what's online.

As a side note, perhaps the safety issues you raised are not what these they people care about, but pyro being a dangerous thing some people are quick to raise such issues.
It would seem everything is viewed with such distrust from both sides that it creates bigger issues than is necessary.

Its simple. By empowering people like you and I with the knowledge of what used to be a pretty tight knit group of big wigs in the pyro industry, they are losing money on us now. We have information readily available to us in the form of how to videos, wholesale pricing to the public and information on how to obtain the required license that allows us to cut the middle man out, they are pissed. Why is it hard for you to understand that greed is the root of the issue. Nothing more. They would rather keep putting it in our ass telling us its a good deal to get a by one get one cake deal at $230. Ridiculous! I was that guy for many years spending 3-5k on retail fireworks only to find the wholesale world because of a site like this. They dont like losing the uninformed customer like me.

10-28-2016, 10:12 AM
When the time comes I'll tell you a story about a fireworks store employee that recruited customers from pyro-universe for an annual migration to Ohio under the guise of a "Group Buy". Many of these people are now customers of my advertisers. But that not the reason right ? The reason is I told a guy on a farm in New Zealand he can use PVC pipe to shoot a homemade fireworks shell.
People in the business are actually benefiting from my website and videos , the problem for them is I am the one stimulating it and "They" are not the ones benefiting. But back focus on that PVC pipe again right.

10-28-2016, 10:41 PM
So this other website tried to control what sellers could be talked about and fix pricing?

10-29-2016, 09:01 AM
OK, here's the problem as I see it.

First, a side note. After watching Dave's YT videos on getting a 54, I was excited but had questions and doubts, being the critical thinker that I am. I e-mailed him, but that was never returned or acknowledged. There is also a posting on another site right now, where the poster said he contacted Dave to do the Skype thing, and again, no response. So there's that.

Now about these YT videos, and such. After I watched a bunch of them, I had some doubts. It sounded real easy, like a magic bullet for someone wanting to step up their game. But, no, it couldn't be THAT easy....So, I e-mailed Dave, as mentioned above, and nothing. I continued my search, and ended up finding the rest of the story, which is; No, a 54 doesn't really cover you. You ALSO need insurance for your show, ($500-ish per show), the blessing of the AHJ, a permit to shoot the show, and an approved site. Here in NH, there is also a requirement that you either have or are in the process of getting your Certificate of Competency. That's a hell of a lot to just spice up your 1.4 show.

I don't really have any doubt that there are states where the ATF will hand you your 54 and not care about anything beyond that. But, there are also a lot of heavily populated and regulated areas that DO. And for the people in those areas, Dave hands us a very incomplete story. I think a mention of these things, and a caveat to check your state's rules would be more than fair...

10-29-2016, 10:17 AM
I got my 54 in a state that requires a shooters certification and I don't have nor will I get one.... also, a type 54 can be used for more than "spicing up a show". Ever heard of an open shoot? Well you need a 54 to go to one, buy and shoot 1.3

10-29-2016, 10:31 AM
I got my 54 in a state that requires a shooters certification and I don't have nor will I get one.... also, a type 54 can be used for more than "spicing up a show". Ever heard of an open shoot? Well you need a 54 to go to one, buy and shoot 1.3

You need a 54 to go to an open shoot?

10-29-2016, 10:53 AM
You most certainly DO NOT need one, at least around here. Any 1.3 you "buy" is technically the club's stuff. You cannot leave with it. But yes, I have been to open club shoots.

I got my 54 in a state that requires a shooters certification and I don't have nor will I get one....

And therein lies more of the problem...spotty regulation enforcement. The guy somewhere else in your state could be held to that standard by a different agent. There are so many discussions about what the requirements are and every guy has "the facts" as stated by his agent yet, all of said facts can contradict each other.

10-29-2016, 11:28 AM
also, a type 54 can be used for more than "spicing up a show".

Yes, it does have other uses. But, in the YT videos, Dave pretty much touts it as a way for backyard guys to get bigger stuff legally. Which, I maintain, is simply not true for the majority of us. Obviously, the commercial guys know what to do, and have the money and connections needed to make it happen and stay truly legal.

10-29-2016, 11:59 AM
OK, here's the problem as I see it.

First, a side note. After watching Dave's YT videos on getting a 54, I was excited but had questions and doubts, being the critical thinker that I am. I e-mailed him, but that was never returned or acknowledged. There is also a posting on another site right now, where the poster said he contacted Dave to do the Skype thing, and again, no ... if people are at this other site saying they emailed Dave tell them to prove it, screen shot of the email saying it was sent to hi.m... it's possible

10-29-2016, 01:02 PM
LOL. I have better stuff to do. Don't you? I have no control over other peoples' accounts, and my e-mail (or contact form, etc.)was more than a year ago.

10-29-2016, 09:10 PM
If a fireworks club is buying 1.3 fireworks under the club ATF license and passing it out to non ATF licensed individuals, that may not be permitted. Do you give the club money and they buy the 1.3 fireworks and give them to you? At Clr8trer, you sound you like you did not buy my video because you are referencing my youtube promotional video. If you were sending emails and did not buy my video that is probably why i did not answer your emails. People that buy my ATF/DVD package usually understand the concept. Did you erase your state of location, I could have swore it was there yesterday.

10-29-2016, 09:29 PM
Sounds like a debater that didn't want to do it through skype though. Just sayin'.

10-29-2016, 09:39 PM
Fireworks Permits

Here is your permit, print it

10-29-2016, 09:54 PM
I don't know where I would have erased my state from. I live in NH.
No, I didn't buy the DVD, why should I? Some of my basic questions weren't answered, even when I asked directly. I found the info I needed for free, and decided a 54 was entirely impractical for someone like me in my part of the country.
At our club shoots, you tell them what you want, and they get it under their license. You show up to the shoot, and they let you open shoot it, or donate it to the show. You cannot take it home. It's perfectly legal.
And lastly, if the AHJ showed up around here to a 1.3 display, and you showed them that silly permit, they'd laugh at you the whole time they were suspending your Cert. of Competency.

Pyro Paul
10-29-2016, 10:52 PM
I printed this off, gonna hang it on my wall :p LOL

10-29-2016, 10:57 PM
At clr8ter. You are another keyboard warrior, put you face on Skype. Whomever runs that New Hampshire club better be carefully passing out 1.3 fireworks to unlicensed people in attendance. I'm not sure that is too cool. You sure you didn't put a little something in your truck that one time to take home.

10-29-2016, 10:58 PM
This has nothing to do with PVC pipe , the ATF license , me looking into a mortar, people shooting fireworks without permits etc. They want you to believe that is what the reasons are. Those are all distractions. The real reasons are control and direction of the fireworks enthusiast market, loss of control of the fireworks the enthusiast purchases. They are looking for another Colin and pyro-universe, they need someone to pay the bills, they make the money and dictate the pyro direction to the rest of us. They have something similar to that now but it does not carry any influence. They still have influence in the fireworks clubs and parts of the PGI. I can keep talking and will as soon as one of them steps forward on Skype. Once the presidential voting occurs the Skype offer is over.

I am a little confused I see a competing site where any seller can post, advertise specials, etc.
On this site the only way a seller can be spoke of is if they pay for it and are approved.
How is another site where anyone can compete and talk up their products going to control the market?

10-29-2016, 11:04 PM
You are not confused why are you saying that. You are new I can see that, but you are not confused.That other guy is confused.

10-29-2016, 11:48 PM
I found a light weight debater in my spam folder. I threw him back hoping to catch a bigger fish. The generals are hiding. Come one generals don't send in this new recruit. I'll talk to him if I have to but i want the big fish. LOL

10-30-2016, 12:08 AM
Ok i am from NH, and the hoops you have to jump through are ridiculous, but they can be accomplished. I have just recently received contingency storage, and an offer from a company to help me complete the Certificate of Competency (yes all 1000 shells (min 3" shells) with 2 NH licensed pyros) and they will pay me to learn and complete this phase. The insurance is needed at this level, I mean come on your dealing with restricted explosives. As dave said to me in a prior post
You still need your own license to purchase 1.3 fireworks. If you do not purchase many fireworks it may not be for you. the way I took that is if your not serious about this hobby stick to the store stuff. That is what gave me the push to step up.

10-30-2016, 12:21 AM
Thank you for the New Hampshire comment, it can be done and is being done by multiple advanced fireworks enthusiast. The more of us that get ATF licensed the more credible the hobby becomes. Most people that do this use their life skills and work it as they would other areas in their life and eventually master it. Not everyone is like that. When I see some of the people I help spark over the years and how they grow and advance it pleases me. It does not have to be much sometime, my last email from the Phantom Fireworks user in Wyoming that gets a magazine and 1.3 license to add a few salutes to his Phantom Fireworks display. That is priceless stuff, it make me feel great. He emailed me to thank me.

10-30-2016, 12:55 AM
I've always told you to keep on keepin on Dave. **** em if they dont like it. Hell I went from a store purchasing sucker to buying wholesale, building my own magazine, getting my 54, have 10 cobra 18m mods and the 18R2 remote all in less than a year because of this guy. I've always had the Pyro in me, I just didn't know how to get it out until I stumbled across these forums and met Dave and many other good guys on this business. Stop hating on the guy for ****s sale.

10-30-2016, 08:44 AM
Dave, not sure what "Generals" you're talking about...What difference does it make WHO wants to Skype?
As for the club thing. Feel free to do your first bit of research into another state's laws and tell me why the club is out of line. We are fully licensed, permitted, and insured. None of the AHJ have an issue with us, and neither does the State Fire Marshall.
I also never said that you cannot do this in NH. But, for me, and a lot of people like me, I simply don't have the time and money. That simple. I know of 1 single guy that does, but for him, money is truly no issue.

Pyro Paul
10-30-2016, 09:01 AM
I'm not sure what money clr8ter is talking about. For 100 dollars (for a type 54) I can incorporate things like electric match, quick match, lance work etc into my backyard fireworks show. You can purchase remote firing systems for as little as 28.50 with free shipping and to my knowledge unless I'm firing 1.3 product I do not need a state shooters license or insurance to fire off 1.4 product that can be purchased legally in my state by anyone. What am I missing here?

10-30-2016, 09:36 AM
I am going to drop the whole thing. I can’t let the companies that advertise with me be intimidated. Debating a new forums member will only serve entertainment value. 10 years of this nonsense has to stop. I’m the one with everything to lose along with all the new advancing fireworks enthusiast for the future. When I look at my YouTube video comments, read my emails or attend a fireworks event like Pyrofest, I see and hear endless positive comments. I just have to accept there is going to be certain amount of the established pyrotechnic community that is not going to be pleased. They will never accept my role in bringing about change in the hobby. And they will never be pleased if I make a few dollars to keep it going. I am going to try to stay focused on my goals, keeping in the mind the story I often hear, someone finds one of my videos, then watches many of my videos, gets stimulated to become ATF licensed, buys fireworks firing systems then becomes an advanced user of fireworks. This is the future of the hobby. If you are one of these people you know how good it feels. I am proud to have a role in it. If you are not part of it, I would suggest you become part of it. Otherwise stop discouraging these enthusiast and have a vision for the future.

11-01-2016, 11:38 AM
What am I missing here?

Your missing the point that a lot of us don't want to get in the ATF spotlight and have to deal with them for E-matches and lances. The whole point is to acquire 1.3 capability. And you STILL need the $100 fee, and the storage. For a lot of guys I know, that's already a chunk of their yearly budget.

I see and hear endless positive comments.

Indeed. That's because unless it's someone sucking you off, you ignore it.

I just have to accept there is going to be certain amount of the established pyrotechnic community that is not going to be pleased.

Right, only because you go about it the wrong way sometimes.

And they will never be pleased if I make a few dollars to keep it going.

No one gives a shit if you make money. I wish I could to help my hobbies out.

They will never accept my role in bringing about change in the hobby.

IMO, we desperately need change. We need a clearer path for hobby guys. But not putting out the proper info certainly doesn't help. There are too many grey areas as it is.

11-01-2016, 01:09 PM
This is great. Keep up the good work!

PS. Haters gonna Hate!!

http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag401/CaptRobb73/permit_zpso8vsiifd.png (http://s1374.photobucket.com/user/CaptRobb73/media/permit_zpso8vsiifd.png.html)

11-01-2016, 01:19 PM
At clr8ter . Stop using profane language and terms. Write in your state so it is visible in your post.
This Friday November 4th, I will be in a Skype session with a well know member of the pyro-technician establishment ( Not sure what to term him). The subject will be my videos , pyrotalk and the ATF license. What I am doing wrong with all of those. Of course I will present what I am doing correctly. Instead of a debate it will be a discussion. I will have the opportunity to present one or two issue. I have some in mind but I am open to suggestions. If a member has a suggestion please PM me, I will consider it. The plan is to video and play the discussion at a later date.
While I am posting let me make a few comments not related to the Skype. As an administrator of the forums....
-When someone is banned don't assume the reason.
- I can not see member private messages, I can not see passwords , I can change passwords only to give you a new one. I can not get into your account. If necessary I can totally delete your account. I only do that for know spammers. Most banned members still have an account in the software. They can be reactivated very easily or kept locked.
-I can see your ip address when you open an account, I can see a total number of private messages sent , the messages are not visible only the number, I have a list of all banned members. I can block ip address numbers.

11-01-2016, 06:14 PM
That is great Dave looking forward to seeing the discussion video.

11-01-2016, 06:18 PM
As for the rest of the discussion in this post, Dave nor other members of the forum have never not said to check with the local ahj about fireworks usage after getting a 54. Yes state to state laws vary with requirements but it seems as a hobbyist state's are seeing a different perspective with not being in commerce.

11-01-2016, 06:37 PM
Why would you check AFTER? You'd want to know BEFORE. Preferably before you spent any money or time and then found out it wasn't a realistic way to go.

Pyro Paul
11-01-2016, 08:29 PM
Dave, I just want to say thank you for the ignore feature in this forum :) I just made a bunch of whining go away LOL.

11-01-2016, 09:21 PM
Do it on Facebook live so any and everyone can ask questions

11-01-2016, 09:46 PM
Do it on Facebook live so any and everyone can ask questions

Was just thinking the same thing.

11-01-2016, 11:18 PM
Why would you check AFTER? You'd want to know BEFORE. Preferably before you spent any money or time and then found out it wasn't a realistic way to go.
Not for nothing man, but if the $100 is your issue then maybe burning money shooting any Pyro isn't the right hobby for you bud. At the end of the day, I feel like your affraid of doing some work and spending a small about of money. In saying that, if you don't like what Dave is doing, why do you keep coming here?

11-02-2016, 06:55 AM
Not for nothing man, but if the $100 is your issue then maybe burning money shooting any Pyro isn't the right hobby for you bud. At the end of the day, I feel like your affraid of doing some work and spending a small about of money. In saying that, if you don't like what Dave is doing, why do you keep coming here?

That was becoming my thoughts exactly if you don't want a 54 then don't get one. I for one do and know of other steps I have to take as well. Does that bother me, no it doesn't but like I stated earlier neither Dave nor anyone else has never said not to check into these other steps.

I for one don't have Facebook so Dave if you do the discussion there please post it here as fast as possible.

11-02-2016, 07:00 AM
The objective for him and a few others, is to stop the progression of newly ATF licensed enthusiast, the next reason is to stop me, now we are down to the price of the license being prohibitive. The initial cost of the license is $100.00 then three years later it renews at $50.00. Thus, for a total of six years it breaks down to $25.00 per year. If you are licensed for nine years , it further breaks down to $22.00 per year.
The cost of the license will be the least of your issues, my research is telling me newly ATF licensed individuals buy more fireworks and fireworks related accessories than prior to becoming licensed.
I keep saying, people that want to stop all of this , it is not for all the reasons they keep telling you. This is why they have to keep searching for reasons. He is trying to earn a bravery metal that is why he keeps talking. He is actually changing my opinion about the New England states.

11-02-2016, 09:10 PM
Dave sorry if this is a dumb question, (was not in the know at the time I am asking) but, What was the process to purchase 1.3 BEFORE the ATF began requiring a license?
I do know that the current system was and enhanced and put in place post 9/11, and IT WORKS, and was meant to keep these items out of the hands of people who ment to do harm with them. Not the joe smo amature who just wants to have some fun. The people that bitch and moan about you don't have a leg to stand on. IT IS A RIGHT to have this. Just like a gun permit (and honestly some people with gun permits I would be more scared of) It is regulated for a reason.

11-03-2016, 06:57 AM
Prior to 2003 , the states ran the sale of explosives. I was able to buy 1.3 with just a fireworks permit. People from out of state were able to buy in Pennsylvania just signing a piece of paper. In 2003 the Federal Government took it over. The ATF license as we refer to it was always around even prior to 2003 , not many users of fireworks had one because they did not need one and did not want the Feds involved in their activities. Now post 2003 you are not going to purchase explosives without that Federal license.

11-03-2016, 08:00 AM
Well then, if you guys insist on misunderstanding, and refuse to listen to my point, (which you're not getting), how about if we make it easier on all of us; Dave, cancel my account here.

11-03-2016, 08:36 AM
Well then, if you guys insist on misunderstanding, and refuse to listen to my point, (which you're not getting), how about if we make it easier on all of us; Dave, cancel my account here.

Im not sure your point is really clear bud. I consider myself to be an intelligent person, so my lack of understanding comes from the fact that you are not explaining yourself clearly. Is your point that Dave doesnt have a list of everything that needs to be done on a state by state basis? He is informing people on how to acquire an ATF type 54 license. He gets you through the application process, the interview process and teaches people some tips and tricks about fireworks to those who may not have known otherwise. Obviously laws differ from state to state and because he may not have addressed your state specifically, doesnt really give you the right to argue about what he is doing man. I dont want to see you leave the forums, but maybe take more of an optimistic look at things. The only two topics I have seen you posting about as of late is this one and the firetek/cobra one which has also become somewhat of an argumentative thread. In saying that, whoever is representing Firetek is also stooping down to your level and arguing with you, but we will leave that for another day. My point it this....there is not a whole lot of information about acquiring this license out there. Some information is, but not a lot. Dave has managed to put together a pretty good community here and between him and the members of these forums, you can learn a lot. Ask question, get informed and then determine if this license and or hobby is for you. If it is, great! If its not, then stop flooding the forums with drama and negativity.

11-03-2016, 10:59 AM
This guy states he is a member of a fireworks club. You would think a “Fireworks Club” would encourage advancement and licensure. I do not see it . Instead we see the exact opposite . Also note when you see or hear these fireworks club members on my site or other fireworks forums make efforts to stop or discourage fireworks enthusiast from becoming ATF licensed , you never hear from the officers of these so called clubs tell them to shut up. Why is that? It’s called silent approval. They actually approve and just let these lower level club members do the dirty work. Years ago I had a major fireworks club president approach me and tell me how much he enjoyed my videos etc. However , he only did so after he was no longer in office. He probably knew as long as he was in office he couldn’t embrace what I do. Some of these clubs members also try to use their buying leverage against some of my advertisers. I’ll go back to what I always say, it is not about your safety or ability to properly handle 1.3 fireworks. It is about stopping me and their gaining back control and influence on the fireworks enthusiast market. They can never agree with anything I do or say even if they perceive it as correct. If I told you to just buy or make illegal fireworks, they would start telling you to get ATF licensed. It is has been that way for 10 years . The best predictor of future behavior of people or groups is past behavior. So rather than try to convert them , a new direction is needed. We are almost there , I am just waiting for the new direction to present itself.

11-03-2016, 11:12 AM
So, then, are you going to erase my account, or what?

11-03-2016, 12:22 PM
So, then, are you going to erase my account, or what?

No he isnt. Then you can go around telling people that Dave deleted your account because he disagreed with you? You must like watching Real Housewives and other shitty drama filled TV dont you? I feel you have a constant need for drama in your life huh?

11-03-2016, 12:59 PM
Well then, if you guys insist on misunderstanding, and refuse to listen to my point, (which you're not getting), how about if we make it easier on all of us; Dave, cancel my account here.

Nobody's is misunderstanding anyone's point but just also stating that there are those who will never agree with what Dave is doing. He is advancing the hobbyist level with fireworks and there are those who will always say this shouldn't happen. Why are those people against it, who knows but the industry is changing and some don't like it. If you are a member of a club and shoot fireworks that way great for you. If you have an individual desire to further along your hobby by getting a 54 then good for you. There is room in this industry and hobby for both and for some reason when someone like Dave comes along has shows a different way to move forward, he gets shit for it. It's truly stupid things are going this way and have been for so long.
Clr8ter just say your point clearly for everyone to understand and let's move on from this. If it's that there are some ( possibly yourself) who don't want a 54 then fine state that. But if that's the case the people need to stop ripping people like Dave who are helping those who want to advance on a personal level.

11-03-2016, 01:18 PM
Then you can go around telling people that Dave deleted your account because he disagreed with you?

Ummm, no. I know the difference between "He deleted my account", and "I had him delete my account". Are you soft?

11-03-2016, 01:41 PM
Ummm, no. I know the difference between "He deleted my account", and "I had him delete my account". Are you soft?

I wouldn't say that I am soft, more so that I am mature. Your picking arguments with good people on these forums and nobody really understands why. I have long ago passed my days of surrounding myself with drama and the people who insist on surrounding themselves with it. You sir, seem to be one of those people. I feel like have have nothing positive or helpful to offer these forums or the hobby as a whole. You haven't made a good impression on anyone here and that is where the problem lies. You either have the drive to achieve the goals that you want in life or you have the ability to create any excuse as to why you cant achieve those goals because of somebody elses doing. You seem to be the latter of that statement otherwise you would have shut your mouth and figured out how to get your 54 instead of complaining about how someone else didn't spoon feed it to you.

11-03-2016, 06:22 PM
Clr8ter... who are you anyway? By your recent posts between here and pyrofan... looks like you are someone just trying to gain approval from members over there by trying to show an interest by instigating shit here and then going back to pyrofan and then letting everyone know you were doing just that.

Clr8ter - " I did poke him a little more, though." A statement on a Pyrofan thread where Mguerra was stating how Dave was doing something no one else was doing. This quote was referring to his comments here in this thread.

What are you, like 12?

Clr8ter, You had NOT ONE, shit talking post on either forum until this skype debate thing came up, so tell us.....what happened that led you to want to join in on the hate?

That thread was closed after multiple attempts by the moderator to get the very few antagonizers to stop beating a dead horse.

11-04-2016, 11:07 AM
He did the same thing on the fireworking.com site--started a thread called "The Ban Hammer". Nothing to be gained by the negativity. I wonder if he is one of the old pyro u dave haters using a new screen name? No place for that kind of negativity on ANY forum!

11-04-2016, 11:25 AM
That thread was closed after multiple attempts by the moderator to get the very few antagonizers to stop beating a dead horse.

Which thread, exactly?

11-04-2016, 01:31 PM
clr8ter is someone I blocked on my YouTube videos. But he is registered on YouTube under his name.
How did he do on these Veline Stars Pyrojoe?


Northern Sky
11-04-2016, 04:36 PM
When are you people going to grow up?

We come here to enjoy our hobby a little with our valuable free time and all I read is this B.S.

Can't you leave well enough alone.

"How old are you people 12", Is a quote that comes to mind?

11-14-2016, 12:14 AM
When are you people going to grow up?

We come here to enjoy our hobby a little with our valuable free time and all I read is this B.S.

Can't you leave well enough alone.

"How old are you people 12", Is a quote that comes to mind?

Exactly...I took a break from all fireworks forums, came back today and geez... same old childish garbage. From Dave and From the "other side." Dave you love the attention, you are not kidding anyone. Why did I bother to come back? Same old junk.....

Do no worry Ray, I will still order a nice size order once again from the Boom this year.

11-23-2016, 12:02 PM
What does how I did on the Veline Red have to do with anything? Though, I think I did pretty well.

And Dave, blocked why? Blocked how? I can still access all your vids.

11-25-2016, 01:37 PM
Oh I apologize, let me try to block your ip address and lets see if that works.

11-25-2016, 04:56 PM
Ok, cool. What about the Veline Red, then?

11-25-2016, 04:59 PM
Nope, that didn't work, I still see them...