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View Full Version : Trump Rally Ambridge Pennsylvania

10-10-2016, 09:17 PM
This is video from my phone so excuse the poor quality. Donald Trump paid a visit to Ambridge Pennsylvania , this is near Pittsburgh so I decided to go. They had list of forbidden items , video equipment was on the list, this is why I used my phone. What energy this guy has, the debates were last night and today he is in Pittsburgh. It should be interesting to see what direction this election goes. They gave out more tickets than the auditorium could hold, most people had to stand outside.


10-10-2016, 10:19 PM
i believe that box the USSS was loading was walk tru metal detectors, and they dont loose the vest it just goes under the shirt. good to see chris still has his job. Ill just leave the rest of the security alone lol

10-12-2016, 11:32 AM
Yeah, he has energy for sure. I went to one of his rallies during the primary. Amazing, nonstop and unrelenting energy. And after all the months of campaigning he hasn't relented one bit.

Particularly at his age... I don't know how he does it.

10-13-2016, 12:11 AM
Tronald Dump . this guy is a global disaster, waiting to happen .
don't be seduced .

10-13-2016, 01:10 PM
So says the most corrupt candidate in all of American history - Hillary Clinton.
Protected from criminal prosecution of felony espionage, treason, RICO, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence and lying under oath by the most corrupt administration, the most corrupt DOJ, the most corrupt FBI and the most corrupt mainstream media. Ever.

If you did what Hillary did... the FBI would have already kicked in your door at 3:00 AM and carted you off to supermax. A long time ago.
Any one of us would already be in prison for 1/10th of what she did. She should already be in prison for multiple life terms... or worse.
The entire administration should be in prison for corruption like we have never seen before. That's putting it mildly...

10-13-2016, 01:55 PM
hydrazine - prove it .
that's all bullshit .
right-wing propaganda.

i favor the libertarian party, myself but ...

10-13-2016, 02:22 PM
hydrazine - prove it .
that's all bullshit .
right-wing propaganda.

i favor the libertarian party, myself but ...

I too am for the libertarian party, but there is plenty of evidence to support what Hydrazine just posted bud. The FBI, by its own admission, stated that she mishandled classified information. Plenty of proof that she lied under oath and there are multiple accounts of her being in bed with not so pleasant donors and groups. We wont even get into the whole people disappearing or winding up dead that have dirt on her. How do you think the owner of Wikileaks will fare if his location becomes known to the Clintons?

10-13-2016, 03:18 PM
well, if she were actually such a criminal as suggested, she would be in jail or thereabouts but she is not and thus, she is not .
why is that so hard to understand ?
there is always the concept that hilary is part of the "global elites" that are seeing to it that she is President and i'm not sure how much faith I put into those ideas but you sure do hear that referred to, a lot in this regard and in other weird topics .

you drank the kool-aid .
we're gonna have to pump your stomach(s)...

10-13-2016, 03:19 PM

10-13-2016, 04:29 PM
PGH_Pyro, I'd quit while your ahead , if you wanna call that, especially you being in the very large minority...... you will wind up starting a whole Political uproar here and I don't think that would be best especially on a firework forum.

10-13-2016, 04:58 PM
flashfuse - no, actually, since Trump is falling more and more behind in polls, i'm part of the majority .
the political uproar is everywhere, pyrotalk being just 1 small element of the discussion .

10-13-2016, 05:01 PM
flashfuse, since trump is falling behind in the polls, i'm speaking from the majority viewpoint ... trump is appealing to the lower denominator of Americans, unfortunately .
bring on the political uproar . we can't allow this soul-less twit anywhere near the oval office.
we all love fireworks but there are other things in life and particularly, this year's election. too much is at stake .

10-13-2016, 05:56 PM
I wont even get into it, we will go back and forth and the discussion will go nowhere, I'm sorry to say with the way this country is being run, foreign policy in shambles, and the amount of liberal people that think like you do , we are all doomed ......

10-13-2016, 07:57 PM


11-09-2016, 11:10 AM
Now that it's over and the Deplorable Trumpians invaded the US and took control.
This is how I feel. :D
