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View Full Version : ATF Fireworks License review

09-30-2016, 10:18 PM
A video for the discussion forums in regard to the ATF license.


10-01-2016, 12:20 PM
Dave, you're an easy target because you are visible; out there and in front. Some of the naysaying goes with the territory. I never really understood the argument that what you're doing is going to harm existing companies or the larger industry because smaller startups are going to evolve and "steal" shows. That's free commerce, no one company is entitled to any customer they have ever.

I've read arguments that these startups have an advantage b/c they're small and don't have the overhead, layers and expenses that larger more mature organizations do. Well, that's true and it isn't a phenomenon exclusive to the pyro industry. I lead a very large organization with hundreds of employees and thousands of customers. Smaller competitors and startups show up all the time. These startups & little guys are led by smart, capable people that are hungry and agile. They attempt to use their agility to exploit my company's size to use against us as a competitive vulnerability. In rare instances they are successful and capture some marketshare. What do we do about it? We step up our game to prevent it from becoming a movement! It can be done, I see it being done every day. And believe me those existing companies that fail to humble themselves, adapt and improve will be cast upon the ash heap of history. MySpace, Blockbuster, Kodak, Circuit City et al.

Competition is good for everyone, most importantly the consumer. So if these small startups do in fact achieve their licensure and God forbid end up commercializing and begin gaining shows, good on them! They are obviously putting forth a value proposition that is superior to the incumbent. If both companies are operating legally, ethically, and have all necessary licensure, game on! Some do it using Dave's step by step approach. Others simply navigate the system, do independent research, and follow the steps the government has laid out to do so.

If I'm a 1.3 manufacturer or importer, you can be damn sure that I'm focusing in on this evolving consumer segment and developing strategies to cement relationships with them early on. Someone is going to target them, if you don't, don't complain about it five years from now when you're locked out.

Disclaimer: I'm no "dave lover" so to speak. Hell I don't even know this guy beyond admiring some of his work, but I love pyro. He's a big boy and he can do what he needs to do to deal with those that object to his strategy or attempt to paint him as irrelevant. I'm simply sharing my perspective and I encourage those that vehemently disagree to weigh in, I'm always interested in hearing opposing views to anything. I could certainly be misguided with my rationale. If I am, convince me. And I ask that you don't PM me with your opposing views, make your comments visible for the benefit of group discussion. Now I'm going outside to light some jumping jacks.

10-01-2016, 12:50 PM
That was well said vegassalute. Too many people are stuck in the old times and when someone like Dave comes around and says hey there's another way to this they don't like it and paint people like Dave as a bad person. I agree with what you posted and if it works for someone to move further in the industry following dave's program then so be it. Mostly it's just enthusiasts stepping up their shows and that's not a big deal to myself or many other's.

10-01-2016, 04:55 PM
dave keep moving forward you are doing no harm. i've been your viewer since your very fist fireworks video on youtube and have been on you site pyrotalk learning tons since day day also. the only thing i disagree with that you do most times is the scissors on quick match. the way i solved that for me is i use a single blade floral knife. ill put a picture of the one i use below. i use the floral knife to cut the Q.M and scissors to trim the paper. like i said keep your head up like you've been doing and ill always be by your side as a supporter. you'll always have the haters that i know that you know that youll deal with just like life but i will never be one of those grumpy a$$holes :rolleyes: . if it wasnt for you i dont know what i would do without my love of fireworks and my type 54 permit. so thank you so much for everything you do for the fireworks world!

1486 .

10-01-2016, 05:34 PM
Dave - It's hard to top what Vegassalute wrote, and would would only add the following. Any suggestion that you're going to get people hurt or killed is laughable and flies in the face of common sense. Ignorance is what gets people hurt and killed. People who watch your videos and take time to join your site and contribute their experiences are people seeking knowledge and sharing knowledge. That's what keeps people safe!!

On many occasions I have read posts from you where you write that you didn't know something, and someone has enlightened you to a new way of doing something. You don't come off in your videos like a know it all, and it's clear you're willing to learn yourself!

So I would let the haters be consumed by their own hatred. You are providing a valuable service to the pyro community, and I for one am grateful for what you are doing.