View Full Version : Received surprise phone call from ATF this morning

09-20-2016, 12:45 PM
I received a phone call today from an ATF agent based in NYC. He explained that they are calling all ATF license holders in the NY area to ask if they have encountered any "suspicious activity" or attempted "magazine break-ins" prior to the Saturday 9/17 bombings.

09-20-2016, 06:52 PM
Thanks for reporting that. We are all certainly happy to help the ATF stop terrorist activity or theft of our fireworks.
I suspect you are going to hear about Tannerite in the coming days. The people that did this may have purchased Tannerite. From reports I am reading this explosive used was a Acetone Peroxide formula (TATP). A question I have for some of the more explosive composition experienced members is. Would a charge of Acetone Peroxide be sufficient to set off a mixture of Tannerite in a confined package such as a pressure cooker? I am also looking for more details on the actual bomb material used. Other than TATP I can not find anything more listed.

09-20-2016, 07:19 PM
TATP is one of the most sensitive explosives known, being extremely sensitive to impact, temperature change and friction it has been used for years as suicide vests and in the "shoe Bomber" case in the US as his detonator for PETN and it is sometimes refered to as "transparent" cause it is so hard to screen for.

09-20-2016, 08:33 PM
Dave. Be careful searching too hard. You may get unwanted visits.... lol we all know you are on the fbi watch list. Anyone owning a Pyro forum probably is. Lol it may be all those illegal fireworks you gave to kids that one Halloween. Ha ha all kidding aside, I would like to know also.

09-20-2016, 08:58 PM
sob i just realized i didnt actually answer the question. I highly doubt that if Tannerite was found that it had any effect in the actual explosion or a detonator seeing it cant be triggered by a cell phone.

09-20-2016, 09:23 PM
i give up i cant think straight :mad:. Try 3: Tannerite cant be set off by C4 so i highly doubt it could be set off by TATP

09-20-2016, 09:49 PM
No, I do not think this was a Tannerite explosion. I do however expect the news media to report that Tannerite was found and spin it somehow. I know Tannerite will not go off with a fuse so to to speak. I believe it can be detonated with a blasting cap somehow. I was not sure of the TATP setting it off. One of my anonymous sources told me the (name of organization withheld) was asking questions about me early on. He assured them I was harmless. I tell people, I would feel more welcome walking into the ATF headquarters than I would walking into some of these so called pyro clubs. The ATF wants fireworks enthusiast to get licensed , some of these pyro clubs do not. I know it sounds strange.
The ATF is is doing due diligence in checking with current explosive license holders in New York State. I am glad member comtech5 told us. The more we as advanced pyro enthusiast know about this type of event the better, particularly if it involved one of the product or chemicals we know about or use. If the ATF is calling us to ask if license holders encountered "suspicious activity" we need to know how to recognize "suspicious activity". For example if someone is asking me how to acquire industrial strength hydrogen peroxide, I will know he wants to do more than clean out a abrasion on his arm. But if I do not know it is an ingredient in TATP it would not appear suspicious.

09-20-2016, 10:02 PM
Here are the ingredients for TATP ( triacetone triperoxide )
acetone (hardware, paint store)
hydrogen peroxide (hair bleach type – 15 volume or higher – hair/cosmetics store)
sulfuric acid (concentrated; if you use battery acid,boil until white fumes appear to remove all of the water)
You also need a thermometer, ice, salt, and containers
You start with this an move on from here.

09-20-2016, 10:10 PM
No, I do not think this was a Tannerite explosion. I do however expect the news media to report that Tannerite was found and spin it somehow.
O im sure they will, and it would suck because those things make great targets when you dont have a spotter.

I know Tannerite will not go off with a fuse so to to speak. I believe it can be detonated with a blasting cap somehow.
a blasting cap wont set it off

I would feel more welcome walking into the ATF headquarters than I would walking into some of these so called pyro clubs. The ATF wants fireworks enthusiast to get licensed , some of these pyro clubs do not.
Thats sad

The ATF is is doing due diligence in checking with current explosive license holders in New York State. I am glad member comtech5 told us. The more we as advanced pyro enthusiast know about this type of event the better, particularly if it involved one of the product or chemicals we know about or use. If the ATF is calling us to ask if license holders encountered "suspicious activity" we need to know how to recognize "suspicious activity".
I agree 100% Thank you for sharing Comtech5.

09-21-2016, 07:10 AM
Tannerite requires a high velocity impact to cause the chemical reaction to make the binary composition explode. Burning, smashing, blasting caps, nothing will cause it to explode minus a rim fire bullet.

With that said, I have been saying to friends for years that even though I love tannerite and our freedom to be able to have that kind of stuff for our recreational purposes, I do not agree with it being available to the public since there is a possibility to make a very large explosion with it. You can youtube videos of people using hundreds of pounds to blow up cars in a safe manner. But you put hundreds of pounds of that, along with thousands of bbs or ball bearings with some gasoline in the middle of a crowded place and you have a lot of destruction. This is why I do not like it being available to the public. There will always be that one person that will ruin it for everyone else...

If there is a will, there is a way...

09-21-2016, 09:05 AM
I have a video posted where someone detonated a large bucket of Tannerite, he did not shoot it. I am not sure how it did it, but I know he did not shoot it. As long as you can legally make explosives for your own use, Tannerite will be around. I like to use Tannerite when I explain the need for an ATF license. For example you can mix Tannerite at the shoot site , but if you mix it at home you cannot drive it to the shoot site without having an ATF license. Let me see if I can find that Tannerite video I have.


09-21-2016, 10:37 AM
Because of its high susceptibility to accidental detonation (and resulting "workplace accidents" in bomb-making shops), TATP has been referred to as the "Mother of Satan."

09-21-2016, 10:46 AM
I have a video posted where someone detonated a large bucket of Tannerite, he did not shoot it. I am not sure how it did it, but I know he did not shoot it. As long as you can legally make explosives for your own use, Tannerite will be around. I like to use Tannerite when I explain the need for an ATF license. For example you can mix Tannerite at the shoot site , but if you mix it at home you cannot drive it to the shoot site without having an ATF license. Let me see if I can find that Tannerite video I have.

Ok i am intrigued now, i have never seen it successfully detonated by any other means than a bullet.