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View Full Version : south carolina fireworks

09-16-2016, 01:59 PM
just wondering if there are any advertisers here on this site from south carolina. preferably in myrtle beach. im looking now cuse in jan - feb of 2017 ill be staying there for a few weeks hopefuly. any help i would love. thanks in advance. Display fireworks 1 if this is not allowed im sorry, if you want take down if not allowed. thanks. also if there any advatisers that can ship to myrtle beach please let me know by sending me a pm on here this site pyrotalk.com.

09-16-2016, 06:30 PM
Mind if I ask if what you mean when you say ship? Do you mean buying 1.4/1.3 fireworks and having them shipped to you while you're staying in SC? The nearest sponser to Myrtle Beach that I can think of is Phantom on 501. Beside them, there's a bunch of local stores in the area.

09-16-2016, 10:28 PM
Mind if I ask if what you mean when you say ship? Do you mean buying 1.4/1.3 fireworks and having them shipped to you while you're staying in SC? The nearest sponser to Myrtle Beach that I can think of is Phantom on 501. Beside them, there's a bunch of local stores in the area.

yes, thats what i mean ill ony be there for 3 months tops

09-16-2016, 11:39 PM
Are you wanting something to shoot for yourself or are these for a show? I definetely don't recommend shopping at the local stores. Before the 4th, I visited several that were nearby. If you have the money, you can get 2-3x the fireworks if you order wholesale. WFBOOM, Overstock Central and Night Lites all ship. Those are the three that I've looked at the hardest. I'm hoping to put in an order and a wholeseller as well. Take a look at the sponsor page and call/email them. I'm sure they do their best to help you out.

09-17-2016, 06:11 PM
It occured to me what you might of been asking originally when you asked if fireworks could be shipped to you while you were here. Since some online dealers won't ship to states where fireworks are largely banned, sadly. SC isn't one of them. You can own and shoot all 1.4g fireworks. However, some cities might have laws saying otherwise. My city bans the sale, stoarage and shooting of all fireworks within the city limits. When you come down here, make sure to check the local law first.