View Full Version : Items not firing during Labor Day show

09-06-2016, 09:57 AM
I had a nice setup yesterday (video to come) but a number of items failed to go off. I traced one to my stupidity of not attaching the igniter to the module. I believe the fuse in a few items my have been a bit worn and ignition from the igniter could not happen. The last thought I had is that I had two items wired to the same cue and the length of the igniter (Red Dragons) may have been to much because the shorter igniter wire was the only one that fired. My question is, can I replace the fuses on the cakes that seemed worn and expect that there will be a good posibility they will fire. I do plan on looking at all the igniters to see which ones did not fire (possible bad igniter) before I make my final judgment.


09-06-2016, 12:22 PM
I have replaced the fuse on cakes before with no issues. But i would just pull the fuse and stick an E match or fire wire in there and do away with the fuse.

Northern Sky
09-06-2016, 02:03 PM
I had a nice setup yesterday (video to come) but a number of items failed to go off. I traced one to my stupidity of not attaching the igniter to the module. I believe the fuse in a few items my have been a bit worn and ignition from the igniter could not happen. The last thought I had is that I had two items wired to the same cue and the length of the igniter (Red Dragons) may have been to much because the shorter igniter wire was the only one that fired. My question is, can I replace the fuses on the cakes that seemed worn and expect that there will be a good posibility they will fire. I do plan on looking at all the igniters to see which ones did not fire (possible bad igniter) before I make my final judgment.


How were they wired?

Northern Sky
09-06-2016, 02:04 PM
I had a nice setup yesterday (video to come) but a number of items failed to go off. I traced one to my stupidity of not attaching the igniter to the module. I believe the fuse in a few items my have been a bit worn and ignition from the igniter could not happen. The last thought I had is that I had two items wired to the same cue and the length of the igniter (Red Dragons) may have been to much because the shorter igniter wire was the only one that fired. My question is, can I replace the fuses on the cakes that seemed worn and expect that there will be a good posibility they will fire. I do plan on looking at all the igniters to see which ones did not fire (possible bad igniter) before I make my final judgment.


How were they wired?

09-06-2016, 02:54 PM
yes - you can use a pyro poke to gouge out the bad fuse and stick another in there OR put an e-match/initiator in there and it'll go as it's supposed to (unless there's issue with the lift powder.)
sometimes, you have to perform surgery on cakes when this happens ... just don't do it indoors, obviously and keep the tubes aimed away from your face .

09-06-2016, 10:01 PM
What are Red Dragons a brand of consumer nichrome igniters? If so those are not going to perform as well as electric match. Particularly using an import firing system. You live near Pittsburgh, do you have an ATF license? Wasn't that you that posted that large wfboom display and the police showed up?

09-07-2016, 09:08 AM
Dave, you are correct. The Red Dragons do have the nichrome igniters. And yes you are correct about the WF Boom video being mine. No I do not have my license yet but it is something I will be working on this fall. I was going to check the igniters during clean-up after work on Tuesday, but my wife, God bless her, did the clean up in the morning leaving just a bunch of garbage bags to toss in the dumpster. I did look through some of the bags and only found three igniters that didn't go off. One was 1M long so I am assuming it was the one I forgot to attach to the module. I had well over a 90% success rate during the July 4TH show, but using an electric match may be the next step in my evolutionary process.

09-07-2016, 10:48 AM
What kind of firing system did you use?

09-07-2016, 11:22 AM
P1200 Control Desk from PYROBOOM and the P$ Firing Modules also from PYROBOOM.

Rick, could you post some good pictures of your 2'x8' cake platforms. I am always looking for an easier way to pre-assemble my show and still make them relatively easy to transport. I saw an earlier thread you posted but could not get a good look at the platforms.