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09-03-2016, 12:14 PM
I know I'm not going to win friends by posting this and by getting up on my soapbox but I can't resist. This video should be a case-study in leadership malpractice! A leader trusts but verifies, inspects what he/she expects, stays calm under pressure and leads by example. This individual did none of this. I'll use the pilot example - say you're on your next flight and (God forbid) there is unexpected turbulence or a mechanical failure, would you want this person as your pilot or would you want a Sully type that remains calm and works the problem by making intelligent, non-emotional decision? This guy would have been yelling & cursing at his co-pilot and flight attendants and you would have likely crashed!

I don't care if you're in pyro or in another business, a leader MUST lead! In the case of pyro, failing to lead and be thorough could result in tragedy! This person put his team in danger and was completely irresponsible. If he had doubts about double checking the setup, it should have been done HOURS before shoot time and days before the shoot during the planning process! I hope this video is used as a case-study for new pyros that are learning the art and science we all love. If you watch this video, I apologize ahead of time for the cursing and cringeworthy moments you're about to endure, however, I think it is something we can all learn from, both in pyro and in life. I don't care how many shows this person has fired, the way he conducted himself gives our hobby and our industry a bad reputation. I'm sorry if someone his friends with this person, this is nothing personal. I hope it is used to learn and improve. Ok, I'm finished.


09-03-2016, 05:19 PM
Wow... What a mess. There didn't appear to be any rhyme or reason behind their firing sequences. A totally random and disjointed show if ever there was one.

The leader (and I use the term very loosely) was WAY behind the power curve here. He let the show run him instead of the other way around.